Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Alright, since you are not replying, just want to show everyone how crappy your QC is:

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Thank you for your feedback
Look at you acting all polite all of the sudden. Like you really care about any customer here
I’m doing other stuff with my time brother, I’m daytrading through the week, shouldn’t you be at your job or somthing?
I have my own business and work online, got plenty of time :) See your hypocrisy? asking if i got nothing else to do while you comment here double as often as i do. You are more stupid than the Sigma "rep".
Can you explain to us sir why you took a such decision?

Your inability to handle hostility with a level head didn't exactly inspire me with confidence. There will always be unhappy customers. i can assure you he will not be the last.

i understand that it's a knee jerk reaction to reply to hostility with hostility. i do it on a regular basis. However i'm not a source and i'm not asking people to support and trust me and my business.

These are part of my personal standards for a source. As i told another member earlier, if your standards aren't met, move on. That's what i'm choosing to do.
Your inability to handle hostility with a level head didn't exactly inspire me with confidence. There will always be unhappy customers. i can assure you he will not be the last.

i understand that it's a knee jerk reaction to reply to hostility with hostility. i do it on a regular basis. However i'm not a source and i'm not asking people to support and trust me and my business.

These are part of my personal standards for a source. As i told another member earlier, if your standards aren't met, move on. That's what i'm choosing to do.
To be fair, if you look at my messages from Alibaba and the email i sent them, i was very polite.

Also, i didn't come here bashing them, they started to deflect and call me lier which caused my hostility.
"previous rep". Who cares, i bought it from Sigma. you are a complete retard if you think it matters from which rep i bought it lol. They are probably all the same guy, some 40 yo Chinese guy sitting on his pc all day and pretending to be some Chinese model.

Also, you also seem to be here a lot, so by that logic your time is also not very valuable too. Man you are such an idiot.
I know your case sucks and i guess most of us can feel your pain, but i guess people would take you more seriously if not every post of yours contained atleast 1 insult.
I guess right now you have called 50% of the meso US members retards or idiots. (not only the source)
I know your case sucks and i guess most of us can feel your pain, but i guess people would take you more seriously if not every post of yours contained atleast 1 insult.
I guess right now you have called 50% of the meso US members retards or idiots. (not only the source)
Sure, brother, i dont mean to insult anyone here besides Sigma and Cashton, both of which are really delusional. I got no way to sugar-coat it but its just the way i see it.
I know your case sucks and i guess most of us can feel your pain, but i guess people would take you more seriously if not every post of yours contained atleast 1 insult.
I guess right now you have called 50% of the meso US members retards or idiots. (not only the source)
in fairness as well, this is pretty accurate. no excuses on either side for how this all has gone down.
I know your case sucks and i guess most of us can feel your pain, but i guess people would take you more seriously if not every post of yours contained atleast 1 insult.
I guess right now you have called 50% of the meso US members retards or idiots. (not only the source)
And a few Canadians..
Your inability to handle hostility with a level head didn't exactly inspire me with confidence. There will always be unhappy customers. i can assure you he will not be the last.

i understand that it's a knee jerk reaction to reply to hostility with hostility. i do it on a regular basis. However i'm not a source and i'm not asking people to support and trust me and my business.

These are part of my personal standards for a source. As i told another member earlier, if your standards aren't met, move on. That's what i'm choosing to do.
We apologize if our responses to the false/bad advertising of this member (who was not my client) were a little violent or inpolite, and indeed I lost my head level, I should have simply ignored it from the start.

After that I am a human, I do my best to satisfy all of my customers, and I can assure you that 100% of my customers are satisfied with the service provided, however I am aware that not everyone is playing it fair.

I was warned by a few sources when I arrived that this kind of thing can happen.

To my knowledge, we offer the best value for money on the market, and we have standards that we respect to provide you with respectable service, which will continue to improve.

We are sorry that this kind of thread slipping did not inspire confidence in you, but everyone is free to make the choices that are convenient for them and we respect your choices.

Here on Meso we were fortunate to have a variety of sources that offer diversified benefits to meet the majority of Meso member demand, we have come here to provide you with the best, cheapest, and polite measure. and delicacy that we will respect from now on.

kindly regards,
We apologize if our responses to the false/bad advertising of this member (who was not my client) were a little violent or inpolite, and indeed I lost my head level, I should have simply ignored it from the start.

After that I am a human, I do my best to satisfy all of my customers, and I can assure you that 100% of my customers are satisfied with the service provided, however I am aware that not everyone is playing it fair.

I was warned by a few sources when I arrived that this kind of thing can happen.

To my knowledge, we offer the best value for money on the market, and we have standards that we respect to provide you with respectable service, which will continue to improve.

We are sorry that this kind of thread slipping did not inspire confidence in you, but everyone is free to make the choices that are convenient for them and we respect your choices.

Here on Meso we were fortunate to have a variety of sources that offer diversified benefits to meet the majority of Meso member demand, we have come here to provide you with the best, cheapest, and polite measure. and delicacy that we will respect from now on.

kindly regards,
Here is your mistake though. You already said I bought it from you (your own word). I'm your customer if you like or not.

Just because i bought it from Alibaba doesn't exclude you from the credibility you have.

I have never seen such a long response that has absolutely no content. You could just have said " I dont care" instead of this long text
It’s funny how because someone’s been on meso for a while they expect to be treated like royalty by sources LOL

Big lol

it’s like some expect a lil tug free with the kilo
The members of Meso are mature enough to form their own opinion on our source despite the bad false advertising you are doing @mokola

You can spam the thread for as long as you want. It's just going to prove that you take things personally, so you lose neutrality and credibility.

The vial crimping issue was old, and is several months old, a few customers have pointed out to us that the vials were not crimped very well, and this issue has been resolved, but this is no excuse to resend and refund without any evidence of contamination.
A loose, loose cap doesn't mean your products aren't sterile, and that's not a reason to have a full refund, you had received a partial refund, it will end there.

I reiterate that these problems concerned a former seller of QSC, and since these crimping problems have been resolved, and hundreds of orders have been placed in the last 4 months, all testifying that the vials are perfectly crimped.

Regarding the under-dosing, the lab test dates from April, and the result is unacceptable for our standards, and again this was produced with a former QSC salesperson, and his client had received a refund.

All the lab tests that have been carried out by customers, or by Meso members of the French forum are perfectly dosed, the raws are of irreproachable purity, the lab tests of Meso members of blind samples testify.

We will continue on this launch to provide you with the best quality in the market at the lowest price.

If we sell you 100mg / ml primo at $14 a vial, this is no excuse for you to receive 84mg / ml, it is out of our standards.

We have tens of thousands of products. Put yourself in our shoes, the economy on these vials is ridiculous compared to the reputation that will be threatened, all our products are well dosed, the rare problems that occurred in the past before my arrival are in the distant past, and you are free dear Meso Rx members to conduct your own opinions on it, and do your own lab tests, and prove that what is being said is true or not.

I am confident in the quality of all of our products, whether raw, oils or peptides / hgh, and I will take responsibility.
But u said he didnt order and he was a liar, and then u said nobody had a problem with those caps and he was lying, now u say that he did order and that problem existed a while back but its fixed now, he doesnt deserve a refund because he cant prove to u that those semi opened vials are “contaminated?” Well idk what to say…

im not pulling the trigger untill other credible members order and see
It’s funny how because someone’s been on meso for a while they expect to be treated like royalty by sources LOL

Big lol

it’s like some expect a lil tug free with the kilo

You really need to learn how to quote. i'm guessing you're referring to my post?

If so what part of my post confused you?
My personal expectations aren't met by this source. Did i demand they change how they operate their business for me?

i told them what i look for in a source and said i wasn't interested. Reinterpreting it in an effort to stir a pot that doesn't exist and get a few likes is beneath you. You're better than that.
But u said he didnt order and he was a liar, and then u said nobody had a problem with those caps and he was lying, now u say that he did order and that problem existed a while back but its fixed now, he doesnt deserve a refund because he cant prove to u that those semi opened vials are “contaminated?” Well idk what to say…

im not pulling the trigger untill other credible members order and
You really need to learn how to quote. i'm guessing you're referring to my post?

If so what part of my post confused you?
My personal expectations aren't met by this source. Did i demand they change how they operate their business for me?

i told them what i look for in a source and said i wasn't interested. Reinterpreting it in an effort to stir a pot that doesn't exist and get a few likes is beneath you. You're better than that.
Brother I didn’t quote anyone because I was making a general statement, not towards an individual - I respect your opinions here
But u said he didnt order and he was a liar, and then u said nobody had a problem with those caps and he was lying, now u say that he did order and that problem existed a while back but its fixed now, he doesnt deserve a refund because he cant prove to u that those semi opened vials are “contaminated?” Well idk what to say…

im not pulling the trigger untill other credible members order and see

I think I've explained his story enough, and yet it still seems blurry to you,

I'll do it all over again.

This client, I don't know him, he was a client of another QSC seller, with whom he said he had loose caps, and that he had this mess with this seller, who ended up with a partial refund of this order.

This crimping problem has never been encountered by my customers, and anyone who has ordered from me and all Meso Rx FR members can confirm it.

This member arrives later to contact me hoping to have a new arrangement, as he has not had the full refund with the one who sold him, by harassing me by emails, and now on Meso Rx.

He has 20 vials first, half reimbursed, and I kindly invited him to analyze the contamination of these vials (as a advice nothing more) if he wants to use these vials, but for me he doesn’t will have nothing, not even $ 1 or 1 ml.

Is there any part you didn't understand in the story, and that needs to be more clarified?
Alright, since you are not replying, just want to show everyone how crappy your QC is:
TWO HANDS BRO...OMG, THAT WAS MADDING!!!! I was literally yelling at the video... realize that's not the point but I had to say it! Fingernails on chalkboard situation for me...
I think I've explained his story enough, and yet it still seems blurry to you,

I'll do it all over again.

This client, I don't know him, he was a client of another QSC seller, with whom he said he had loose caps, and that he had this mess with this seller, who ended up with a partial refund of this order.

This crimping problem has never been encountered by my customers, and anyone who has ordered from me and all Meso Rx FR members can confirm it.

This member arrives later to contact me hoping to have a new arrangement, as he has not had the full refund with the one who sold him, by harassing me by emails, and now on Meso Rx.

He has 20 vials first, half reimbursed, and I kindly invited him to analyze the contamination of these vials (as a advice nothing more) if he wants to use these vials, but for me he doesn’t will have nothing, not even $ 1 or 1 ml.

Is there any part you didn't understand in the story, and that needs to be more clarified?
But he bought it from the same company, u are just a different contact person, u still represent the same lab which he purchased it from, if i order something somewhere and i get a different contact person when i have a complient , they wont say sorry it was a different person ur complient is not valid anymore, do u see ur logic here?

imagine if a customer has a complient after a month from now, and the company gets a different seller here, u were fired or leave or whatever, would his complient also still be not valid because its a different seller/contact person now???
But he bought it from the same company, u are just a different contact person, u still represent the same lab which he purchased it from, if i order something somewhere and i get a different contact person when i have a complient , they wont say sorry it was a different person ur complient is not valid anymore, do u see ur logic here?
Anna Kendrick Movie GIF by Pitch Perfect
But he bought it from the same company, u are just a different contact person, u still represent the same lab which he purchased it from, if i order something somewhere and i get a different contact person when i have a complient , they wont say sorry it was a different person ur complient is not valid anymore, do u see ur logic here?

imagine if a customer has a complient after a month from now, and the company gets a different seller here, u were fired or leave or whatever, would his complient also still be not valid because its a different seller/contact person now???

It's more complicated than that, it's more of a partnership that I negotiated to sell their products through the forums, having my own commissions, and what happens with other sellers is not my concern.
I don't even live in China or know them personnaly.

It's like you're working at Walmart in California, and a customer comes to tell you that he had a problem at Wallmart in NY and comes to you at the cashier asking you to fix it for the simple reason that you work at Wallmart (same compagny)