Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Bros, im totally confused now. Long story short, how can we make this forum good again? Is there any way we can group up and start from beginning instead of insulting us each other.

So how we go on with this source and all other sources now. Should we create a new Testing group or something where we drop some couple of $$$ to help with harm reduction. I'm so glad to be a part of Meso, but with this confusing back and forth I can't find the quality I'm looking for.
Testing groups are clearly complicated and imperfect. I think they're generally good. Meso US benefits a lot from some of the testing by MesoFR. But ultimately you need to uphold basic principles. If a source admits to scamming their customers and then soft doxxes them and threatens further doxxing of others, they need to be removed. That's it.

What's the good of a testing group in this situation where someone came forward showing that QSC sent them mislabeled product and they were told to fuck themselves?
If you bought something from QSC and were promised a refund if it came back mislabeled or impure, and then the rep said "no, we're not giving you your refund" what would you do? Would you mention it to other potential buyers, or would you defend the source who ripped you off?
A source must keep his words. If he reships, he have to do it. If he don't, than he should stop his business. We're all here to have a good time with good juice. But if sources start to scamm us, we should avoid them and warn each other.

Since I dont have any experience with QSC, I wonder how we can get solid stuff without the hassle.
Testing groups are clearly complicated and imperfect. I think they're generally good. Meso US benefits a lot from some of the testing by MesoFR. But ultimately you need to uphold basic principles. If a source admits to scamming their customers and then soft doxxes them and threatens further doxxing of others, they need to be removed. That's it.

What's the good of a testing group in this situation where someone came forward showing that QSC sent them mislabeled product and they were told to fuck themselves?
Your absolutely right. I don't want to support someone who tell me to stfu after he made a big mistake.

Im a polite person. Things can go wrong, so if a source apologize and do his best to resolve this issue, than there is no problem for me. But, I'm talking about small mistakes.

If there would happen any shit that could harm or even kill us, I would take that very personally.
If you bought something from QSC and were promised a refund if it came back mislabeled or impure, and then the rep said "no, we're not giving you your refund" what would you do? Would you mention it to other potential buyers, or would you defend the source who ripped you off?
But that's not the whole story. The correct item was out of stock and the customer got impatient waiting for the reship and then posted the lab tests trying to pass it off that QSC send them counterfeit product when it was just a shipping error.
But that's not the whole story. The correct item was out of stock and the customer got impatient waiting for the reship and then posted the lab tests trying to pass it off that QSC send them counterfeit product when it was just a shipping error.
Try again, dip shit. The correct item was never sent and when the testing showed that to be the case, only then was the correct item deemed to be unavailable. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not.

Why are you defending this source, Chuck? What do you have to gain by doing so? If you want to use them, that's fine. Nobody is stopping you.

But you'd be doing yourself a favor if you took off the blinders and could actually see the forest for the trees.

QSC has great prices and some good products but they need to send the right products and not dox customers for bringing up problems they encounter along the way.

And I'm still patiently waiting for you to fill us all in on what I missed in my interpretation of what has transpired here.

I'm all ears, little Chuckie. Enlighten me, please.
But that's not the whole story. The correct item was out of stock and the customer got impatient waiting for the reship and then posted the lab tests trying to pass it off that QSC send them counterfeit product when it was just a shipping error.
Just a shipping error? And youre ok with that? if this hadn’t been a lab that tests his own raws he would have passed that onto the consumer who would be taking whatever the fuck this source sent. This should not be considered ok and swept under the fucking rug. What happens when they “accidentally” ship someone something that could fuck someone up? And it’s someone who doesn’t test? We are dealing with drugs that can fuck up if mislabeled. How do you think it would go if he accidentally sent superdrol to someone thinking it is anadrol and someone starts taking 100mg of superdrol a day thinking it is anadrol it’s gonna fuck them up. This is a huge fucking risk and shouldn’t be swept under the rug.
But that's not the whole story. The correct item was out of stock and the customer got impatient waiting for the reship and then posted the lab tests trying to pass it off that QSC send them counterfeit product when it was just a shipping error.
Can you identify which posts confused you into believing this?

Here is me asking if I would receive a refund if the product came mislabeled:

Here is QSC saying they would provide me a refund if the product came mislabeled:

Here is QSC rescinding their refund promise after the Toremifene I ordered showed up and tested as Clomiphene:

Would you please indicate what you don't understand here? I'm going to assume that you're a well-meaning and impartial individual, if I have in any way misrepresented my claim to have been scammed, please present the point of confusion.
But that's not the whole story. The correct item was out of stock and the customer got impatient waiting for the reship and then posted the lab tests trying to pass it off that QSC send them counterfeit product when it was just a shipping error.

That’s not the whole story either bud. Did you read the source’s past history with orders from QSC? It was a train wreck. The source said that his reship would go out that same week. That was weeks ago. Only later did he find out after getting the run around that the product was out of stock. Also, was the source going to compensate him for his troubles and his cost for testing it? Absolutely not. You guys are defending a terrible source.

It should not matter in the slightest that the source/customer went public. He was sent the wrong product and only found that out because he did his due diligence and had it tested. This is something the community needs to see. I’ll say it again for the people in the back, whether good or bad all reviews should be written and not shunned.
Can you identify which posts confused you into believing this?

Here is me asking if I would receive a refund if the product came mislabeled:

Here is QSC saying they would provide me a refund if the product came mislabeled:

Here is QSC rescinding their refund promise after the Toremifene I ordered showed up and tested as Clomiphene:

Would you please indicate what you don't understand here? I'm going to assume that you're a well-meaning and impartial individual, if I have in any way misrepresented my claim to have been scammed, please present the point of confusion.
Dont care.
Still gonna order the primo 200 when its in stock domestically.
Dont care.
Still gonna order the primo 200 when its in stock domestically.
That's fine, anyone is entitled to take on as much or as little risk as they see fit. However if you're sent 100mg/mL Test P instead and they refuse to fix the situation, what will you do? Will you keep it a secret, will you advise other MesoRX members?
Maybe with all this public ass kissing you're doing, QSC rep will find it in his heart to send you an extra vial of test prop.

Doubtful. They accidentally sent an xtra vial to a guy on another board and asked him to send it back.
Which members are okay with that? Less than a week old accounts?

Meso needs to perma ban QSC and be done with this. A temp ban for scamming is laughable.
Can you make up your mind already. One second you’re a QSC fan girl and the next you’re saying stuff like this and then straight back to fan girl