Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I don't think you will ever find a better source of raws: quality, price, safety, delivery time, we have all :cool:

Guess I'm gonna have to roll up my sleeves and read the thread :p 400 pages is not that much anyway I did much worse when i began with these things. You're right that your prices are good though.
Just got my 2nd shipment today from US warehouse. Same thing with the packaging (discreet, fluid barrier, tightly packaged and no rattling). Oils are clear and clean. Pinning their Cyp when I’m out of mine next week. Been pinning the hgh and bpc157 and tb500 for a week now and so far so good. Going to order some raws in a couple weeks. So far so good.
That’s what people will charge to all the new fishies

I’ve even seen go for 120 a 10 ml for some stinger stuffs like a tren prop mast blend. Stuff of that caliber

I don’t pay those high prices lol but I’m not saying haven’t either in the past years ago b4 I found out about forums like this.
Someone tried to sell the guy at the front desk at the gym a bottle of masteron for 160 dollars lol
Anybody have any issues whatsoever with this source? From what I’ve read, this seems to be a good operation. Honestly the best if you don’t mind waiting 3-4 weeks and for these prices who would mind??

That’s what’s getting me though. The price seems to good to be true. I thought $25 for a vial was awesome but goddamn…10 bottles of test for $6-$7 each!!!!! That’s insane
Pct meds are kind of high though. 170 for 40 Arimidex (anastrozole). Any recommendations for pct stuffs. I heard 24 hour reup is pretty good.
Finally my post arrived to country and had to pay customs today. Hopefully tuesday I have my stuff. This china post tracking was nightmare. Cant wait to cook myself more tren so I can be even more perv than I am now lol
Posting this everywhere lol.

How to combat lethargy hgh? Will it go away if i just tough it out?