Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I'm surprised you don't sell BA/BB/EO/MCT. Can we have this added to the list, I'm sure people would buy it on every single order no? I don't wanna have to make a separate payment to your competitor Dragon Ordnance if I don't have to. Can you please start selling this?

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

1kg BA $25
1kg BB $25
100g Gaiacol $40
500g Gaiacol $70
1L mct oil $88
1L gso oil $85
1L sesame oil $103 (that we use in our oils)
For the guys that have ordered USA Dom under $500 how does payment work? Can I pay the service they use with btc or xmr? Is there a way to make the payment without my name being attached is my main concern. Thanks
I can fill the info with fake one, but not sure if your bank will accept the payemnt of I use a fake name, it might be declined.
Anyway there is no need for all that, it's a secure and legal transaction, like if you bought hoodies on alibaba, and you received something else ^^
The kits are made with sesame oil

Can anyone comment on how sesame oil compares to GSO or MCT as far as how thick it is? I have only used GSO and MCT.

Thanks bros

its thicker than MCT and similar to GSO imo.
For me, i prefer it over MCT and GSO. Both gave me some lumps when injecting, sesame is completely neutral for me.
I draw and inject with a insulin BD 30 insulin syringe, drawing takes some seconds but it works..
also will you sell Insulin in the future? preferably Lantus Insulin.

We do have insulin raws only, so it need to be prepared and I do not advice doing this by yourself.
Insulin should not be purchased from UGL or any international source that cannot deliver it in less than 1 day.
As you can read on all your insulin notices either Lantus or short acting slins like Humalog or Novrapid, it should be stored in the fridge before use, and in temperature room after the first use, how can this be possible when you have a 3-4 weeks shipping?
try to get it from the nearest pharma to your house.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Hi, do you sell raw dihydrotestosterone powder?

Do you know when the EU warehouse will be operational? Too risky to order from China at the moment in my country. Thanks
We do have DHT 100g $100
What is your country, because we deliver most of them very successfully and anyway these kind of items will never be stocked in EU warehouse, we will only stock hot sellers, so DHT I don't think you will have the choice except purchasing it international.
The kits are made with sesame oil

Can anyone comment on how sesame oil compares to GSO or MCT as far as how thick it is? I have only used GSO and MCT.

Thanks bros
All steroids with classic concentrations are very smooth and pip free.
Sesame oil is one of the oils that all customers react well too, and no one did a bad feedback about his reaction to it, and it's more expensive than MCT and GSO.

kits oils.jpgWhatsApp Image 2022-03-13 at 23.34.37.jpegWhatsApp Image 2022-03-13 at 23.34.53.jpegMK677.jpeg
All steroids with classic concentrations are very smooth and pip free.
Sesame oil is one of the oils that all customers react well too, and no one did a bad feedback about his reaction to it, and it's more expensive than MCT and GSO.

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I usually brew my own with mct oil, seen today in 1 shop sesame oil, but its red color, can that be used as carrier? looks bloody red lol
not yet, but bought it and wil lstart in two weeks with HGH and humalog. But all people who used said they never got bigger and stronger
You can use both, lantus at 70-100iu at morning, and humalog before training if you're using an intra carb drink at 8-12iu after your HGH pin.
What's good with lantus is that hypoglycemia isn't that violent, and you start feeling the low sugar level smoothly, so you have time to get a meal or a sugar drink to calm it, but humalog, you must be very very careful, it happens very fast that you can end up death if you don't have a high GI next to you..

Be safe
Yes, color of oil looks like that. can i brew test in it?

btw, i sent you an email. I paid for order just I sent you if possible to change shipping address and name before its shipped
Try and give us your feedback. I can't advice you on the subject of the oil your ordered from somewhere else.

I will just start answering all emails and arrange shipping to the latest adress you sent me.
How much for finished product and MOQ?
We do not accept making finished test base anymore, as our engineer complaining about it being pain in the ass, it doesn't dissolve well in sesame oil, and it's not easy to disolve it in water either, but I can give you the receips if you want and you make it by yourself:

Test base oil based
50mg/ml - 10ml
0.5g Test Base
0.2ml BA (2%)
3ml BB (30%)
MCT oil

Testo water based
50mg/ml - 10ml
0.5g Test Base
0.2ml BA (2%)
1ml BB (10%)
0.3ml ps80 (3%)
distilled water


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