Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What would the next question be: did I eat noodles for lunch?

Many of you have not understood what it is the role of a rep, but this is normal since most of the labs you have known are small labs, whose kitchen and bathroom serve as laboratories.

A source rep is quite simply a salesperson, who masters the language of the target market, so first French via the French Meso Rx forum, then this forum.
To represent the source I don't need to be Chinese, or speak Chinese, or meet colleagues and eat spring rolls together after work.
The goal is to conquer a market that has been monopolized by local sources who are used to selling you products made from Chinese raw materials, labeled and packaged in Chinese boxes, at $ 50 a vial.
We have come to offer you an opportunity to have your quality products, for cheap, and many of you have trusted us, even we are surprised at the quantity of clients, compared to the French forum, who also made us trust, and who have never been disappointed.

Confidence is building gradually, you will see the first lab tests, the first feedbacks.
I know that some hesitate, others are suspicious, it's normal, the cheap is always suspect, in the meantime you can continue to buy your products elsewhere at 10 times their real price, while having fun with your rice cooker jokes, sometimes it's funny, I'm not offended as I'm not Chinese, but others during this time have placed orders and will make their own opinion.

We are here, at your disposal, to offer you impeccable service and the cheapest quality on the market, and you are free to test or not ^^

I will come back now to answer your emails and orders, I will be off on saturday afternoon and sunday, and weekend emails gonne be answered on monday, have a nice weekend fellas
Listen, you must be mentally challenged or just ignorant.

Nobody is taking you seriously when you talk about "impeccable service" when you literally ignore all the complaints made at "your" company (including mine). Its not because of your cheap prices, your fake reception picture, your fake profile picture or the fact you dont even work for the company.

Its because you are just unprofessional and got the communication skills of a toddler.

I don't know what it takes for you to understand, it's because of YOU and your shitty attitude. Goodbye!

You are done here, you are wasting your time.

Listen, you must be mentally challenged or just ignorant.

Nobody is taking you seriously when you talk about "impeccable service" when you literally ignore all the complaints made at "your" company (including mine). Its not because of your cheap prices, your fake reception picture, your fake profile picture or the fact you dont even work for the company.

Its because you are just unprofessional and got the communication skills of a toddler.

I don't know what it takes for you to understand, it's because of YOU and your shitty attitude. Goodbye!

You are done here, you are wasting your time.

It's you who is wasting your time thinking that with these comments that you're going to stop people from ordering, don't be stupid.
Before being banned from the French forum, I had shared two lab tests, from two sources Musclefax and Anabolic Guru, the first wrong steroid tren e instead of parabolan, the second there was sugar instead of anavar. This is not what has prevented people from continuing to order from them, the choice of customers is purely financial, and it is not because you had problems with vials not set and you wish him diarrhea every time. that meso members will stand in solidarity with you and stop ordering.
All you're doing right now is keeping his thread active, almost 50 pages in 2 weeks, and you make it visible on the first Meso new posts page, people will read page 1, 2 maybe they'll go to page 4, then it'll stop there, and they gonna put their orders and you, you are wasting your time crying on each page, he is making his money.
I mean did y’all really think they had a fancy reception desk for this business? Lmfao

Did they also think they were actually talking to a gorgeous Chinese woman?

Hate to break it to you all, but the rep has a dick. All these sleazy Chinese vendors pull the same shit. Like we won't cuss out a woman or something.
You seem shocked at the information you’re discovering..

I'm not shocked, those are your words. I just think people need to see this.
If you go on alibaba there are tons of reviews like this:

"Judy was so friendly"
"Alice was super professional"
"Ann is my favorite seller"

So yes, clearly people are falling for it.
Besides, why do you even think there are pictures of the "office" if "she" knows nobody falls for it? It would be useless.

Anyway, I see you're already liking "her" comments so feel free to keep ordering.
If a domestic source put up fake pictures they would be blasted for it. Possibly even banned. Would you still be ok with that?

Some sources even get scrutinized for not crumbling the paper with the words "Meso" on it because it might be fake if it's not crumbled.
This source puts up an entire fake office and it's ok with you.
Anyway, I see you're already liking "her" comments so feel free to keep ordering.
If a domestic source put up fake pictures they would be blasted for it. Possibly even banned. Would you still be ok with that?

Some sources even get scrutinized for not crumbling the paper with the words "Meso" on it because it might be fake if it's not crumbled.
This source puts up an entire fake office and it's ok with you.
Apples and oranges brother.. apples and oranges… fake office pics, from a representative of a *shady* Chinese chemical seller.. posted stock pics properly.. did you have panda post pictures of his warehouse and factory? They literally posted their alibaba seller page info.. if you went to alibaba on their profile they would have the exact same info and pics(of the office/factory).. they didn’t post them here to deceive you, or me, this is how these types of company’s represent themselves on the B2B marketplace..
Apples and oranges brother.. apples and oranges… fake office pics, from a representative of a *shady* Chinese chemical seller.. posted stock pics properly.. did you have panda post pictures of his warehouse and factory? They literally posted their alibaba seller page info.. if you went to alibaba on their profile they would have the exact same info and pics(of the office/factory).. they didn’t post them here to deceive you, or me, this is how these types of company’s represent themselves on the B2B marketplace..

To be honest, I do see where you're coming from.
I just felt that people had to see it.
No hard feelings.
To be honest, I do see where you're coming from.
I just felt that people had to see it.
No hard feelings.
I agree with you, and it’s everyone’s right to make an informed decision and you’ve done no wrong in bringing these facts to light, and giving some people more information about the decision their making on weather to buy or not, I was just providing some background insight as well. Cheers brother.
Whether we want it or not, this source has fucked all the competitors with their hgh price and quality, also for peptides, in French Meso there are dozens of good feedbacks on their gh and mt2, and also a lab test by french group test at 12 ui per vial.
The feedback looks good in the French forum, even for the oils.
And for the blind lab tests I saw of anavar and aromasin done by members on their thread, it's legit and purity is okay.
Whether we want it or not, this source has fucked all the competitors with their hgh price and quality, also for peptides, in French Meso there are dozens of good feedbacks on their gh and mt2, and also a lab test by french group test at 12 ui per vial.
The feedback looks good in the French forum, even for the oils.
And for the blind lab tests I saw of anavar and aromasin done by members on their thread, it's legit and purity is okay.
Right? I’ll be buying fucking 1000iu every. 3 months or so.. lmao..
If the product is good, fine, I just don't comprehend the need to lie about completely fucking stupid shit. it's bad form. not to mention all the other elephants in the room.
I ordered ostarine lgd S4 and anavar from them the S4 gave me green tint so it seems legit, lgd at like 5mg gave me heart palpitations or something so I stopped, the anavar at 20mg on the first dose made me stronger and my muscles were numb to the weight and gave me scalp inflimation so I stopped cause I didn't want to lose hair so I would say they are pretty legit
Wanna save big bucks $$$?
Cut the wanna be french frog salesman !
Go straight to the "manufacturer"
By contacting one of their fake asian flat models :

Get cheaper prices !
Same crappy customer service.
No more middle man taking commission and stealing your hard earned money !
Be cheap be smart ^^

(do not contact them for happy ending! you will be disappointed. A friend told me.)
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Wanna save big bucks $$$?
Cut the wanna be french frog salesman !
Go straight to the "manufacturer"
By contacting one of their fake asian flat models :

View attachment 155800
Get cheaper prices !
Same crappy customer service.
No more middle man taking commission and stealing your hard earned money !
Be cheap be smart ^^

(do not contact them for happy ending! you will be disappointed. A friend told me.)

Not sure that whatsaap is the best secure way to place an order...

and if something went wrong with them, you won't be able to complain like what happened to @mokola as you aren't considered as client of him, sooo... :(:rolleyes:
It was posted in french meso

View attachment 155792
Notice how the verification code is blacked out? This could be fake. Qingdao was already caught posting a fake Janoshik report. Are people forgetting this already?
Or it could be for another manufacturer's gh. Do you know for certain either way?

I keep hearing people parroting the anecdotal reports that the gh and peptides are ok. I genuinely hope so, but that's not enough for me.
Where are all the tests? Multiple 1st and 3rd party tests showing a pattern of consistent quality from batch-to-batch are a prerequisite for anything I'm injecting into my body. But hey, that's me.

The other thing I keep hearing is: "it's cheap enough to test it yourself". I do not follow this logic. What does a purity and dimer GH test from Jano go for? ~$400?
Do you think you're good to go after you test this shit once? Like the quailty from some underground lab in China that fakes pictures and lies to its customers is going to be consistent? No, you're going to need to shell out $400+ every time you order if you want to know what you got before that needle pierces your skin. And that's assuming your order is even all from the same batch. Unless I'm mistaken these professionals don't use batch numbers.

And let's say your test unfortunately shows that it's shit. Do you honestly have confidence you'll get any real customer service? Especially after seeing how poorly this rep handles himself and the multiple stories of members being screwed over?

I don't want to discourage anyone from testing. I would love if a pattern of quality emerged that allowed me use these guys to save on my GH. If such a pattern began to show, I'd even contribute and test a vial myself. But there is virtually nothing right now. Mostly hearsay. If that's your jumping off point, fine. It ain't mine.
Thank you to those taking the early plunge, but please stop defending this source like it's your home football team. I get that you realllly want this to be good, but chill out. This is Meso. Respect those of us who choose to be skeptical..
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Not sure that whatsaap is the best secure way to place an order...

and if something went wrong with them, you won't be able to complain like what happened to @mokola as you aren't considered as client of him, sooo... :(:rolleyes:
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic with his post....(????)
Notice how the verification code is blacked out? This could be fake. Qingdao was already caught posting a fake Janoshik report. Are people forgetting this already?
Or it could be for another manufacturer's gh. Do you know for certain either way?

I keep hearing people parroting the anecdotal reports that the gh and peptides are ok. I genuinely hope so, but that's not enough for me.
Where are all the tests? Multiple 1st and 3rd party tests showing a pattern of consistent quality from batch-to-batch are a prerequisite for anything I'm injecting into my body. But hey, that's me.

The other thing I keep hearing is: "it's cheap enough to test it yourself". I do not follow this logic. What does a purity and dimer GH test from Jano go for? ~$400?
Do you think you're good to go after you test this shit once? Like the quailty from some underground lab in China that fakes pictures and lies to its customers is going to be consistent? No, you're going to need to shell out $400+ every time you order if you want to know what you got before that needle pierces your skin. And that's assuming your order is even all from the same batch. Unless I'm mistaken these professionals don't use batch numbers.

And let's say your test unfortunately shows that it's shit. Do you honestly have confidence you'll get any real customer service? Especially after seeing how poorly this rep handles himself and the multiple stories of members being screwed over?

I don't want to discourage anyone from testing. I would love if a pattern of quality emerged that allowed me use these guys to save on my GH. If such a pattern began to show, I'd even contribute and test a vial myself. But there is virtually nothing right now. Mostly hearsay. If that's your jumping off point, fine. It ain't mine.
Thank you to those taking the early plunge, but please stop defending this source like it's your home football team. I get that you realllly want this to be good, but chill out. This is Meso. Respect those of us who choose to be skeptical..

it was shared by one of members, not qingdao and as french lab test group assume it's their lab test report in a post in fr meso rx, i think there is no doubts about this gh report
Not sure that whatsaap is the best secure way to place an order...

and if something went wrong with them, you won't be able to complain like what happened to @mokola as you aren't considered as client of him, sooo... :(:rolleyes:
You have posted 7 messages on meso. All in the purpose of promoting qingdao. Do I have to explain more about what you are doing here????

No order is placed on whatsaap.
They are done through alibaba with the same conditions

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic with his post....(????)
It is not sarcatic. It is a fact.
You get better prices by talking with the manufacturer. Which makes more sense.
Moreover, customer service should be better. As the middle man has less power than the actual seller. Again makes more sense.
it was shared by one of members, not qingdao and as french lab test group assume it's their lab test report in a post in fr meso rx, i think there is no doubts about this gh report
The hgh report was stolen by qingdao rep.
All official lab tests done by the french lab test group are posted by me.
As It was not the case here, this lab test is not official.
Keep in mind that the first lab test published by Mister Soy Sauce, rep here, was a fake one ! Which was certified fake by Janoshik.
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