Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This is not why he was banned. So you think Millard is a dummy and believed a lie and banned QSC? Lol. Oh brother you noobs are something else. Maybe venture out a bit and see how things work around here
The reason why he has been banned is in the second paragraphe retard
The purpose of my comment is to recall that Meso has never tolerated that sources comment or vet in the threads of other sources either, you have common markets, and necessarily common customers, like me for example who has already bought from you and who recommended you to some of my coachings in France but also I am a client of QSC, so you put yourself in a position that can create conflicts and enemies for you when you can do like all the most respected sources of Meso like Stan, GoodLyfe and Jet who have never comment in the other threads and each takes care of his business, you did the same to Driada and it's not well seen by us as members, it is the job of the members of Meso to vet the sources, not the sources to do that otherwise it would be a hell of a war. Skank didn't need more than a lab test to show that the hcg was trash without the need to cry scam or whatever and that's how we can be useful to the community, his problem was solved and the members took care of the rest.
You must have missed that 95% of those vets doing this job got 'let go' by Millard quite a while ago in one fell swoop and except for a handful of OG members like @B Ware, @Iron_Yuppie and @MisterSuperGod there are no guardian dogs left with the experience/knowledge or willpower to vet sources properly anymore, leaving the remaining flock of sheep a defenseless and profitable meal for any wolf.

Members are missing an absolute mountain of red flags all across Meso I am confident the old vets would have caught and without a labtesting group you are almost completely dependent on sources to identify problems like the HCG and Toremifene (go check how the latest attempt at making a new Meso labtesting group went - nowhere as expected).

Your ignorance of both the issues present here and with some of the other sources you listed exemplify that you as well are unfit to vet any source (as well as confusing Deus Pharmaceutical and Buy Deus, who operate on different continents and have zero crossover).

I believe Meso's ideal of harm reduction should stand above anything, including sources protecting/not interfering with each other, and I am fully aware everyone who believes the opposite will consider me a malicious actor. All I want is the rough wilderness of old Meso back, not this bordering on source board comfy sheep shit.

@Anavarlover They weren't identified so noone can answer further details regarding these conclusively.
You must have missed that 95% of those vets doing this job got 'let go' by Millard quite a while ago in one fell swoop and except for a handful of OG members like @B Ware, @Iron_Yuppie and @MisterSuperGod there are no guardian dogs left with the experience/knowledge or willpower to vet sources properly anymore, leaving the remaining flock of sheep a defenseless and profitable meal for any wolf.

Members are missing an absolute mountain of red flags all across Meso I am confident the old vets would have caught and without a labtesting group you are almost completely dependent on sources to identify problems like the HCG and Toremifene (go check how the latest attempt at making a new Meso labtesting group went - nowhere as expected).

Your ignorance of both the issues present here and with some of the other sources you listed exemplify that you as well are unfit to vet any source (as well as confusing Deus Pharmaceutical and Buy Deus, who operate on different continents and have zero crossover).

I believe Meso's ideal of harm reduction should stand above anything, including sources protecting/not interfering with each other, and I am fully aware everyone who believes the opposite will consider me a malicious actor. All I want is the rough wilderness of old Meso back, not this bordering on source board comfy sheep shit.

@Anavarlover They weren't identified so noone can answer further details regarding these conclusively.

a source telling members that they're unfit to vet a source.

You must have missed that 95% of those vets doing this job got 'let go' by Millard quite a while ago in one fell swoop and except for a handful of OG members like @B Ware, @Iron_Yuppie and @MisterSuperGod there are no guardian dogs left with the experience/knowledge or willpower to vet sources properly anymore, leaving the remaining flock of sheep a defenseless and profitable meal for any wolf.
Why did they get banned?
The reason why he has been banned is in the second paragraphe retard

Yeah that was comical so I didn’t even respond to that. You claim the source forgot to black out all the tracking details. Guess the source must of forgot all the other times as well. :rolleyes:
You must have missed that 95% of those vets doing this job got 'let go' by Millard quite a while ago in one fell swoop and except for a handful of OG members like @B Ware, @Iron_Yuppie and @MisterSuperGod there are no guardian dogs left with the experience/knowledge or willpower to vet sources properly anymore, leaving the remaining flock of sheep a defenseless and profitable meal for any wolf.

Members are missing an absolute mountain of red flags all across Meso I am confident the old vets would have caught and without a labtesting group you are almost completely dependent on sources to identify problems like the HCG and Toremifene (go check how the latest attempt at making a new Meso labtesting group went - nowhere as expected).

Your ignorance of both the issues present here and with some of the other sources you listed exemplify that you as well are unfit to vet any source (as well as confusing Deus Pharmaceutical and Buy Deus, who operate on different continents and have zero crossover).

I believe Meso's ideal of harm reduction should stand above anything, including sources protecting/not interfering with each other, and I am fully aware everyone who believes the opposite will consider me a malicious actor. All I want is the rough wilderness of old Meso back, not this bordering on source board comfy sheep shit.

@Anavarlover They weren't identified so noone can answer further details regarding these conclusively.
Yes, what would we do without you, the german crossdresser and the other boomers who aven't been here for years, oh please, guide us , we can't make our own opinion on a source, we absolutly need you
You must have missed that 95% of those vets doing this job got 'let go' by Millard quite a while ago in one fell swoop and except for a handful of OG members like @B Ware, @Iron_Yuppie and @MisterSuperGod there are no guardian dogs left with the experience/knowledge or willpower to vet sources properly anymore, leaving the remaining flock of sheep a defenseless and profitable meal for any wolf.

Members are missing an absolute mountain of red flags all across Meso I am confident the old vets would have caught and without a labtesting group you are almost completely dependent on sources to identify problems like the HCG and Toremifene (go check how the latest attempt at making a new Meso labtesting group went - nowhere as expected).

Your ignorance of both the issues present here and with some of the other sources you listed exemplify that you as well are unfit to vet any source (as well as confusing Deus Pharmaceutical and Buy Deus, who operate on different continents and have zero crossover).

I believe Meso's ideal of harm reduction should stand above anything, including sources protecting/not interfering with each other, and I am fully aware everyone who believes the opposite will consider me a malicious actor. All I want is the rough wilderness of old Meso back, not this bordering on source board comfy sheep shit.

@Anavarlover They weren't identified so noone can answer further details regarding these conclusively.
Thx. Was just asking if peptide impurities in general are bad
Why did they get banned?
They posted all of the tracking numbers of a Source customer (sensoring some digits of each) alongside delivery status and destination city and refused to remove them or further censor sensitive information when asked.

Some of those parcels were in customs holds, so essentially it's a free handoff to LE: "here are all that source's packs, if you'd like to look into it".

What QSC was NOT banned for but still did was:

1. Took another source's lab tests and claimed them as their own
2. Shipped mislabeled product to a source with a refund guarantee if it came back impure or fake, and then retracted the refund offer when it came back mislabeled.

Optional 3. is clearly running multiple accounts here. Why is there a gigantic wave of broken english/typo-filled SIMPing for a Chinese raw supplier? It makes no sense. I have never seen MesoRX defend a source for shipping out mislabeled products and refusing to give a promised refund.
They posted all of the tracking numbers of a Source customer (sensoring some digits of each) alongside delivery status and destination city and refused to remove them or further censor sensitive information when asked.

Some of those parcels were in customs holds, so essentially it's a free handoff to LE: "here are all that source's packs, if you'd like to look into it".

What QSC was NOT banned for but still did was:

1. Took another source's lab tests and claimed them as their own
2. Shipped mislabeled product to a source with a refund guarantee if it came back impure or fake, and then retracted the refund offer when it came back mislabeled.

Optional 3. is clearly running multiple accounts here. Why is there a gigantic wave of broken english/typo-filled SIMPing for a Chinese raw supplier? It makes no sense. I have never seen MesoRX defend a source for shipping out mislabeled products and refusing to give a promised refund.
You must have missed that 95% of those vets doing this job got 'let go' by Millard quite a while ago in one fell swoop and except for a handful of OG members like @B Ware, @Iron_Yuppie and @MisterSuperGod there are no guardian dogs left with the experience/knowledge or willpower to vet sources properly anymore, leaving the remaining flock of sheep a defenseless and profitable meal for any wolf.
I was asking about the vets that got banned, not QSC
So if I understood correctly a Deus source received a mislabeled product knowing that on 400 pages no one had this problem, and in all the lab tests posted in the forum there was always the molecule purchased, but from that the first error occurred, it became scammer?

And after dozens of pages of satisfied customers about the packaging and quality, now that he is banned and can no longer respond to all these comments, all of a sudden, QSC is called a scammer and trash source by members who obviously never ordered, the same ones who used to make the silly comments in the beginning when they arrived and disappeard later once his business became solid, in addition to competitors and sources, and we are supposed to be in solidarity with these and believe there is nothing shaddy in this?

Just trying to understand why all this hating suddenly and why we are supposed to believe by word a source's story who is not even advertising here in meso against another one, established enough time here but just not able to defend itself because the rep is banned?
If you want to give a synapses of what has happened, try to keep it accurate.

Deus Pharmaceuticals made a test order for some hgh. He asked and qsc agreed that it would be shipped a certain way.

It was not shipped to DP the way that was agreed upon. The order was split into multiple orders, also not what they agreed upon. 20% of his order was seized on account of instructions not being followed.

DP decided that QSC wasn't worth dealing with and was no longer considering buying their hgh for resale as a DP product.

He also made a few other orders, presumably before the problems with the hgh.

The real problem came when DP ordered $2000 worth of raws that were mislabeled. It may or may not have been QSC scamming because the raw that was sent, if it hadn't been 3rd party tested, could have easily been mistaken for the correct product because they were similar products. And it just so happened, that this mislabeled product was about 10 times cheaper and could be mistaken for the correct product, had the analysis not been done.

DP had been clear with the qsc rep that he would be entitled to a refund if the product tested bunk or mislabeled and the rep agreed.

However, when the product tested bunk, the rep went back on their agreement and chose not to give DP the refund that they should have been entitled to.

Then, the QSC rep basically soft doxxed DP for bringing this problem to light for the rest of the meso community.

Then, the rep pushed back further and basically threatened to dox a member, @Tiredandhot.

QSC definitely has some great prices and some quality products, but the way they are choosing to handle problems is not right. Threatening to dox customers that have problems with their service is unacceptable.
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Bros, im totally confused now. Long story short, how can we make this forum good again? Is there any way we can group up and start from beginning instead of insulting us each other.

So how we go on with this source and all other sources now. Should we create a new Testing group or something where we drop some couple of $$$ to help with harm reduction. I'm so glad to be a part of Meso, but with this confusing back and forth I can't find the quality I'm looking for.
So a source has an axe to grind against another source who sells the same products but for 75% less in price?
If you bought something from QSC and were promised a refund if it came back mislabeled or impure, and then the rep said "no, we're not giving you your refund" what would you do? Would you mention it to other potential buyers, or would you defend the source who ripped you off?