Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Dang hoping I would get a discount doing all of those at once. Lol. It's all good. I understand the money making game.
However, if you had to pick four from my list, what would you pick? What is more faked than the rest? Because I don't know if I want to spend $1,200 or more for testing. I'll spend $400 or so. Haha.
1000000% send the accutane.
Wasn’t their primo already tested and it came back underdosed and everyone swept it under the rug cause fuck it, it’s cheap
I'm genuinely concerned this guy very well could still fully dox me, or any past customer of theirs when they return or under another handle. It's evident they would do such a thing by their past behavior and not lose a minute of sleep over it.

This should concern any past or potential future customer of theirs.
They were happy to post all of my tracking numbers, including ones that have previous been held by or are currently held by customs, as well as the parcel destinations.

I have no doubt that the QSC rep here would be happy to dox other customers who came forward with issues.
Wasn’t their primo already tested and it came back underdosed and everyone swept it under the rug cause fuck it, it’s cheap

Swept it under the rug? Everyone was using it as a point of reference to shit on QSC. Since then their primo(and a blend) has been tested at least twice more and it was at acceptable levels.

For anyone reading this it was like 80-85mg and not 100mg per ml with regards to what B Ware is talking about.
Swept it under the rug? Everyone was using it as a point of reference to shit on QSC. Since then their primo(and a blend) has been tested at least twice more and it was at acceptable levels.

For anyone reading this it was like 80-85mg and not 100mg per ml with regards to what B Ware is talking about.

We’ve got you on record stating…
No one should use QSC after the Deus Pharmaceutical debacle.

You can quit shilling now.

I feel the same way about they guy, haha.

You would. Most worthless member across many boards. Haven’t seen you around since everyone expressed their feelings toward ya and you ran off. Glad our whipping boy is back
Stating facts is now shilling if you don't agree with them guys. Watch out, we got some real genius posters here.
There seems to be some confusion so please allow me to clarify. I have at no point changed my story, at all. I have posts here with typos that I would love to amend, but I am leaving them unedited so you can see none of my posts have been changed.

I have received 40 kits of HGH from QSC. These HGK kits, of which I ordered 50 as a sample, came with blue tops. I have been stocking and selling (and testing) HGH for multiple years now. I have tested these periodically for a number of years. The HGH I sell has black tops.

The rep accused me of buying their HGH, testing it, and selling it for a large mark up. I have never, nor will I ever, resell their HGH as a Deus product. When I received 40 out of 50 of the kits I ordered, I was quite disappointed with the pack being split without my consent, shipped via a shipping method I did not agree to, and taking many, many weeks to arrive. As such, I wholesaled the entire lot to someone else.

I never changed my story one time, I only stated that my HGH has always been sold with black tops because I thought that would help bring clarity that I've never resold QSC HGH. I was under the impression that QSC did blue tops by default, and the rep can speak to what inventory they sold at the time that I purchased. Again, I bring up the top colour only because that would give assurance to anyone that has purchased HGH from me that they were never given a QSC product.

If further clarification is appreciated, please let me know. I want there to be no mistake about this. I feel the rep is doing their best to muddy the waters to distract from the real issues here.
I'm confused. You said above, that you received 40 of 50 HGH kits ordered from QSC and due to the fact that you didn't like the way they were shipped that you "wholesaled the entire lot to someone else." Then in the next paragraph you said, "I've never resold QSC HGH."

So am I clear in understanding that you didn't actually test the QSC HGH, nor use it, nor have any complaints about it, other than they you didn't like the shipping method. Because you didn't like the shipping method you resold it to someone else and then turned right around and claimed to have never resold QSC HGH.

Is that a fair representation of your above post?
I've been on a high quality hgh from the same source for over a year straight with no more than 2 days off at 8iu min 12iu max and I'm about to start qsc hgh whenever it comes at 10iu per day so I'll report back with feelz after a little bit and then get my igf tested after awhile.
Just know the testing done show they are 12 iu. Take it for what its worth
Just know the testing done show they are 12 iu. Take it for what its wortha
I also was soooo lethargic from the hgh, i stopped the hgh for 3 days lethargy subsided, started the hgh again, the lethargy was real bad again.

Running the hgh at 5 iu