Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

The kits are made with sesame oil

Can anyone comment on how sesame oil compares to GSO or MCT as far as how thick it is? I have only used GSO and MCT.

Thanks bros
Dude, I have seen your posts regarding insulin, you are extremely lost, but to a point where it makes really difficult to imagine how someone with your knowledge is going to give insulin a try. Insulin is not like Test, Tren, etc where you simply might get some insomnia, grow tits, etc.

You better get insulin from pharma grade or you might regret for life, if you do not end dead before that. And Lantus is a registered commercial name of Sanofi Aventis, the API you are looking for is insulin GLARGINE.
I know what I'm doing lol, I've used it before, only a couple times. I'm assuming the insulin they will resale will be pharma grade. I've never heard of anyone not selling pharma insulin since it's so readily available.
not yet, but bought it and wil lstart in two weeks with HGH and humalog. But all people who used said they never got bigger and stronger
That’s wrong info, Be very careful stacking r and log

Having used just about every type of insulin, R is my favorite
not yet, but bought it and wil lstart in two weeks with HGH and humalog. But all people who used said they never got bigger and stronger
Please for your own sake run your protocol by someone who’s used this stuff extensively before you start, either me or whoever
Just get humulin R from Walmart bro what you dooooin
i live in the UK bro. Humalog is like Test, Lantus is like Tren interns of IGF-1 levels andontop of that you could take 20ius of Lantus not eat anything and not go hypo. it's definitely the better, safer option.
i live in the UK bro. Humalog is like Test, Lantus is like Tren interns of IGF-1 levels andontop of that you could take 20ius of Lantus not eat anything and not go hypo. it's definitely the better, safer option.
Completely untrue, the igf your getting is systemic after all and you don’t want constant high systemic igf, that’s how you get organ growth and shit like that

Anyway, good luck
i will go first week only lantus with HGH cca 30IU to get used to feeling and than maybe next two weeks increase and/or add humalog
Completely untrue, the igf your getting is systemic after all and you don’t want constant high systemic igf, that’s how you get organ growth and shit like that

Anyway, good luck
I wouldnt go more than 3 weeks on lantus becouse of that.
Completely untrue, the igf your getting is systemic after all and you don’t want constant high systemic igf, that’s how you get organ growth and shit like that

Anyway, good luck
I understand your frustration man but some people already know everything. You did your due diligence. I have a friend running his first cycle. Told him 100 times just run test. Now he's on test dbol tren and gonna run Winny the last 4 weeks. He's a month into his first cycle. He just asked me if I'd teach him how to brew. I said absolutely not I won't help u with shit that has to do with aas except knowledge. Told him ur gonna be one those guys wish they never would have met juice. Reminds me of the guy ur talking to. Gonna do what they're gonna do no matter who says what