Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There seems to be some confusion so please allow me to clarify. I have at no point changed my story, at all. I have posts here with typos that I would love to amend, but I am leaving them unedited so you can see none of my posts have been changed.

I have received 40 kits of HGH from QSC. These HGK kits, of which I ordered 50 as a sample, came with blue tops. I have been stocking and selling (and testing) HGH for multiple years now. I have tested these periodically for a number of years. The HGH I sell has black tops.

The rep accused me of buying their HGH, testing it, and selling it for a large mark up. I have never, nor will I ever, resell their HGH as a Deus product. When I received 40 out of 50 of the kits I ordered, I was quite disappointed with the pack being split without my consent, shipped via a shipping method I did not agree to, and taking many, many weeks to arrive. As such, I wholesaled the entire lot to someone else.

I never changed my story one time, I only stated that my HGH has always been sold with black tops because I thought that would help bring clarity that I've never resold QSC HGH. I was under the impression that QSC did blue tops by default, and the rep can speak to what inventory they sold at the time that I purchased. Again, I bring up the top colour only because that would give assurance to anyone that has purchased HGH from me that they were never given a QSC product.

If further clarification is appreciated, please let me know. I want there to be no mistake about this. I feel the rep is doing their best to muddy the waters to distract from the real issues here.
I also was soooo lethargic from the hgh, i stopped the hgh for 3 days lethargy subsided, started the hgh again, the lethargy was real bad again.

Running the hgh at 5 iu
Is this a normal side effect of HGH? I have been having the exact same problem since starting their HGH. I've never napped this much in my life!
I'm confused. You said above, that you received 40 of 50 HGH kits ordered from QSC and due to the fact that you didn't like the way they were shipped that you "wholesaled the entire lot to someone else." Then in the next paragraph you said, "I've never resold QSC HGH."

So am I clear in understanding that you didn't actually test the QSC HGH, nor use it, nor have any complaints about it, other than they you didn't like the shipping method. Because you didn't like the shipping method you resold it to someone else and then turned right around and claimed to have never resold QSC HGH.

Is that a fair representation of your above post?
I can see the confusion, I should have been more explicit with the words I chose to use.

I sell items under the banner of Deus Pharmaceuticals. QSC HGH was not a suitable fit to be sold under the banner of Deus Pharmaceuticals. I have a number of resellers/local vendors/source peers who often inquire about different types of transactions. Some just resell Deus branded products, some prefer "white label" (unbranded) etc.. In this case a customer who frequently purchases large quantities of HGH (usually Deus branded) asked what I had available. I let him know that I had those 40 kits that I wouldn't be able to use, I told him the origin, he agreed to purchase them. They went cheap and untested.

I hope that provides clarity. This sort of thing is fairly frequent. As customs are tight in Canada, some providers have issues bringing in items, or they're in a pinch. Sometimes other vendors come to me for raws and I give that whatever info I have re: purity testing etc., and I sell them the raws. I consider this sort of transaction to be entirely distinct from selling under my brand, as the terms of sale are a lot more flexible. I won't sell untested HGH to my Deus customers, but if someone emails me and asks what odds and ends are laying around, we can often work something out.
I can see the confusion, I should have been more explicit with the words I chose to use.

I sell items under the banner of Deus Pharmaceuticals. QSC HGH was not a suitable fit to be sold under the banner of Deus Pharmaceuticals. I have a number of resellers/local vendors/source peers who often inquire about different types of transactions. Some just resell Deus branded products, some prefer "white label" (unbranded) etc.. In this case a customer who frequently purchases large quantities of HGH (usually Deus branded) asked what I had available. I let him know that I had those 40 kits that I wouldn't be able to use, I told him the origin, he agreed to purchase them. They went cheap and untested.

I hope that provides clarity. This sort of thing is fairly frequent. As customs are tight in Canada, some providers have issues bringing in items, or they're in a pinch. Sometimes other vendors come to me for raws and I give that whatever info I have re: purity testing etc., and I sell them the raws. I consider this sort of transaction to be entirely distinct from selling under my brand, as the terms of sale are a lot more flexible. I won't sell untested HGH to my Deus customers, but if someone emails me and asks what odds and ends are laying around, we can often work something out.
Thank you very much for clarification!!
Thank you very much for clarification!!
Happy to. I appreciate people asking clarifying questions if anything has come across as misleading or confusing. Hopefully it will bring focus on to the important issue which is that they are sending out mislabeled products with a promise of a refund if it doesn't come back good, and they are retracting that refund offer.

As I told the rep privately, I believe that a man's word is his bond. In this case I believe the error to be deliberate as illustrated by their lengthy history of dishonest practices.
Happy to. I appreciate people asking clarifying questions if anything has come across as misleading or confusing. Hopefully it will bring focus on to the important issue which is that they are sending out mislabeled products with a promise of a refund if it doesn't come back good, and they are retracting that refund offer.

As I told the rep privately, I believe that a man's word is his bond. In this case I believe the error to be deliberate as illustrated by their lengthy history of dishonest practices.
I hear you! As an American who doesn't feel comfortable risking customs I have always had a limited number of options available to me. When I read through threads about customs issues and reship problems I tend to tune out because I only buy US Domestic. I have read horror stories about reships from lots of sources. What gets my blood up is when I start reading accusations about a source sending out dangerous products or products that harm people. Those accusations have been made here and I have seen zero empirical data to back up those claims. Reckless accusations like that make people like me think the haters must have an agenda and they lose my trust as much as a source who doesn't honor their word. Then end users like me are left to roll the dice and hope for the best. If people here care as much about "Harm Reduction" as they claim they would do well to stop making accusations that they can't back up with first hand knowledge. Again thank you for taking the time to respond to my question.
Newb question. I am running test e and primo e. Could i just mix both oils in like 30 ml vial with correct ratios of each so that i wouldnt have to measure it every time i pin? Will it maintain the proper ratio if mixed ? I was thinking if primo might be "heavier" and thus would settle at the bottom or something like that
If they’re the same kind of oil then yes, you can. If they’re not then they won’t really mix the way you need them to because each oil has its own weight.
I also was soooo lethargic from the hgh, i stopped the hgh for 3 days lethargy subsided, started the hgh again, the lethargy was real bad again.

Running the hgh at 5 iu
When I first started hgh I got lethargic but I haven't in awhile. So we'll see . I'm just going to use it at 10iu and if its actually 12 iu well whatever cool lol. I take it majority before bed and a little bit pre workout for the most part but I have done just all bedtime and it usually gives me awesome dreams from the source I'm getting it from now. Super vivid sometimes super strange lol
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***Avoid this source at all costs***

They send the wrong, mislabeled or underdosed gear. If you test yourself and provide proof, you will be given nothing. No refund for you.

If you try to alert the community of their scammy behavior, they will put your personal tracking information in the thread for all to see, including LE.
Man, I think I'm some kind of dark omen to sources here. I have 2 raw sources I use here, and have enjoyed all items I have received. Save one instance, and it was corrected.

I'm not gonna praise anyone's service here or I'll be labeled as a godamn shill or Chinese cum dumpster or some shit like that because I've had nothing but positive experiences. Especially both company's Primo raw has been top notch.

I understand people have bad experiences and I am sympathetic toward that. Do I agree with reps way of handling other people's handling, no I do not.

But I will continue with QSC as if now bc I have been pleased. All these scammer memes and shit isn't gonna scare most people away. Sorry, but the good has outweighed the bad from what I've seen.

Having said that if I were to end up in that bracket, I will take it up privately with rep, if I'm brushed to the side I will make a one time post if there is any "harm reduction" to be done. Then I will take my business elsewhere.

I enjoy seeing customers TDs and experiences, but when I spend pages reading an all out fucking flame war, I'm about to dox myself so I can't have access to internet to read this shit storm that I use as my nightly entertainment.
Happy to. I appreciate people asking clarifying questions if anything has come across as misleading or confusing. Hopefully it will bring focus on to the important issue which is that they are sending out mislabeled products with a promise of a refund if it doesn't come back good, and they are retracting that refund offer.

As I told the rep privately, I believe that a man's word is his bond. In this case I believe the error to be deliberate as illustrated by their lengthy history of dishonest practices.
Deus, I actively follow this thread as I am a customer, if it's cool could you please link the post where mislabeled products were sent and tested and the buyer was told to get fucked or whatever. I don't remember seeing that, was it raws, finished, peptides, GH etc. Thx in advance.
Man, I think I'm some kind of dark omen to sources here. I have 2 raw sources I use here, and have enjoyed all items I have received. Save one instance, and it was corrected.

I'm not gonna praise anyone's service here or I'll be labeled as a godamn shill or Chinese cum dumpster or some shit like that because I've had nothing but positive experiences. Especially both company's Primo raw has been top notch.

I understand people have bad experiences and I am sympathetic toward that. Do I agree with reps way of handling other people's handling, no I do not.

But I will continue with QSC as if now bc I have been pleased. All these scammer memes and shit isn't gonna scare most people away. Sorry, but the good has outweighed the bad from what I've seen.

Having said that if I were to end up in that bracket, I will take it up privately with rep, if I'm brushed to the side I will make a one time post if there is any "harm reduction" to be done. Then I will take my business elsewhere.

I enjoy seeing customers TDs and experiences, but when I spend pages reading an all out fucking flame war, I'm about to dox myself so I can't have access to internet to read this shit storm that I use as my nightly entertainment.
Yeah, people started talking massive shit about Colonial and those guys have been great in my experience. But I can totally understand that when shit does wrong with an overseas source it can be an absolute nightmare, especially if its a high dollar order. Your leverage over them is pretty much limited to putting them on blast on the forums. Knowing how often shit goes wrong with any particular source would be helpful.
So if I understood correctly a Deus source received a mislabeled product knowing that on 400 pages no one had this problem, and in all the lab tests posted in the forum there was always the molecule purchased, but from that the first error occurred, it became scammer?

And after dozens of pages of satisfied customers about the packaging and quality, now that he is banned and can no longer respond to all these comments, all of a sudden, QSC is called a scammer and trash source by members who obviously never ordered, the same ones who used to make the silly comments in the beginning when they arrived and disappeard later once his business became solid, in addition to competitors and sources, and we are supposed to be in solidarity with these and believe there is nothing shaddy in this?

Just trying to understand why all this hating suddenly and why we are supposed to believe by word a source's story who is not even advertising here in meso against another one, established enough time here but just not able to defend itself because the rep is banned?
Fuck I leave the thread for 2 days and come back to this shitstorm.

I’ve recently received 3 of their 15IU HGH kits - is everyone saying they’re rubbish?

I’ve also got finished oils and BPC on the way … are they junk also?

I don’t understand how the thread went from a bunch of really happy customers to the rep being banned.

