Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I’m re watching the second season of “You” before I watch the third, good girls is really good.. are you looking for tv or movies?
Love all of it, watched those also, the new season of you is fukin awesome lol that chick from haunting on hill house is UUUUHHHNNNNFFFFF :p

Probably a new show though
my laptop here is actin' a fool, I have the images but I can't sanitize them so I'll do it at office tmrw and post em then. they're pretty anticlimactic. just the boxes and the vials are all unlabeled with blue tops. this is the BPC by the way.
Got my order of HGH and Raloxifene yesterday. I'm sending the Raloxifene to a local lab for HPLC testing. Will get results in ~4 days.
