Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Pretty sure he does that because they test everything already, so the testing is good for your own for sure. And to keep the test to yourself and not the communicyty because he wont give you free stuff is being just as a big dick as they are.
They haven’t tested this batch. The reason is that they’ll use the test as marketing proof their customers will know what their getting. Trust me, I’d prefer that they tested it and shred the results so I didn’t have to spend the time and money to confirm what they have not done
What is your realistic success rate delivering to canada on a scale of 1/10 how many make it?

Id really like to try that primo 200 and hgh, debating risking it I've seen a people mention success here been watching the thread.
2500 iu kits

List of available items in usa warehouse in the price list attached, test cyp oil is out of stock (not updated yet in the price list)
Need some clarification.
Shipping international is free but to have shipped to US warehouse is $45?

Is this route faster if opt to have shipping to warehouse first??
60 to 100$ per 10ml? Wtf where do you live mate.
That's about how it is on the west coast. A lot of guys just don't know anywhere else to look for these sorts of items...or too worried to be ripped off trying to find some online. I think some would rather pay more for the convenience.
60 to 100$ per 10ml? Wtf where do you live mate.
That’s what people will charge to all the new fishies

I’ve even seen go for 120 a 10 ml for some stinger stuffs like a tren prop mast blend. Stuff of that caliber

I don’t pay those high prices lol but I’m not saying haven’t either in the past years ago b4 I found out about forums like this.
That's about how it is on the west coast. A lot of guys just don't know anywhere else to look for these sorts of items...or too worried to be ripped off trying to find some online. I think some would rather pay more for the convenience.
What is your realistic success rate delivering to canada on a scale of 1/10 how many make it?

Id really like to try that primo 200 and hgh, debating risking it I've seen a people mention success here been watching the thread.
Ordered late Feb to Canada. Arrived almost four weeks on the dot. Primo and HGH order like you’re prospecting. Zero issues aside from needing to be patient