Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I do a order in september. Alissa lied to me to make me pay more. charging me 96 dollars to send it by ups. I wasn't in a hurry for the order to arrive so I told him to send it to me by Post NL, but she told me it couldn't be done like that, she lied to me.

But this does not end here, ups called to me to declare the contents of the package and the label came with liquid for glasses to pass customs, but here in Spain these types of products are restricted only to companies, a private individual cannot import it into the country.
then the package would be returned to china.

when I told alissa she told me that she would give me a solution today for my money (280 usd in total) that I lost. Do you know what solution she has given me? that I will pay more money and lost the package and the money because reship the package to China is very expensive

In conclusion I have lost more than 300 without having done anything wrong.
In his favor, I will say that I have been a very loyal customer and I never had problems with either quality or service, but this time it is inadmissible

Can you give me a solution pls?

Sorry for my poor english, I hope what I wrote can be understood
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I do a order in september. Alissa lied to me to make me pay more. charging me 96 dollars to send it by ups. I wasn't in a hurry for the order to arrive so I told him to send it to me by NL postcard, but he told me it couldn't be done like that, he lied to me.

But this does not end here, ups called to me to declare the contents of the package and the label came with liquid for glasses, but here in Spain these types of products are restricted only to companies, a private individual cannot import it into the country.
then the package would be returned to china.

when I told alissa she told me that she would give me a solution today for my lost money (280 usd in total). Do you know what solution he has given me? that I pay more money and that I have lost the package and the money because resending the package to China is very expensive

In conclusion I have lost more than 300 dollars without having done anything wrong.
In his favor, I will say that I have been a very loyal customer and I never had problems with either quality or service, but this time it is inadmissible
Something doesn’t make sense here, as everyone single person in the world who does this stuff should know not to use ups.. are we missing any of the story? Why would she suggest that? Why would you ultimately agree to that? Hopefully you bringing it up here can get it to their attention and hopefully they can resolve this for you.
Something doesn’t make sense here, as everyone single person in the world who does this stuff should know not to use ups.. are we missing any of the story? Why would she suggest that? Why would you ultimately agree to that? Hopefully you bringing it up here can get it to their attention and hopefully they can resolve this for you.
I accept their suggestion for two reasons

1. she promised me that the order would arrive without problems, and otherwise the amount of money would be refunded

2. It was the only option that he gave me, or I paid almost 100 usd for the shipment or she never send the package
I accept their suggestion for two reasons

1. she promised me that the order would arrive without problems, and otherwise the amount of money would be refunded

2. It was the only option that he gave me, or I paid almost 100 usd for the shipment or she never send the package
Yo compre desde aqui , y me lo envian por correos gratis, no me dijeron nada de ups ni de cobrarme el envio
I accept their suggestion for two reasons

1. she promised me that the order would arrive without problems, and otherwise the amount of money would be refunded

2. It was the only option that he gave me, or I paid almost 100 usd for the shipment or she never send the package
You didn’t want to go through ups for a reason right? Either way, whoever it was shouldn’t have ever suggested ups, and as the seller they should really know better.. and you as the buyer, shouldn’t be using ups to order drugs.. moving on though, maybe there’s something the current rep will be able to do to help you out.
Yo compre desde aqui , y me lo envian por correos gratis, no me dijeron nada de ups ni de cobrarme el envio
I will speak in English so that we can all understand each other as much as possible

I have made more than 15 orders with them perfectly. I have been buying from them for more than 6 months and it is the first time this has happened to me. She never charged me for shipping but this time it was the only option she gave me, in fact she denied being able to send it through the free method
You didn’t want to go through ups for a reason right? Either way, whoever it was shouldn’t have ever suggested ups, and as the seller they should really know better.. and you as the buyer, shouldn’t be using ups to order drugs.. moving on though, maybe there’s something the current rep will be able to do to help you out.
Of corse I didnt want by ups, 100 usd for shipping and the risk of lost the order… But she didnt give me other option. I hope the rep of meso help me with this problem. I always do the orders by Whatsap
You must be one of these retards who believe if they call members shills and tell sources to fuck off you feel old school and REAL meso member?

Take a deep breath you lil moron, I have no reason to be a shill but what I notice is a bunch of buttholes who shitpost everywhere in meso and keep saying: Meso have changed.. we are real meso members because we tell sources to fuck off and members who have no will to act dumb like you shills
Gtfo of meso you are making it like a teen fight forum
Post feedbacks and usefull shit or shut the fuck up
So let me get this straight...

Your problem is with the members of this community who are actively trying to protect the customer, and not the swindling, lying drug dealers, because...we sometimes have potty mouths? Are you fucking serious?

You're either incredibly new to sourcing PEDs or incredibly stupid, or both, I suppose.

The ethos of this forum is harm reduction. Meso is one of the few places where the PED user has the power, and not the source. EVEN STILL, unscrupulous assholes come here on the daily trying to scam us. They don't give one tiny shit about our health or well-being, only our money.

Even the best sources that seemed to be honest and trustworthy for a long time all eventually let quality slip or exit scam. A savvy customer must therefore be constantly on guard, scrutinizing even those sources that seem solid.

So...when some absolute cunt middleman shows up talking wildly disrepectully while representing an alleged chemical company that has to photoshop a pic of their lobby, posts fraudulent Janoshik reports, and which has a long history of blatant mistakes and pissed off customers....you take their side?
Because you're a cheap little drug addict who cares more about saving a few bucks than quality and safety? Because we offended your sensitive little ears with our language?

I will say it again: FUCK. OFF. People like you are a cancer to this forum. Go join one of the hundred other boards where you can be an obdient little source cock sucker. Or grow a fucking pair, you absolute little bitch.
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1.Hundreds of orders every day.Now we have to set up an after-sales customer service department.
if some of you had advice or dissatisfaction,You can send your story to
sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn,We have a team to handle it.

The one who doesn't send emails and just dirty QSC,are liars,someone with an ulterior motive

2.Many US retailers takes goods from China. If the US and EU final buyers are directly taken directly from QSC,
Which lead the US and EU retailer has no business, this is the reason why small vendors claim anything from China is scam.

3.Don't just say 'I recently ordered it from their company'. balabala..
Who are you??
Are you the a competitor? A loser?

You can post your ALibaba email and order screenshot here,what you ordered and We can post everything here to accept Fair trial.

4.The sales agent here is meso-rx@sigmachemical.com.cn
1.Hundreds of orders every day.Now we have to set up an after-sales customer service department.
if some of you had advice or dissatisfaction,You can send your story to
sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn,We have a team to handle it.

The one who doesn't send emails and just dirty QSC,are liars,someone with an ulterior motive

2.Many US retailers takes goods from China. If the US and EU final buyers are directly taken directly from QSC,
Which lead the US and EU retailer has no business, this is the reason why small vendors claim anything from China is scam.

3.Don't just say 'I recently ordered it from their company'. balabala..
Who are you??
Are you the a competitor? A loser?

You can post your ALibaba email and order screenshot here,what you ordered and We can post everything here to accept Fair trial.

4.The sales agent here is meso-rx@sigmachemical.com.cn
How about posting some details about quality control? As a middleman, you're pretty much sourcing from different factories. As you're selling so many different chemicals, there simply isn't a single factory on this planet who can produce all. As I'm someone doing business in China, I know manufacturers are a pain in the ass to work with and will screw you over at every possible chance, and there would have to be some quality control in place.

So if you'd care about quality, you'd have to do regular testing of batches, and not simply rely on the feedback of others. However, all we've received is some 'lab tests' from 2 years ago, full of typos, obviously translated to English just for the sake of marketing... combined with some reviews 'sent in by people'.

With the millions of orders you're supposed to be shipping out every day, there should be enough money available to have a proper location in an industrial zone, buy the equipment to do proper testing, produce proper data, publish it, and put a proper step in the right direction... or regular 3rd party testing. However, all we get is "your word against mine", which isn't going to resolve the trust issue.

Mostly we don't care if there is one person who felt happy, or one Janoshik test with good results, we're mostly concerned with consistency, and that what we're buying isn't underdosed or bunk, and isn't harming our health more than a pure version of it would.

And not trying to offend QSC, as I have bought from them in the past with fairly positive results. Just saying that as how it is right now, is that it's difficult to trust a Chinese supplier. You might not realize it, but this kind of thing you posted is typical Chinese talk, and doesn't help you. Talking more won't get others to trust you more, and it's time to think about what would actually convince them.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

That's a pretty good looking horse you have there. Do you mind if we pet it?

Talk is cheap.

And you don't make the rules around here, clown. We do. If we decide to shit post in your thread and tell people what we think about your slimy ass, there isn't much you are going to do about it.

And the more expensive domestic options available will be just fine if you're here or not. Many guys refuse to deal with international sources and will happily pay more because they don't want to deal with customs and shady dickheads like yourself refusing to reship an order that got intercepted.

And it's too fucking bad if one of your customers doesn't want to identify himself with his board handle that would be connected to his order. It's called opsec, you cross eyed retard.

As a matter of fact, not giving out a board handle to a source when placing an order is highly encouraged, as we have had problems with bad sources doxxing members when a member said something about the source that they didn't like.

Fuck your fair trial, bitch. You gotta bad attitude and you can get burned at the stake, motherfucker. We don't need you and we sure as fuck don't need your cocky, 5'1" bad attitude having ass . Eat a dick, you midget, communist fuck.

@Fenrir51 We have the power to inform people, who aren't too fucking stupid to read a little before they order, of what these cocksuckers have been up to.

If they are pulling shady, bs moves, we are here to remind folks or let new members know.

Bad reviews are swept under the rug or deleted at other forums. This shit posted at meso is here forever. That's what these guys need to realize. The admin don't give a mother fuck about these sources here. It's up to the source whether or not they sink or swim and it won't be determined by them controlling the narrative and deleting posts they don't like.
So the "power" you have is the ability to post... just like everyone else on a fucking message board. God damn all you fucks do is shit post and act like you're providing a service. Every single source thread is cluttered with this bullshit. In what fucking universe are you setting rules for this forum? You literally have no administrative powers. You talk talk talk and pat each other on the back but don't actually do anything, nothing changes. Like gym bros who hype each other up while you play with your buddies dick. It's so sad and laughable.
So let me get this straight...

Your problem is with the members of this community who are actively trying to protect the customer, and not the swindling, lying drug dealers, because...we sometimes have potty mouths? Are you fucking serious?

You're either incredibly new to sourcing PEDs or incredibly stupid, or both, I suppose.

The ethos of this forum is harm reduction. Meso is one of the few places where the PED user has the power, and not the source. EVEN STILL, unscrupulous assholes come here on the daily trying to scam us. They don't give one tiny shit about our health or well-being, only our money.

Even the best sources that seemed to be honest and trustworthy for a long time all eventually let quality slip or exit scam. A savvy customer must therefore be constantly on guard, scrutinizing even those sources that seem solid.

So...when some absolute cunt middleman shows up talking wildly disrepectully while representing an alleged chemical company that has to photoshop a pic of their lobby, posts fraudulent Janoshik reports, and which has a long history of blatant mistakes and pissed off customers....you take their side?
Because you're a cheap little drug addict who cares more about saving a few bucks than quality and safety? Because we offended your sensitive little ears with our language?

I will say it again: FUCK. OFF. People like you are a cancer to this forum. Go join one of the hundred other boards where you can be an obdient little source cock sucker. Or grow a fucking pair, you absolute little bitch.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

That's a pretty good looking horse you have there. Do you mind if we pet it?

Talk is cheap.

And you don't make the rules around here, clown. We do. If we decide to shit post in your thread and tell people what we think about your slimy ass, there isn't much you are going to do about it.

And the more expensive domestic options available will be just fine if you're here or not. Many guys refuse to deal with international sources and will happily pay more because they don't want to deal with customs and shady dickheads like yourself refusing to reship an order that got intercepted.

And it's too fucking bad if one of your customers doesn't want to identify himself with his board handle that would be connected to his order. It's called opsec, you cross eyed retard.

As a matter of fact, not giving out a board handle to a source when placing an order is highly encouraged, as we have had problems with bad sources doxxing members when a member said something about the source that they didn't like.

Fuck your fair trial, bitch. You gotta bad attitude and you can get burned at the stake, motherfucker. We don't need you and we sure as fuck don't need your cocky, 5'1" bad attitude having ass . Eat a dick, you midget, communist fuck.

@Fenrir51 We have the power to inform people, who aren't too fucking stupid to read a little before they order, of what these cocksuckers have been up to.

If they are pulling shady, bs moves, we are here to remind folks or let new members know.

Bad reviews are swept under the rug or deleted at other forums. This shit posted at meso is here forever. That's what these guys need to realize. The admin don't give a mother fuck about these sources here. It's up to the source whether or not they sink or swim and it won't be determined by them controlling the narrative and deleting posts they don't like.
This is the pathetic power you think you have...

qingdao sigma and qingdao ocean is one same company before, and Later, they were separated because of the different direction of business development
There are a lot of small vendors here
While taking goods from qIngdao sigma chemical ,while insulting the company with another vest
Some people have a bad life and just vent for the sake of venting. Real buyers don't waste time here.Professional rumormongers belong to the grassroots of society