Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Good for you, clown. It would be a real shame if your primo turned out to be estrogen.
Or if that primo had high level heavy metal contamination.

There can't be more than one place that produces all of these raws, not to mention the quality in which those production standards are held.

At the end of the day I suppose it is up to you what you want to jam in your body. After all, it is yours. @Chuck Spears
Or if that primo had high level heavy metal contamination.

There can't be more than one place that produces all of these raws, not to mention the quality in which those production standards are held.

At the end of the day I suppose it is up to you what you want to jam in your body. After all, it is yours. @Chuck Spears
Heavy metal contamination?
Now you're just spewing bullshit.
What happens if I order Viagra and turns out to be nerve gas?
I'm still gonna order from Q and not from you.
A friend of mine orders a few items beginning of April and at the beginning of May he asked for an update and they told him the package was returned to it's origin due to covid? They shipped it out a second time and when he asked exactly when it was shipped out they said it was none of his business lol and said it would take 4-8 weeks this time not 4 weeks.
A friend of mine orders a few items beginning of April and at the beginning of May he asked for an update and they told him the package was returned to it's origin due to covid? They shipped it out a second time and when he asked exactly when it was shipped out they said it was none of his business lol and said it would take 4-8 weeks this time not 4 weeks.
Post email screenshots
I also think its odd that QSC hgh at 10iu has tested 12 point Something ius over and over. And then this guys hgh who was tested was 12 point Something ius.
That's actually what made me.think that it could have been a mistake that he thought it was his hgh he had tested
What does Meso gain by keeping known scammers on this forum? ExtremePIP and QSC have scammed users out of thousands yet they don't get perma banned. Why does no one question this?
What does Meso gain by keeping known scammers on this forum? ExtremePIP and QSC have scammed users out of thousands yet they don't get perma banned. Why does no one question this?
Do you know the naps story from last year or panda stories from the last years?
Even when Deus posted screenshots showing proof of QSC scamming them, you said "don't care". Seems like you're probably the QSC rep just trying to figure out who to dox next.
I believe its been mentioned a few times in this thread that Chucky and Qingdao are one in the same
Bros, im totally confused now. Long story short, how can we make this forum good again? Is there any way we can group up and start from beginning instead of insulting us each other.

So how we go on with this source and all other sources now. Should we create a new Testing group or something where we drop some couple of $$$ to help with harm reduction. I'm so glad to be a part of Meso, but with this confusing back and forth I can't find the quality I'm looking for.
oh, you'd only have to be invited to the testing group and approved by the vets! nevermind you had money to spend willingly and have an IQ north of 100. but don't you dare suggest anything that you might not even know if will be a viable idea or not, because those Meso Police will let you know how dumb you are for doing so!
Being objective is hard for you to understand isn't it?
it's as i said earlier. imagine a world where there are more than 2 sides to any given situation, ever.
Here I sit, all broken hearted. Tried to shit, but only farted. When I got a second chance, I tried to fart but shit my pants.