Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

How the hell does hiring someone based off their skin color lead to better workers? I'm not saying it's impossible, but if you ended up with better workers, it'd be entirely luck, not because of prejudice hiring practices.

Because the people doing the hiring are morons themselves and almost all people have bias. If left unchecked, they will hire all their inner circle of family and friends which is exactly what happens often.

Its the same reason investors diversify their portfolio via etfs and such. Basically, what we have learned over the decades is that the majority of people are terrible at picking winners and losers and the grand majority of people are NOT self aware of their own bias or stupidity. In fact the inverse is true in many people. In my experience, the stupider a person is, the more assertive and sure of themselves they become. Its a compensation mechanism.

The grand majority of stock pickers under perform the market. This is true for even the richest and most famous investors. Many are surprised at how bad these professionals are after they review their history. Most only got lucky once or twice in their lifetime and failed to out perform afterwards. This is why index investing took off. It doesnt matter whats in the index. All that matters is it is diversified and continuously rebalanced towards diversity. This insures you never have a systemic problem in your portfolio.

As it turns out, this also works in employment. What we are saying is that you should not trust the hiring managers or HR because they are not good at picking people and/or they can be biased or corrupted. So to reduce the odds of bad choices, we diversify across different types of people. Now maybe race isnt a good way to do that. But there is merit to it because race generally comes with differing types of priorities, behavior and attributes.

And yes you are definitely depending on an element of luck. Just like you would when you invest in a diversified fund. You are betting that the diversity will average out good and bad better than without. You are trying to reduce risk. In sports terms, diversification lowers your ceiling but raises your floor, if that makes sense.
Because the people doing the hiring are morons themselves and almost all people have bias. If left unchecked, they will hire all their inner circle of family and friends which is exactly what happens often.

Its the same reason investors diversify their portfolio via etfs and such. Basically, what we have learned over the decades is that the majority of people are terrible at picking winners and losers and the grand majority of people are NOT self aware of their own bias or stupidity. In fact the inverse is true in many people. In my experience, the stupider a person is, the more assertive and sure of themselves they become. Its a compensation mechanism.

The grand majority of stock pickers under perform the market. This is true for even the richest and most famous investors. Many are surprised at how bad these professionals are after they review their history. Most only got lucky once or twice in their lifetime and failed to out perform afterwards. This is why index investing took off. It doesnt matter whats in the index. All that matters is it is diversified and continuously rebalanced towards diversity. This insures you never have a systemic problem in your portfolio.

As it turns out, this also works in employment. What we are saying is that you should not trust the hiring managers or HR because they are not good at picking people and/or they can be biased or corrupted. So to reduce the odds of bad choices, we diversify across different types of people. Now maybe race isnt a good way to do that. But there is merit to it because race generally comes with differing types of priorities, behavior and attributes.

And yes you are definitely depending on an element of luck. Just like you would when you invest in a diversified fund. You are betting that the diversity will average out good and bad better than without. You are trying to reduce risk. In sports terms, diversification lowers your ceiling but raises your floor, if that makes sense.
History is filled with examples of blind spots.
There was a drug that researchers assumed was ineffective in black women, simply because researchers didn't account for some black women having bigger bum fat and ended up giving them subq gluteal injections instead of IM like their averagely smaller butt white counterparts. They just went an stated that said drug was less effective in black women.
You would think Drug company scientists wouldn't have such blind spots.
How about Pulse oximeters being thrown off by black skin? yeah. it is a thing. Pulse oximeters can be thrown off by darker skin tones and assume darker skinned people have more oxygen saturation than they actually do.
These are inadvertent problems of not appreciating diversity of populations.

Anyway. DEI is the new demon. There's always new demons plaguing society. Wait till the 'merit system' doesn't favor some folk. All we're gonna start to hear is how some people of merit are more unworthy than other people of merit
Muslim men are raping and killing white women in the Uk.

I guess no one is allowed to say it.

Now call me xenophobic.
white men are rapping and beating more woman in uk.....
white men rape native americans
white man raped Vietnamese woman..

what's ur point?

every race and creed has murders.. just fyi. get out of ur echo chamber and travel, like REALLY travel and meet more people...
How the hell does hiring someone based off their skin color lead to better workers? I'm not saying it's impossible, but if you ended up with better workers, it'd be entirely luck, not because of prejudice hiring practices.
thats not what DEI is FyI.. ur talking about affirmative action which is racist yes, def helped things become more equal faster after segregation though. the most progressive socialist nations outlawed it. the MAIN thing folks need to worry about is education in USA... unfortunate its not equal access to elementary education in USA.
Because the people doing the hiring are morons themselves and almost all people have bias. If left unchecked, they will hire all their inner circle of family and friends which is exactly what happens often.

Its the same reason investors diversify their portfolio via etfs and such. Basically, what we have learned over the decades is that the majority of people are terrible at picking winners and losers and the grand majority of people are NOT self aware of their own bias or stupidity. In fact the inverse is true in many people. In my experience, the stupider a person is, the more assertive and sure of themselves they become. Its a compensation mechanism.

The grand majority of stock pickers under perform the market. This is true for even the richest and most famous investors. Many are surprised at how bad these professionals are after they review their history. Most only got lucky once or twice in their lifetime and failed to out perform afterwards. This is why index investing took off. It doesnt matter whats in the index. All that matters is it is diversified and continuously rebalanced towards diversity. This insures you never have a systemic problem in your portfolio.

As it turns out, this also works in employment. What we are saying is that you should not trust the hiring managers or HR because they are not good at picking people and/or they can be biased or corrupted. So to reduce the odds of bad choices, we diversify across different types of people. Now maybe race isnt a good way to do that. But there is merit to it because race generally comes with differing types of priorities, behavior and attributes.

And yes you are definitely depending on an element of luck. Just like you would when you invest in a diversified fund. You are betting that the diversity will average out good and bad better than without. You are trying to reduce risk. In sports terms, diversification lowers your ceiling but raises your floor, if that makes sense.
It doesn't make sense. When I pick an index fund, it's like investing in every stock available. When I have to choose a DEI hire, say a black person, it's not like hiring in every black person. The idea that any and every company needs to hire a "diversified" bunch of folks, or else it will fail, or won't be as successful as it could be if only it had more blacks, or more Jews, or more whatever, is complete horseshit. And what's also horseshit is the notion that the government is mandating this to ensure a company's performance. Sorry if "horseshit" seems aggressive, I swear I'm not internet yelling at you. But you really did bullshit your entire post. The only part that was truly logical is when you yourself noticed that "race isnt a good way to do that."
Motherfuckers, you need drugs! Since Tracy raw dogged y'all this thread turned to politics...
You were funnier when you had more drugs than the local pharmacy
This right here !!!

Go to the gym, go for a walk, go get laid but get the F off the internet for a bit. Same individuals posting every hour on the hour. Go enjoy life
white men are rapping and beating more woman in uk.....
white men rape native americans
white man raped Vietnamese woman..

what's ur point?

every race and creed has murders.. just fyi. get out of ur echo chamber and travel, like REALLY travel and meet more people...
So women have been raped since the beginning of time so we can't acknowledge a recent uptick in rapes by a specific group of men?

And expand beyond the uk, ignore the recent uptick in stabbings and car terrorist attacks in Germany, in France?

The Scandinavian countries, ignore the recent uptick in rapes by a specific group of men?

Ireland, if I'm not mistaken also has similar issues as well.

And when you're honest about it, and then make a connection to the countries immigration policies what are you supposed to do? Nothing, I guess.

Every race and creed has murders fyi? You really had to type that?

There's a subset of Muslims that believe it's okay or even righteous to rape infidels. Not all Muslims, hence why there's no uptick in Muslims raping women in America. It's happening in Europe specifically.

Echo chamber? I love debating these topics with people in real life because they can't just treat me like I'm some old white man stuck in my ways. Because im from the most diverse city in the world(nyc) and because im puerto rican. Your ilk would refer to me as a bipoc or God forbid a latinx. Where do I have to travel to to see all different types of people?
So women have been raped since the beginning of time so we can't acknowledge a recent uptick in rapes by a specific group of men?

And expand beyond the uk, ignore the recent uptick in stabbings and car terrorist attacks in Germany, in France?

The Scandinavian countries, ignore the recent uptick in rapes by a specific group of men?

Ireland, if I'm not mistaken also has similar issues as well.

And when you're honest about it, and then make a connection to the countries immigration policies what are you supposed to do? Nothing, I guess.

Every race and creed has murders fyi? You really had to type that?

There's a subset of Muslims that believe it's okay or even righteous to rape infidels. Not all Muslims, hence why there's no uptick in Muslims raping women in America. It's happening in Europe specifically.

Echo chamber? I love debating these topics with people in real life because they can't just treat me like I'm some old white man stuck in my ways. Because im from the most diverse city in the world(nyc) and because im puerto rican. Your ilk would refer to me as a bipoc or God forbid a latinx. Where do I have to travel to to see all different types of people?
Don’t ask leftists to understand per capita statistics and how they apply in these situations.