Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There seems to be some confusion so please allow me to clarify. I have at no point changed my story, at all. I have posts here with typos that I would love to amend, but I am leaving them unedited so you can see none of my posts have been changed.

I have received 40 kits of HGH from QSC. These HGK kits, of which I ordered 50 as a sample, came with blue tops. I have been stocking and selling (and testing) HGH for multiple years now. I have tested these periodically for a number of years. The HGH I sell has black tops.

The rep accused me of buying their HGH, testing it, and selling it for a large mark up. I have never, nor will I ever, resell their HGH as a Deus product. When I received 40 out of 50 of the kits I ordered, I was quite disappointed with the pack being split without my consent, shipped via a shipping method I did not agree to, and taking many, many weeks to arrive. As such, I wholesaled the entire lot to someone else.

I never changed my story one time, I only stated that my HGH has always been sold with black tops because I thought that would help bring clarity that I've never resold QSC HGH. I was under the impression that QSC did blue tops by default, and the rep can speak to what inventory they sold at the time that I purchased. Again, I bring up the top colour only because that would give assurance to anyone that has purchased HGH from me that they were never given a QSC product.

If further clarification is appreciated, please let me know. I want there to be no mistake about this. I feel the rep is doing their best to muddy the waters to distract from the real issues here.
Yeah mine were blue tops from him through domestic
Learn how the post office works, the package would have been thrown out and you would have received notice of that.

This happened recently. Someone sent me a gift box with some packages containing liquids (foods, not illegal shit) that broke open in transit. The post office discarded the package, sender was notified who then notified me. The post office didn't notify me directly though.
This is the case, and to be honest first Deus said it was black tops he had, and then changed his mind to saying it was actually blue tops. So he changed his story too.

The hgh from QSC i enjoy and have seen great results with my fasted cardio
I've been on a high quality hgh from the same source for over a year straight with no more than 2 days off at 8iu min 12iu max and I'm about to start qsc hgh whenever it comes at 10iu per day so I'll report back with feelz after a little bit and then get my igf tested after awhile.
I've been on a high quality hgh from the same source for over a year straight with no more than 2 days off at 8iu min 12iu max and I'm about to start qsc hgh whenever it comes at 10iu per day so I'll report back with feelz after a little bit and then get my igf tested after awhile.
Damn bro, you getting it. Haha. I don't think my body could handle that much.
Let me see if I understand the issue with Buy Deus HGH tests. BD bought a bunch of HGH from QSC at some point. BD at some later time published a test of HGH. QSC assumed it was of QSC's HGH and put it up here without consulting BD first. But it wasn't QSC's HGH that was tested. Is that the case or not? If that is the case maybe an honest mistake. If not please fill me in on the details as I have a bunch of QSC GH.
Another point of clarification. I am not BuyDeus.

BuyDeus is a reseller for Deus Medical, a lab that operates primarily out of the EU, I believe. While I believe they do a great job, we are not the same.

I incidentally started Deus Pharmaceuticals in Canada at roughly the same time. I've spoken with the owner and we agree it's a happy accident, as we both launched just months apart.

None of any of QSC's scam is related to Deus Medical or BuyDeus in any way, or at least I am not aware of any business dealings they have.
Nope. But aren't you the same dude who ordered from another rep and has been on Meso bitching for 2 months straight now? You don't call Dominos in LA about your problems with Dominos in New York. I'm sick of seeing the same dude whining about his shit not landing in Australia. Blame your shit customs
Agreed this clowns been crying for months now and he didn’t even order from homeboy what a little bitch boy. Go hound the rep you bought from. If your momma bought crack off the left hand corner and got burnt you can be damn sure she didn’t go see Tyrone on the right to get her rock. Stfu
Dude you are so fucking cringe. I bet you talk about yourself in third person don’t you?

Did I mention myself in the quote you got there? Did I toot my horn? Don’t believe so. But to answer your question, I do like to look at myself in the mirror and give myself a wink while banging the wife ;)
Send me info through here or on pm what I need to do. How much would something like that cost?
I can put all in one pack?
You can put it all in one pack. Each sample is $120. I believe some stuff like Ostarine may be $180. You send a ml of oil in a sample perfume vial off Amazon. For tabs you can send 3, it’s always wise to test all 3 pills for variance. I believe it’s and extra $20 or $30 per pill.
This is the case, and to be honest first Deus said it was black tops he had, and then changed his mind to saying it was actually blue tops. So he changed his story too.

The hgh from QSC i enjoy and have seen great results with my fasted cardio
Could you quote the posts you’re talking about where he switched the story?
Llevo varios dias leyendo este post, tenia pensado hacer un pedido pero visto el ultimo y anterior comentario me parece que es mejor no hacerlo, sabiendo que casi seguro tendre que hacer dos pedidos, ya que el primero que haga llegara incompleto para quien tiene la obligacion de hacer un segundo. No me gustan sus reglas, me parecen injustas. Cruzo los dedos para que este comentario negativo no me falte al respeto.
No fucking habla papi
Why is Deus buying hgh kits from QSC?
Almost all generic HGH is produced in factories in China. In order to provide the best products to my customers, I purchase HGH from all sorts of vendors and test them. You never know when you might find the Golden Goose.

QSC is a self-admitted scammer who sends mislabeled products and refuses to refund customers when confronted with the lab tests. They are not the Golden Goose, unfortunately.
You can put it all in one pack. Each sample is $120. I believe some stuff like Ostarine may be $180. You send a ml of oil in a sample perfume vial off Amazon. For tabs you can send 3, it’s always wise to test all 3 pills for variance. I believe it’s and extra $20 or $30 per pill.
Dang hoping I would get a discount doing all of those at once. Lol. It's all good. I understand the money making game.
However, if you had to pick four from my list, what would you pick? What is more faked than the rest? Because I don't know if I want to spend $1,200 or more for testing. I'll spend $400 or so. Haha.
Dang hoping I would get a discount doing all of those at once. Lol. It's all good. I understand the money making game.
However, if you had to pick four from my list, what would you pick? What is more faked than the rest? Because I don't know if I want to spend $1,200 or more for testing. I'll spend $400 or so. Haha.
Definitely send the primo
Almost all generic HGH is produced in factories in China. In order to provide the best products to my customers, I purchase HGH from all sorts of vendors and test them. You never know when you might find the Golden Goose.

QSC is a self-admitted scammer who sends mislabeled products and refuses to refund customers when confronted with the lab tests. They are not the Golden Goose, unfortunately.
Thank you for being a civil individual. I know nothing about the PPL incident but if true I totally agree with you.

To answer this, Millard isn’t on or around much. This incident was reported and the PPL incident probably wasn’t is my guess. Millard isn’t visiting these source threads unless tagged or something is reported.

QSC is constantly pushing the limits. Just yesterday they posted more than half of a customers tracking number, dates, time packages were shipped and received, the origin of the customer, etc. QSC does this all the time. Most of the time it’s just a small time user like myself so it gets swept under the rug for the most part as LE ain’t gonna find much here but is still is totally unacceptable but this time they did it to a source. QSC went on to post about his previous order history adding a lot more to the fire.

Also, not sure many caught it but QSC threatened @Tiredandhot yesterday with doxing. QSC worded it in a way not to catch a ban but I’m sure T&H got the message loud and clear.

No doubt. When this source popped up many thought this is to good to be true but everyone soon discovered the cheap prices come with the cost of dealing with a child like rep that when either a product doesn’t test well or doesn’t even test for what it should at all won’t refund or reship the right product. This has happened a few times now with this source and enough is enough. It’s also BS that if anyone speaks out about their experiences than it’s no soup (no refund) for you. We review here whether it’s good or bad. This source is Notorious for their scare tactics and I hope more start speaking out now with this me too movement.
I'm genuinely concerned this guy very well could still fully dox me, or any past customer of theirs when they return or under another handle. It's evident they would do such a thing by their past behavior and not lose a minute of sleep over it.

This should concern any past or potential future customer of theirs.
Almost all generic HGH is produced in factories in China. In order to provide the best products to my customers, I purchase HGH from all sorts of vendors and test them. You never know when you might find the Golden Goose.

QSC is a self-admitted scammer who sends mislabeled products and refuses to refund customers when confronted with the lab tests. They are not the Golden Goose, unfortunately.
Did you test QSC’s hgh?
Did you test QSC’s hgh?
No, as I made clear in the fake Toremifene thread, I was disappointed by the shipping arrangement and decided that any reasonable order size would be untenable for a long term working relationship, so I opted to wholesale the kits to someone else.

The test reports of mine that QSC linked claiming to be of their product was not.