Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic


100mg kit Primo = 140$ total primo 10 000 mg ( or 70.15mg per dollar)
250mg kit Test E = 65$ Total test 25 000 mg

150/150 blend = 270$ ( 10 vials total )
150 primo = 5*150*10= 7 500 mg (248$) or 30 mg per dollar
150 test e = 5*150*10= 7 500 mg (22$)

You are paying double what for primo
Bout a dumb son of a bitch
Can hgh raw powder be mixed with dmso for transdermal formulation?

Why does hgh raw need to be freeze dried to use?
With HGH raw I'm worried about proper weighing for accurate dosing... afraid I couldn't afford a highly accurate scale I assume would be necessary.
With HGH raw I'm worried about proper weighing for accurate dosing... afraid I couldn't afford a highly accurate scale I assume would be necessary.
They said you cant pin it as is, which is what im trying to figure out