Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I'm starting to become convinced that some of you guys are role-playing as white knights in shining armor. A bunch of entitled boys being dramatic over the stupidest shit. This entire situation could have been resolved if the rep just apologized for jumping on the GH Jano test. Regarding the clomid, it seems like an honest mistake. God forbid an illegal steroid source sends you the wrong shit on accident.
Lol are you serious? You think it's an 'honest mistake' that the Chinese sales guy accidentally sent 1 PCT drug in place for another that is 10x more expensive?

Do I have to wait until Friday to open a bridge selling thread?
Llevo varios dias leyendo este post, tenia pensado hacer un pedido pero visto el ultimo y anterior comentario me parece que es mejor no hacerlo, sabiendo que casi seguro tendre que hacer dos pedidos, ya que el primero que haga llegara incompleto para quien tiene la obligacion de hacer un segundo. No me gustan sus reglas, me parecen injustas. Cruzo los dedos para que este comentario negativo no me falte al respeto.
You can usually tell when someone's making good points when every reply to them starts with something about how they don't have has many posts/haven't been around as long as everyone else.
well you haven’t been around long enough to see how shilling works. The other Chinese source was busted for posting under his other handle by mistake. It’s not hard to find out who’s repping for who.
You can usually tell when someone's making good points when every reply to them starts with something about how they don't have has many posts/haven't been around as long as everyone else.
Don't forget when they jump straight to insults instead of trying to refute what you post with something logical.
Get fucking real, YOU take the risk ordering illegal drugs off of the internet. No law enforcement agency gives two fucks about partial blurred out tracking numbers or city/state destinations but keep thinking that it matters.

All you fucking goons are ignoring the fact that this source refused to refund or reship someone(DP) when they put them on blast here. Everything else is bullshit compared to that.

Why did you quote post this? The post you quoted of mine just now was of me speaking on the leaking package but you went on a rant about tracking numbers and blah blah blah. You aren’t the brightest but we’ve come to see that. To educate a bit… a package that is leaking gives cause for the postal service to open it to make sure they aren’t dealing with something harmful. Guess what would have been found in that pack? Guess again what that leads to?

To address your post of an unrelated quote, yes LE does care. Deus is a source and you better believe they would like to make that bust. If you don’t see that than lord help you bud. Why do you think Qing got banned?
To educate a bit… a package that is leaking gives cause for the postal service to open it to make sure they aren’t dealing with something harmful.
Learn how the post office works, the package would have been thrown out and you would have received notice of that. If the post office tested every package that leaked for illicit drugs they would go bankrupt. Try using that thing between your ears instead of puking out forum cancer.

To address your post of an unrelated quote, yes LE does care.

As a former LEO I find it laughable you want to tell me how it works.
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well you haven’t been around long enough to see how shilling works. The other Chinese source was busted for posting under his other handle by mistake. It’s not hard to find out who’s repping for who.
at least CXC is cordial and the buying experience there is 100% polar opposite than this seems to be for many here. I have a 2nd order on the way with Sema & more MOTS & HMG as I had bought before. I'll post about the Sema because I'm on an Oz pen now from BG that's about to run out, so I should at least have a solid enough feelz report. CXC's HMG was hands down the best I have ever used, literally made my nuts feel like I was 18 again lol.
Let me see if I understand the issue with Buy Deus HGH tests. BD bought a bunch of HGH from QSC at some point. BD at some later time published a test of HGH. QSC assumed it was of QSC's HGH and put it up here without consulting BD first. But it wasn't QSC's HGH that was tested. Is that the case or not? If that is the case maybe an honest mistake. If not please fill me in on the details as I have a bunch of QSC GH.
Let me see if I understand the issue with Buy Deus HGH tests. BD bought a bunch of HGH from QSC at some point. BD at some later time published a test of HGH. QSC assumed it was of QSC's HGH and put it up here without consulting BD first. But it wasn't QSC's HGH that was tested. Is that the case or not? If that is the case maybe an honest mistake. If not please fill me in on the details as I have a bunch of QSC GH.
Yup but While arguing with deus feeling insulted he pulled up his hgh test and said oh well ehy don't you tell everyone about the good test while you talk shit and said it was his hgh because he bought a bunch of kits from him and then deus Said basically jokes on you that's not your hgh
Thx. BD may still be feeling a bit sketchy due to all that shit went down with ExpressPCT and and whoever outed them. There's a thread on it here someplace.
Looks as tho Qingdao has been banned. Good riddance. Hope it’s permanent.

This is a dangerous source to deal with. When they do you dirty if you go public they dox you and say because you went public don’t expect a reship or refund. We’ve seen time and time again where they immediately share customers tracking, place of origin, etc. Sure, they black out maybe half of the tracking number but there is still enough there with the rest of the details to put someone in harms way. They use scare tactics and seeing this source operate here has been mind blowing

Eat shit @qingdao
Didnt PPL do worse when he sent a customers info to many members here, name, email, address and all? And for what was quite possibly a case of PPL ripping him off hundreds of dollars.

When did qds dox anyone? Why does he get more shit than other sources? For as much business as he has done are his failings that disporportionate??. The hate, and especially the ban, seem disporportional. It seems pretty obvious that many of the vocal opponents of him have a financial interest in seeing him fail.

Im not trying to kiss his angry asian ass. I think he is sitting on a goldmine with his access to such cheap supply and he is fucking it up with his attitude and dishonesty.

All im saying is when two or more sources both do things worthy of critisism, and only one source gets called our or banned for it, it makes me think the people leading the mob and calling for bans are hiding something.

shits the bed like Amber Heard
Im using this
Im not trying to kiss his angry asian ass. I think he is sitting on a goldmine with his access to such cheap supply and he is fucking it up with his attitude and dishonesty.
This is pretty much it in a nutshell. Don't think for a second that the fact that Qingdao is basically doing away with the middleman UGL scene isn't a motivating factor in all of this.

Anyway, for them to succeed in that regard, they'll need a rep who knows how to deal with Americans. If they don't, they'll piss this all away and the status quo will stay the same until another large Chinese operation comes along that gets it right, if they do, this will all blow over and the old guard crowd will be forced to sit on it and rotate.
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Pay a little more to someone who takes more of the risk and does more of the vetting, at least hopefully, and one who has a decent track record of service. Every single source messes up, but how do they handle it and how do they conduct themselves in general.

Or take the risk and buy from a place like this. It is like investing, big risk, big payoff. You may get a lot of good gear or whatever at a great price or a lot of problems.

If you go with a regular ugl, one with a good track record, low risk, but low payoff from the standpoint you will have a higher chance of fewer problems but you will pay for it.

The question is, what is your risk profile when it comes to your health and freedom?

I don’t know all the stuff that went on with qingdao , this is just speaking in general. Maybe over generalizing but I feel sometimes we make things harder than it needs to be, and when that happens we tend to also get a little more worked up than we should also. But without that things maybe wouldn’t be quite as entertaining.
Didnt PPL do worse when he sent a customers info to many members here, name, email, address and all? And for what was quite possibly a case of PPL ripping him off hundreds of dollars.

When did qds dox anyone? Why does he get more shit than other sources? For as much business as he has done are his failings that disporportionate??. The hate, and especially the ban, seem disporportional. It seems pretty obvious that many of the vocal opponents of him have a financial interest in seeing him fail.

Im not trying to kiss his angry asian ass. I think he is sitting on a goldmine with his access to such cheap supply and he is fucking it up with his attitude and dishonesty.

All im saying is when two or more sources both do things worthy of critisism, and only one source gets called our or banned for it, it makes me think the people leading the mob and calling for bans are hiding something.

Im using this

Thank you for being a civil individual. I know nothing about the PPL incident but if true I totally agree with you.

To answer this, Millard isn’t on or around much. This incident was reported and the PPL incident probably wasn’t is my guess. Millard isn’t visiting these source threads unless tagged or something is reported.
When did qds dox anyone?

QSC is constantly pushing the limits. Just yesterday they posted more than half of a customers tracking number, dates, time packages were shipped and received, the origin of the customer, etc. QSC does this all the time. Most of the time it’s just a small time user like myself so it gets swept under the rug for the most part as LE ain’t gonna find much here but is still is totally unacceptable but this time they did it to a source. QSC went on to post about his previous order history adding a lot more to the fire.

Also, not sure many caught it but QSC threatened @Tiredandhot yesterday with doxing. QSC worded it in a way not to catch a ban but I’m sure T&H got the message loud and clear.

I think he is sitting on a goldmine with his access to such cheap supply and he is fucking it up with his attitude and dishonesty.
No doubt. When this source popped up many thought this is to good to be true but everyone soon discovered the cheap prices come with the cost of dealing with a child like rep that when either a product doesn’t test well or doesn’t even test for what it should at all won’t refund or reship the right product. This has happened a few times now with this source and enough is enough. It’s also BS that if anyone speaks out about their experiences than it’s no soup (no refund) for you. We review here whether it’s good or bad. This source is Notorious for their scare tactics and I hope more start speaking out now with this me too movement.

