Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Available products in USA Warehouse:

MT2 100mg =$65
BPC157 5mg =$55
tb500 50mg =$85
ipamorelin 50mg =$55
HGH 100iu =$70
pt141 100mg= $85
HCG 50000iu =$95
1kg tadalafil powder=$310
1kg sildenafil powder=$140
1kg Stanozolol powder=$1420

All other products are sent from China
Are those prices per vial or per (10 vial) kit?
50000 ui hcg ??
Its 10x 5000IU vials but from the latest lab test they only showed to be 2500IU instead of 5000IU. So I am wondering why he's offering them as 5000IU vials again. Few pages back he offered them to me as 2500IU per vial.
Its 10x 5000IU vials but from the latest lab test they only showed to be 2500IU instead of 5000IU. So I am wondering why he's offering them as 5000IU vials again. Few pages back he offered them to me as 2500IU per vial.
We are not offering 5000IU vials again, we only offer 2500IU vials, I think he quoted a very old comment before the HPLC
yup bought a bunch of eth. However btc may go to 15k... Its what I do know is day trade. Been horrible this year. Completely destroyed. Have a few shorts on but they def don't carry all my longs. Totally fucked
would be nice to crash completely to 1k lol
Wow what mass destruction in crypto and wealth lately. Complete crushed in stocks and crypto right now. Fuck Biden fuck the libs. Bear markets suck. Looks like btc is going to 12k. Don't buy stocks or crypto right now. Its a falling knife. Just shorts. We have complete fucking idiots in office now that want to completely ruin the usa economy. Fuck you all that voted dems. Im fucking livid this am. Now that fucking asshole wants to go after oil ceos for making to much money.. Like fuck you asshole lets us drill here lets us be independent and get our oil here you fucking walking dead man. Fuck him
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Wow what mass destruction in crypto and wealth lately. Complete crushed in stocks and crypto right now. Fuck Biden fuck the libs. Bear markets suck. Looks like btc is going to 12k. Don't buy stocks or crypto right now. Its a falling knife. Just shorts. We have complete fucking idiots in office now that want to completely ruin the usa economy. Fuck you all that voted dems. Im fucking livid this am. Now that fucking asshole wants to go after oil ceos for making to much money.. Like fuck you asshole lets us drill here lets us be independent and get our oil here you fucking walking dead man. Fuck him
Instead of investing in more sustainable energy you just want continuing drilling lol. We are in the middle of a big change in every sense, climatic demographic politics. I think the major effort now is to reduce the impact on population of this swift but I am aware that could not be addressed 100%.
Hahahahah, all the scientific community agree on climate change. But who I am, go read papers..a

Everyone agrees that the climate changes. Not everyone agrees that human beings can affect the climate in an appreciable way. When Mt St Helens erupted, it spit out more CFC's than the entire history of industrialized man up until that point.