Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@janoshik is not a ugl lab…unless you meant somewhere else
By his own admission his sterility testing wouldn’t pass muster for pharma/regulators. So fine, split hairs about his licensure and the word underground, point is the dude is sort of doing his own thing and not acting in accordance with the same best practices that pharma labs would.

I think it’s a hugely valuable service he offers and there are compromises made to keep things affordable for us, none of this is a jab at jano.
please elaborate why its fucking up your thyroid?
Taking a lot of GH can downregulate the thyroid. Decreasing T4 and increasing T3. Of course you have to test for this. It isn’t one of those “feels” things that bros love to claim.
Taking T4 with GH is not uncommon for people that like to use high doses.
Taking a lot of GH can downregulate the thyroid. Decreasing T4 and increasing T3. Of course you have to test for this. It isn’t one of those “feels” things that bros love to claim.
not really downregulating thyroid. just increasing conversion.

-Its like saying you have an lemon farm
-but your lemon factory has increased production so there are less in storage.
-you are growing the rate of lemons,
-Does that mean that increasing the production of lemonade decreases the amount of lemons grown?

So yes, it is a "bro" thing.
Let's look at the stats.
3000 pages, almost 60,000 feedbacks. Good and bad, but no infections, no one ever lost a butt cheek.
There is no definitive guarantee of sterility. When janoshik opens the lid of a vial, to perform the test, during this time, there is a chance that the vial lose sterility and fail the test.
A failed sterility test does not necessarily mean the product is unsafe or the entire batch is contaminated.
Many products may have failed sterility tests for years without adverse consequences.
No reported deaths or harm from contaminated products.
Gray markets make it impossible to ensure sterility.
There are many sterility holes including hand and injection site hygene, vial, syringe and needle exposure to air, injecting a wet surface, using multi-dose vials/cartridges, etc. Plugging one doesn't plug the others.
If concerned about sterility, plugging the other sterility holes is probably more important.
If still concerned about sterility, filtering is the best precaution. It's unecessary, I've never done it, I am a regular user of our products, and I've never had any issue, nor had to filter a vial.
For routine insulin injections or similar subcutaneous injections, in a clean, low-risk environment, some studies and guidelines suggest that using an alcohol swab might not always be necessary, as long as proper hygiene is maintained (e.g., regular handwashing and using clean, dry skin).
Excessive use of alcohol swabs can dry out and irritate the skin, which might be counterproductive in these cases.
In order to initiate the idea, you can start by doing your own sterility tests, using your "pharma" products, to get references, before starting testing UGL brands. No one will fund this kind of questions, same as heavy metals questions, yes, it happens that some buyers can spend money on this, but it's not as appreciated by the members as purity/quantity tests. People here look to grow, to get muscle, lose fat, they aren't here for research.
I appreciate your response and agree with a good portion of it. For the sake of common understanding and constructive discussion I want to note that.

So then you do perform sterile filtration on these oil products before packaging into sterile vials for injection? Can you comment on your finishing step and packaging process?

I do understand your last point that many members don't appreciate or give credit to the vendor who goes the *extra mile* (by today's Meso standard) to validate sterility (or some approximation thereof) on a random sample of vials per batch. In that regard you are catering to the customer demand and lowest price point.

Thanks for making the effort to discuss this with me. Interesting that you also inject some of these products without additional 0.2 um filtration. Do you lift weights and dabble in the AAS hobby as well?

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International Oil promo

- No minimum order quantity, you can order as much as you want.
- You can't add other items to the oils parcels, like peptide or raws. The parcels will contain only the promo oils kits.
- The sales of oils are in general fast, our stocks are high, but if it happens that a product sells out during the promo, you can either switch to other item, get it credited, or wait for new batch to be produced (it can take up to 7-14 days), no refund options, and no complaints allowed.
- End of the promo : 21th october.
- I will fund a testing value of $240 for 3 lab tests, if someone is willing to make updated lab reports of the old ones (like test P, superdrol, parabolan etc..), the ones that it's been a while that we didn't test.
- Shipping from China


Test E 250mg/ml = $40/kit
Test C 250mg/ml = $40/kit
Sustanon 250mg/ml = $40/kit
Test P 100mg/ml = $40/kit
Test U 200mg/ml = $40/kit
NPP 100mg/ml = $40/kit
Deca 200mg/ml = $60/kit
Bold U 200mg/ml = $60/kit
Tren A 100mg/ml = $70/kit
Tren E 200mg/ml = $110/kit
Tren Hexa 100mg/ml = $120/kit
Trestolone acetate 50mg/ml=$155/kit
Trestolone enanthate 75mg/ml = $240/kit
Mast P 100mg/ml = $70/kit
Mast E 200mg/ml = $75/kit
Primo E 100mg/ml = $120/kit
Primo E 200mg/ml = $220/kit
DHB 100mg/ml = $90/kit
Ripped 300mg/ml = $125/kit
Superdrol 40mg/ml = $45/kit

Shipping cost is charged the normal rates, like normal orders.

Contact info for orders:

Whatsapp: +86 16503300980

Ordering form:

List of items you want:
Shipping address (including city, state and zip code):
Phone number:
Preferred payment method:


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Actually insane. Though how's Oil stealth to Australia? I've had Raws and even peptides get through okay, though wondering if Oils have a similar success rate.
40 years ago we used to inject cheap Mexican gear probably made in a bathtub in Tijuana. For many years. Only issues we had were sore glutes from using preloaded sustanon that were probably 18 gauge syringes
Cool story.

31 years ago I watched a very successful Musclemania competitor talk my buddy into directly injecting his bicep with test suspension (Aquaviron) or maybe it was Win-V using an 18 g needle in the backroom of a GNC (no site prep). Needless to say my buddy never tried that again.

We are supposed to learn from our mistakes. Not repeat them over and over.
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Cool story.

31 years ago I watched a very successful Musclemania competitor talk my buddy into directly injecting his bicep with test suspension (Aquaviron) or maybe it was Win-V using an 18 g needle in the backroom of a GNC (no site prep). Needless to say my buddy never tried that again.

We are supposed to learn from our mistakes. Not repeat them over and over.
I say carry on in your crusade against Tracy if it suits you. If nothing else it's something interesting to read when I have time to look away from my actual desk job.

Though from what I know of Tracy, he is going to tire of you eventually and just stop engaging at all. Hell, I am surprised the discussion has stayed mildly reciprocal even up to this point.

Though I suppose you can then turn your attention to other vendors to add some variety?