Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Cool story.

31 years ago I watched a very successful Musclemania competitor talk my buddy into directly injecting his bicep with test suspension (Aquaviron) or maybe it was Win-V using an 18 g needle in the backroom of a GNC (no site prep). Needless to say my buddy never tried that again.

We are supposed to learn from our mistakes. Not repeat them over and over.
Good thing we are not.
If I may inquire, what exactly are you looking for in terms of additional testing, and what evidence do we have that said testing has an impact on the viability of our gear?
Personally, I'd like to see microbial/sterility and contaminant/leftover byproducts from production. I commented in this thread because the discussion was happening here but I have zero interest in pushing for this from QSC. QSC does so much volume and business already that Tracy doesn't need to give a shit about these things (he definitely isn't going to) so any time spent pushing for it here is just a waste.

Even if additional testing becomes standard for some of the higher quality sources, the super cheap sources with less testing are always going to be available because there still is a sizable crowd for those products. It would be cool for there to be a set of vendors who did more testing and I'd be willing to pay more money for their products. If a vial of test from China is $6 and I can pay $10 or $12 for the same thing with more testing I will gladly do that.
I appreciate your response and agree with a good portion of it. For the sake of common understanding and constructive discussion I want to note that.

So then you do perform sterile filtration on these oil products before packaging into sterile vials for injection? Can you comment on your finishing step and packaging process?

I do understand your last point that many members don't appreciate or give credit to the vendor who goes the *extra mile* (by today's Meso standard) to validate sterility (or some approximation thereof) on a random sample of vials per batch. In that regard you are catering to the customer demand and lowest price point.

Thanks for making the effort to discuss this with me. Interesting that you also inject some of these products without additional 0.2 um filtration. Do you lift weights and dabble in the AAS hobby as well?

You've never witnessed tren Tracy?
I say carry on in your crusade against Tracy if it suits you. If nothing else it's something interesting to read when I have time to look away from my actual desk job.

Though from what I know of Tracy, he is going to tire of you eventually and just stop engaging at all. Hell, I am surprised the discussion has stayed mildly reciprocal even up to this point.

Though I suppose you can then turn your attention to other vendors to add some variety
I just added readalot to the block list where he and ghoul can jabber away with each other. Highly recommend.
Just curious...

Has anyone done a spot check on the fill volume of their oils QSC recently?
i just filtered some mast e kits from qsc , some were 10ml some were indeed 9ml for the most part, i filtered 200 ml and got back around 196ml , taking in account the very minuscule amount left in the filter, ( i try to flush as much oil outta filter) thats just the kits i bought back in June fyi,,,, Home brewing is my new go to for oils , i've got about 1000 ml total of ugl oils that i have filtered and re vialed so i already have plenty, before i even get involved into brewing my own, omg ima be up to my ass in aas lol
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QSCs HGH is quality.

Having used other vendors GH prior to this, namely k4L and TP, I see no reason to ever switch off QSC GH given the quality and price.

I'm actually adding slabs of muscle with test/eq/tren/gh/slin, while seemingly getting leaner.

My only reservation with QSC when I first joined the board was the way they spoke to customers, but the longer I stick around, the more I understand the "eat shit alone" comments when they're constantly having to put up with scammers and all sorts of other bs--i wouldn't have the patience or tolerance for some of the f**kery people pull either. So yeah.. I no longer care if they roast people who are probably deserving of it, as long as the products stay quality and they keep up the HPLC testing they'll have my business on the GH/peptides. Debating jumping into the primo deal, but I'll probably end up refiltering the oil if I did go this route

Disclaimer: this isn't a shill post. Just an honest review on their HGH
QSCs HGH is quality.

Having used other vendors GH prior to this, namely k4L and TP, I see no reason to ever switch off QSC GH given the quality and price.

I'm actually adding slabs of muscle with test/eq/tren/gh/slin, while seemingly getting leaner.

My only reservation with QSC when I first joined the board was the way they spoke to customers, but the longer I stick around, the more I understand the "eat shit alone" comments when they're constantly having to put up with scammers and all sorts of other bs--i wouldn't have the patience or tolerance for some of the f**kery people pull either. So yeah.. I no longer care if they roast people who are probably deserving of it, as long as the products stay quality and they keep up the HPLC testing they'll have my business on the GH/peptides. Debating jumping into the primo deal, but I'll probably end up refiltering the oil if I did go this route

Disclaimer: this isn't a shill post. Just an honest review on their HGH
Personally, I don’t particularly care if Tracy or Bella or whoever calls me every name in the book and tells me to get fucked. So long as I get what I am after at a price I am comfortable with I am fine with it. I am not looking to make friends with vendors. I am paying for product, not pleasant conversation.
Personally, I don’t particularly care if Tracy or Bella or whoever calls me every name in the book and tells me to get fucked. So long as I get what I am after at a price I am comfortable with I am fine with it. I am not looking to make friends with vendors. I am paying for product, not pleasant conversation.
Amen brother.