Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Well shit. My CC got rejected the first few times and now I think it's Alibaba is blocking me. Anyone know how long it takes normally for the system to reset so I can try again?

The first time it was easy, why on earth did CC payments suddenly get rejected constatnly?
Are both the 15iu kit and the 10iu kit both jano tested at 95% for the hgh and has anyone noticed any difference switching to this sources hgh from a different source you were getting good results with?
Well shit. My CC got rejected the first few times and now I think it's Alibaba is blocking me. Anyone know how long it takes normally for the system to reset so I can try again?

The first time it was easy, why on earth did CC payments suddenly get rejected constatnly?
Apple Pay
Hello everyone,

Sorry for the late replies, I took 1 day and half off because of CN holidays, when I saw number of emails I have to answer I felt depressed, I hate holidays lol
I will answer all today, and no more days off lol, I started answering some few hours ago.

Test E oil us domestic was out of stock 2 days ago, as I told some by email, no oils available in usa warehouse.
I only have a few minutes a day to spend on social networks. I try to follow the last few pages each day but there is no way I can spend all day following threads on meso.

Last I heard testosterone was the only oils in USA warehouse
No oils are available now unfortunately, all sold
New batches of test c, tren a and primo have been arranged and will be available soon
So they just label the kit and not the vials right?
It depends on your order
If you order one item for example 1 oil and 1 peptide kit, no need to be marked
If you order several items, we make marks to distinguish all, basic things like TE, DP, F, TRA, 4C things like that, easy to understand and sometimes not, so when you have doubts you ask me which item is what, and I give you all details you need.
2 dollar labels for vials. I bought some. Since it isnt just "HGH" I have on hand.

Hope I'm not breaking any rules just a quick question.
Do you advise reshipping from US warehouse or just direct to your door?
Shipping difference is roughly $40.
Thanks guys
Of course it's better with reship service, and the price difference worth it:
Faster: 3-4 weeks instead of 6-8 weeks
Safer: no customs, no weight limitation, if you order 20 kg of products you will receive them domestically with no need to worry about anything.