Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Everyone agrees that the climate changes. Not everyone agrees that human beings can affect the climate in an appreciable way. When Mt St Helens erupted, it spit out more CFC's than the entire history of industrialized man up until that point.
And I agree with that, the problem is the cronic emission we are doing and it's widespread. We don't give time to "heal", pass me the word, that's the problem with pollution..
Wow what mass destruction in crypto and wealth lately. Complete crushed in stocks and crypto right now. Fuck Biden fuck the libs. Bear markets suck. Looks like btc is going to 12k. Don't buy stocks or crypto right now. Its a falling knife. Just shorts. We have complete fucking idiots in office now that want to completely ruin the usa economy. Fuck you all that voted dems. Im fucking livid this am. Now that fucking asshole wants to go after oil ceos for making to much money.. Like fuck you asshole lets us drill here lets us be independent and get our oil here you fucking walking dead man. Fuck him
In Alberta our retarded premier for the Conservative party spent 30 million on a “War Room” to dispel myths about the oil and gas industry and also gave 5 billion in tax cuts to oil and gas company CEOs. We have a serious health care problem and under funded education system here. If you want a Conservative party in then the only reason must be because you work in oil and gas or you don’t have a political party to vote for, which is pretty much the case up here in Canada for our federal government. The liberal party is in power here as well. The other parties are just as bad as the liberal party.
And I agree with that, the problem is the cronic emission we are doing and it's widespread. We don't give time to "heal", pass me the word, that's the problem with pollution..
Why have all auto makers vowed to discontinue all fossil fuel vehicles? They need to start making a safe and semi efficient hydrogen car. There’s not enough infrastructure to support everyone driving an electric car. On top of that how the fuck are we supposed to drive them in -30 degrees Celsius weather in the great white north. We will be riding around on fucking dog sleds soon enough.
Everyone agrees that the climate changes. Not everyone agrees that human beings can affect the climate in an appreciable way. When Mt St Helens erupted, it spit out more CFC's than the entire history of industrialized man up until that point.
are you confusing CFCs with greenhouse gases? CFCs have zero natural sources
In Alberta our retarded premier for the Conservative party spent 30 million on a “War Room” to dispel myths about the oil and gas industry and also gave 5 billion in tax cuts to oil and gas company CEOs. We have a serious health care problem and under funded education system here. If you want a Conservative party in then the only reason must be because you work in oil and gas or you don’t have a political party to vote for, which is pretty much the case up here in Canada for our federal government. The liberal party is in power here as well. The other parties are just as bad as the liberal party.
Liberals want kids to practice drag