Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I was surprised to see that QSC posted prices yesterday and the 10IU growth hormone was still listed at $55.

I tried ordering from them a couple of months ago. They invoiced me for $55, but unfortunately I left it too long and the Alibaba link expired. When I requested an updated link, they sent me an invoice for $75. I queried the price raise and they told me “many things changed since then”.

I suppose things have un-changed now?
$55 hgh kit
$20 shipping fée via post nl or $10 via China post.
Price of hgh never changed, and I never charged someone extra for no reason. I do quote exacly the prices listed
You have already said roughly what you offer when someone tests your stuff, but what do you consider "freebies"? Could you please tell us since
I am tempted to try one of your finished oils that is getting hard to get in EU, and tempted to test it through Jano.

For example, what would the guy whose lab test I quoted got?
Are those "freebies" value the same of the Janoshik lab test? Can the customer decide what "freebies" to include?
Any extended information regarding this to enlighten us is appreciated.

Oh, and are there any real chances you are making a second line of finished oils with a thinner carrier, like MCT? I mean not customized order(which you already set the minimum order) but the same you are doing with sesame oil, just having two different options so people can decide for the thicker and usually more well tolerated or a thinner one. After all you are already offering customized blends successfully with a minimum of 3 kits, I do not think that doing big batches with a second oil carrier will give you any more work that those customized blends MOQ.
Freebies are something very simple like 1 vial of something, most often like 1/10 value of lab test.

We do not have any intention to change the oil, because all customers are satisfied of the carrier oil and often surprised how smooth is it compared to MCT and other oils.
Why do you want MCT? Have you tried sesame oil before?
$55 hgh kit
$20 shipping fée via post nl or $10 via China post.
Price of hgh never changed, and I never charged someone extra for no reason. I do quote exacly the prices listed
Pasted from email:

Many things changed since then
1 kit hgh 100ui price $55
shipping Post NL $10
prepaid VAT $10 (can be deleted if you are able to provide IOSS number)


Ordered and paid: 24.02.2022
Received 28.03.2022 (31days in transit)
Eu special line shipping
The tracking number was received on 24.02. and the first update was 22.03 (26days)

My order:
2x kits hgh
1x kit bacteriostatic Water
1x kit Primo E 100mg/ml
2x vials Primo E 200mg/ml
65usd shipping
406usd total

1 vial of Primo 100mg/ml and 1 vial of Bac Water got broken in transport.
I talked with the rep via email provided here, everything was good, helped me make my order quick and easy.

I will be testing primo on myself soon. Gh is for a friend.
Once I get some feedback I will post an update here.
Primobolan enanthate 100mg/ml
So far 4ml in me this week.
no pip, very smooth, no redness around injecting area, feeling pretty good, starting to like this sesame oil more than gso

Primo 200mg/ml -> gonna try on monday
Pasted from email:

Many things changed since then
1 kit hgh 100ui price $55
shipping Post NL $10
prepaid VAT $10 (can be deleted if you are able to provide IOSS number)

Yes that's why I changed Post NL shipping from $10 to $20 to avoid explaining to every customer the VAT and IOSS thing.
Freebies are something very simple like 1 vial of something, most often like 1/10 value of lab test.

We do not have any intention to change the oil, because all customers are satisfied of the carrier oil and often surprised how smooth is it compared to MCT and other oils.
Why do you want MCT? Have you tried sesame oil before?
That is really dissapointing to be honest. I could "understand" that policy if all your own brewed oils were tested like the 4 or 5 you sent to test, but a lot of them are not lab tested and could be a good incentive in order to have lab test for all your oils, at least the no lab tested ones.
Not even asking for a full compensation due to the reduced kits price, but something way better than a single 7USD-12USD vial.

Regarding the secondary line with a thinner oil carrier, it is always good to have two options when there are several diferences between the options.

I get the point that you chose an oil well tolerated for almost everyone, but there are more factors.

I prefer thinner oils since I usually pin more often and use 30G slin fixed needle syringes.
I have even managed to get olive oil pharma Test C through 29G "easily", having to warm it before each pin, but it cannot compare to even unwarmed thinner oils like Mig812 or MCT, even "cold" they go through 30G like butter.
Next pin I am trying 31G.

Obviously sesame oil is thinner than olive oil for sure, but I have nothing to compare since I never tried semame oil, so that is why I am asking for a second line.

I am sure I am not the only one thinking like that, and I do not think it is going to give more work to your brewer that customized blends for a MOQ of 3 kits. This last one gives way more work to your guy than brewing large batches with a secondary oil.
Not saying it must be right now, but soon or later if you keep offering oils it will be a good option.
That is really dissapointing to be honest. I could "understand" that policy if all your own brewed oils were tested like the 4 or 5 you sent to test, but a lot of them are not lab tested and could be a good incentive in order to have lab test for all your oils, at least the no lab tested ones.
Not even asking for a full compensation due to the reduced kits price, but something way better than a single 7USD-12USD vial.

Regarding the secondary line with a thinner oil carrier, it is always good to have two options when there are several diferences between the options.

I get the point that you chose an oil well tolerated for almost everyone, but there are more factors.

I prefer thinner oils since I usually pin more often and use 30G slin fixed needle syringes.
I have even managed to get olive oil pharma Test C through 29G "easily", having to warm it before each pin, but it cannot compare to even unwarmed thinner oils like Mig812 or MCT, even "cold" they go through 30G like butter.
Next pin I am trying 31G.

Obviously sesame oil is thinner than olive oil for sure, but I have nothing to compare since I never tried semame oil, so that is why I am asking for a second line.

I am sure I am not the only one thinking like that, and I do not think it is going to give more work to your brewer that customized blends for a MOQ of 3 kits. This last one gives way more work to your guy than brewing large batches with a secondary oil.
Not saying it must be right now, but soon or later if you keep offering oils it will be a good option.
Take a deeper look, think from a business man's angle.

The cost of the lab tests is not included in our financial model, so in my place which do you prefer, that I sell vials at 5-10€ or that I sell vials at 30-40€ by penalizing the 90% customers who don't give a damn about lab tests?
Having both the refund + cheap prices is not possible, it's more like a chrismas wish, but santa claus do not exist..

Do you think the sources that reimburse the lab tests are doing it out of love for Jano or because they're generous?
Don't be naive, 1 kit test e is $65, lab test $120, the total is $185, they will sell you the vial for at least $20-$30, and since you have already spent a lot for a simple purchase, you will have trouble advancing the $120 even if you know that it is reimbursed, the proof, how many lab tests have you done in your life from these sources?
Compare with how many third party lab tests done in last months since we are here, about 25-30 lab..

It would be stupid of me if I choose this path to satisfy a minority that does not exceed 1-5% who test their products.

We're the proof that the lab testing refund model doesn't work because 90% of sources on meso do, but we're the most tested source in such a short time.

Thanks to the low price model, you will see lab tests from our lab on a regular basis, because we made the smart choice not to reimburse the lab tests, and it works, and that is what the majority of customers prefer.

For the subject of MCT, we can think of the possibility of tailor-made with 3 MOQ kits, but I cannot confirm that, it would be rather simple for you to switch to IM.
Take a deeper look, think from a business man's angle.

The cost of the lab tests is not included in our financial model, so in my place which do you prefer, that I sell vials at 5-10€ or that I sell vials at 30-40€ by penalizing the 90% customers who don't give a damn about lab tests?
Having both the refund + cheap prices is not possible, it's more like a chrismas wish, but santa claus do not exist..

Do you think the sources that reimburse the lab tests are doing it out of love for Jano or because they're generous?
Don't be naive, 1 kit test e is $65, lab test $120, the total is $185, they will sell you the vial for at least $20-$30, and since you have already spent a lot for a simple purchase, you will have trouble advancing the $120 even if you know that it is reimbursed, the proof, how many lab tests have you done in your life from these sources?
Compare with how many third party lab tests done in last months since we are here, about 25-30 lab..

It would be stupid of me if I choose this path to satisfy a minority that does not exceed 1-5% who test their products.

We're the proof that the lab testing refund model doesn't work because 90% of sources on meso do, but we're the most tested source in such a short time.

Thanks to the low price model, you will see lab tests from our lab on a regular basis, because we made the smart choice not to reimburse the lab tests, and it works, and that is what the majority of customers prefer.

For the subject of MCT, we can think of the possibility of tailor-made with 3 MOQ kits, but I cannot confirm that, it would be rather simple for you to switch to IM.
I do understand that business point of view, that is why I said we do not expect to cover lab test in full, because with those prices it is not viable if everyone would decide to test.

But you have to agree with me that at least you should have 1 lab test(non-chinese) for every single batch you are brewing, or as minimum 1 lab test per compound of your own brewed oils. Like you did for like 4-5 oils, just do the same for the rest at least once per batch, so you are fully covered, even if that increases the price.

A single 120 USD lab test per compound/batch, how much do you think it will increase the kits? For example, do you only brew 60 kits per batch? Then increase the price of each kit by 2USD, from 65USD 67USD per Test E kit, and even more worth for way more expensive compounds like trest and primo. So you do not have any "loss" from your already business plan model. The larger batchs you brew, less costs to apply for the kits.

Do you think than a 2USD increase in the price is going to quit anyone from buying from you? Just check the countries you get your customers from, "western" countries, developed ones, that is nothing, and it is just an example because I am sure you brew larger batches for sure.

Do you see the point of view of a western business model? I know you are an sales-agent, a rep in Meso, but try to get that idea in QSC managers head, I know it is hard for a chinese business to see those things, but I have tried to explan it in a way even a kid would agree with it.