Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What does Meso gain by keeping known scammers on this forum? ExtremePIP and QSC have scammed users out of thousands yet they don't get perma banned. Why does no one question this?

We do. This is or was an uncensored board. For the existence of this place up until recently it was the members board and sources better come correct or else. The dynamics around here have changed over the last year. Mostly due to the massive member ban and this source.

Although yes, Dyna ran off with members money again he is here making them whole. What do you think happens if you run him off before the members are made whole? You’ve got to think bigger and want more for our brothers and the community. That’s the thing with most in this thread, they are only here for the cheap gear and fuck all the noise that members are getting scammed and doxed.

Millard doesn’t get involved unless rules are broke. Should there be a rule that if a source scams they get banned? Absolutely, but I also know there is only so much Millard can/will get involved in to keep this place as it was as an uncensored board. It’s also a grey area for him to get involved in sales here which is what he would be doing. This is a question better directed at him but to answer your question, we are on the same page. Well until you change your mind in 5 minutes about where you stand again.
we can't make our own opinion on a source
Actually you can and that is precisely where the problem lies. Your opinion is worth precisely jack shit. Nobody should care how you feel about a source any more than they should care about what your favorite vacation spot is. This is a world that relies on two things: facts and reputation. The latter is for sure a little bit subjective, but it’s also built on a foundation of the former. If a source consistently acts like a shithead, lies like a shithead, and sends the general message saying “I am a shithead, give me your money” it’s actually pretty easy to piece together that fact pattern and draw a conclusion.

There are two sides on this thread. One side is saying “be careful with this source, they’ve thrown up a bunch of red flags”. The other side is basically “guuuuuys stop being mean to the Chinese drug dealer”. See if you can guess which side you’re on, comrade.
What does Meso gain by keeping known scammers on this forum? ExtremePIP and QSC have scammed users out of thousands yet they don't get perma banned. Why does no one question this?
News flash. Millard doesn't ban these guys for being shitty sources.

He bans them for threats, doxxing etc.

Keeping the shit sources in line used to be up to the members here. A source comes in half stepping and they got shit on.

But nowadays, with this fucking millennial mentality that has somehow swept through meso, thanks in large part to many stand-up members who were banned for possibly overstepping some boundaries, though that assessment is not universally accepted by a long shot, we now have guys like you, who want to question the guys who dare to question your prized source, no matter what the source does.

If you want to shit on some known scammers, by all means, do it. But playing devil's advocate when this shit is pretty plain to see what has happened, is not right, nor does it help to further the goal of harm reduction.

I can't help but feel that BOP should be trying to make a comeback with so many morons willing to pickup pitch forks against the guys who got fucked.

Maybe you could start a new forum for the mentally challenged folks that have this mentality?
Read through all this back and forth shit and I for one am hesitant to say the least about a second order with this problematic source. My first order went smoothly but seeing the glaring issues I somehow missed sifting through dozens of pages in this thread I am left frustrated that prices were so good for such a high risk. But with all things you get what you pay for.

Maybe he won’t return or if he does maybe there will be an attitude shift.

I don’t buy international as this was my first time but isn’t it common for reships to cost 50% initial order cost to get your products resent? Why doesn’t qsc just do that? Making people do following orders just to get their initial orders doesn’t seem right to me
Just going off of your definition. I actually really think opti does top notch business. Just further proving my point that no matter what, if someone disagrees with all the "VETS" on the board they will get shit on, justly or not. Just like the one guy said all reviews should be accepted, positive or negative, then he goes and shits on the positive reviews and calls them shills. IDK man, not worth my time, you guys are clearly so much smarter than I. I shall bow down to your superior ethics, intelligence and i am assuming girth.

Seriously though get fucked.
I may be only two inches long, but I'm as big around as a can of tuna fish.
Just brewed ton of test and tren from qsc, all went great, despite what everyone says Ill order again. Or is it forbidden to buy unless its overpriced from these guys that ruining this thread?

I know what I should do. I should buy labeled HGH for 100-200usd from these guys which they bought from somebody like qsc for 50usd coz they have real stuff and the guys they bought from dont.
I understand if someone personally had bad experience and got scammed to post here,as I would do the same if I get scammed...but where the hell all of these guys suddenly coming from?

I used to order from different sources in past and it was same shit...everyone would attack the source and source was gtg
Although yes, Dyna ran off with members money again he is here making them whole. What do you think happens if you run him off before the members are made whole?
So if QSC fucked off for a year or two and then came back to make DP whole, all would be forgiven in your eyes? Laughable "logic".

You’ve got to think bigger and want more for our brothers and the community.
You support scammers, got it.

Well until you change your mind in 5 minutes about where you stand again.
Here you go with that bullshit.

Keeping the shit sources in line used to be up to the members here. A source comes in half stepping and they got shit on.

Members do nothing but talk shit to and about sources, it fixes nothing and just creates drama. Nothing has changed here in over a decade.

we now have guys like you, who want to question the guys who dare to question your prized source, no matter what the source does.

I have been here a lot longer than most(and you).

But playing devil's advocate when this shit is pretty plain to see what has happened, is not right, nor does it help to further the goal of harm reduction.

This is what you're doing right now but you can't see it. There should be zero tolerance for scamming.
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So if QSC fucked off for a year or two and then came back to make DP whole, all would be forgiven in your eyes? Laughable "logic".

You support scammers, got it.

Here you go with that bullshit.

Members do nothing but talk shit to and about sources, it fixes nothing and just creates drama. Nothing has changed here in over a decade.

I have been here a lot longer than most(and you).

This is what you're doing right now but you can't see it. There should be zero tolerance for scamming.

Kid, you look foolish. Every other post you are saying no one should buy from QSC but you sure have a vested interest in sitting in here all day bashing everyone that speaks out about them. You call them a scammer but you’ll be damned if anyone else can. Wtf

This is as foolish as yesterday when you stated all everyone does is name call and then in your very next post you name called. Grow up man. What do you hope to accomplish here? What’s the agenda?
Members do nothing but talk shit to and about sources, it fixes nothing and just creates drama. Nothing has changed here in over a decade.
Plenty of bad sources and scammers have been run off through the years using exactly this method.
I have been here a lot longer than most(and you).
Do you want a cookie?
This is what you're doing right now but you can't see it. There should be zero tolerance for scamming.
Do you see me supporting guys being scammed? Wtf are you even alluding to? I'm calling a spade a spade, bud.

QDS has provided some quality products at good prices but they have also practiced shady and, in some instances, despicable acts against customers who had problems.

I'm just calling it how I see it. I'm not the one having to do mental gymnastics in order to make QDS the victims here or act like who cares if they fucked somebody, so long as it wasn't me.

I'm not sure what your bipolar solution would entail, but I can't imagine it being any better.
What do you hope to accomplish here? What’s the agenda?
Why would you support scammers staying on the forum if they make someone whole? That doesn't stop them from scamming but encourages it because in your eyes all can be forgiven, looked over, and or swept under the rug.

Plenty of bad sources and scammers have been run off through the years using exactly this method.
Yet you provide zero examples of that actually happening.

I'm not sure what your bipolar solution would entail, but I can't imagine it being any better.
If you bothered to read everything you'd see it right there in my post. Zero tolerance for scammers.
Why would you support scammers staying on the forum if they make someone whole? That doesn't stop them from scamming but encourages it because in your eyes all can be forgiven, looked over, and or swept under the rug.

Yet you provide zero examples of that actually happening.

If you bothered to read everything you'd see it right there in my post. Zero tolerance for scammers.

That’s okay buddy. Use my avi pic. Always wanted a fan club. I’ll keep living rent free in that head.

You are a troll. You are against the source but also against anyone else who is also against the source. Can’t make this shit up. Special kinda stupid
Although yes, Dyna ran off with members money again he is here making them whole. What do you think happens if you run him off before the members are made whole? You’ve got to think bigger and want more for our brothers and the community.

You are against the source but also against anyone else who is also against the source. Can’t make this shit up. Special kinda stupid

You are against scammers but also for scammers. Can't make this shit up. Special kind of stupid.
Yet you provide zero examples of that actually happening.
If you did a bit of reading since you joined over 10 years ago, I'm sure I wouldn't have to provide you with examples.
If you bothered to read everything you'd see it right there in my post. Zero tolerance for scammers.
I agree with the zero tolerance policy. But guys would still have to talk some shit in order for anyone to know they had been scammed.

And the fact that Millard takes a hands off approach to this, probably to protect himself from legal problems, leaves little other choice but for guys repeating themselves when a source has shit the bed.

We should be able to read and figure out for ourselves if we want to deal with these guys. And vetting being a bit tenacious, especially early on, can help to weed out the sources who don't belong here. Monsterman, I believe he called himself, comes to mind.