Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So they just label the kit and not the vials right?
That’s been my experience so far with two domestic orders. No labels on the vials, but there is a label on the plastic that wraps the contents that gives you a clue as to what it is.
Hope I'm not breaking any rules just a quick question.
Do you advise reshipping from US warehouse or just direct to your door?
Shipping difference is roughly $40.
Thanks guys
I can say that his pt-141 works with no problem. Jesus Christ, it's literally embarrassing.

On a side note has anyone spoke to the rep? I haven't seen him post or reply to email since I completed my order yesterday afternoon. Just trying to confirm he received all details.
Does it help with erections more than Viagra at 100mg? if so at what dosage. any feedback could help I got ED issues.
Ive been reconstituting your 15IU kits with 1.5mls per vial - as I’m sure they’re accurately dosed, I’d assume 1.5ml of bac water will mean 1IU=1IU when I use it? Adding only 1ml to a 15IU vial will result in 1IU=1.5IU of growth once reconstituted?
1ml Bacw for 15ui vial, if you want 1,5ui gh, take 10 on the insulin syringe.
Finally received my seizure letter. Took almost 70 days. Ordered 10 kits of hgh and they are reshipping 3 of them for free. That was not the original agreement (was meant to be all 10 for the freight price of $15 USD) but after everything ive been through with these guys i'll just take that as a win
Finally received my seizure letter. Took almost 70 days. Ordered 10 kits of hgh and they are reshipping 3 of them for free. That was not the original agreement (was meant to be all 10 for the freight price of $15 USD) but after everything ive been through with these guys i'll just take that as a win
Where are you located? What shipping method did you use?
Finally received my seizure letter. Took almost 70 days. Ordered 10 kits of hgh and they are reshipping 3 of them for free. That was not the original agreement (was meant to be all 10 for the freight price of $15 USD) but after everything ive been through with these guys i'll just take that as a win
Why would you take that as a win? They aren’t even honoring the original agreement?
Does it help with erections more than Viagra at 100mg? if so at what dosage. any feedback could help I got ED issues.
I have used pt-141 from other source. I use tadalafil daily for many years, haven't used viagra in maybe 10 years. PT141 was from a whole other fcuking planet than tadalafil, 2mg - boner the whole night to the point that it was hard to sleep as it was inconvenient. Dick painful from being hard all the time.
I was wondering about that if it got seized on the way to the reship how they would handle that and the reship is just for usa correct?
From what I read, there’s no risk to us with the reship service because any issues between China and their re-shipper are on them. I believe the reship is just for the USA. I’m definitely going to use it when I get raws from them.
I was wondering about that if it got seized on the way to the reship how they would handle that and the reship is just for usa correct?

It doesn't go through customs in the traditional sense so no seizure risk. The rep talked about it in the past