Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Would it not be the same amount of excitement for you fruitcakes to text each other dick pics via pm instead of making everyone watch the way you twist your hips when this little Chinaman pulls his two inch willy out for you to sit on? Save that shit for pornhub, gayboy.
This is the pathetic power you think you have...

View attachment 156209
Is that right, cockboy?

Maybe take a look at my post history and see how the sources generally faired when I put them in my sights. I can recall a couple in the last month or two that have either bowed down or called it quits.

You are free to deepthroat all the sources you can find. It really doesn't bother me, though I find myself asking why?

But whatever you do, don't expect anyone around here to have an ounce of respect for your cockriding asses.

To each there own.

I sure hope this source takes care of you two. That would be a shame if y'all gave him your asshole flower for nothing...
So the "power" you have is the ability to post... just like everyone else on a fucking message board. God damn all you fucks do is shit post and act like you're providing a service. Every single source thread is cluttered with this bullshit. In what fucking universe are you setting rules for this forum? You literally have no administrative powers. You talk talk talk and pat each other on the back but don't actually do anything, nothing changes. Like gym bros who hype each other up while you play with your buddies dick. It's so sad and laughable.

Explain to me how could it be done better and why aren't you leading by example?

Should we not question sources?
Should we just take their word for everything?
Should we just buy and keep our mouths shut?

Tell me how you determine that is source is good enough to trust your health and money with and what would you do if you felt you were being scammed, lied to, mislead or you had a horrible experience.
Ok now the question is how do I dose a dose of 0.5 to 1mg I was thinking of dissolving it in oil at like 1 or 2mg per ml
They sell mg scoopers.. Amazon has them.. I think they are like 5 to 50 mg ..this may be your answer.. I have never looked at them much but there may be 1mg scoop as well. If not you could use a scale.. weight the 5mg scoop of powder divide by 5.. and habe your weight of 1mg.. need a .000 scale
Kits arrived, going to start with 6iu and probably settle for 8 a day for a few months.
You may get really bad cts starting that high... like wake up from a sleep in serious pain..my experience going up to fast was horrible cts.. I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone unless.your an enemy
You may get really bad cts starting that high... like wake up from a sleep in serious pain..my experience going up to fast was horrible cts.. I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone unless.your an enemy
Probably won’t, I haven’t had that effect from any of the growth I’ve run in the past, but it’s possible as every batch could be different.

RAWS ($)10 g50 g100 g
Boldione / 1,4 Androstadienedione4070110
Halodrol / Turinadiol75220440
Methylstenbolone/ Ultradrol110455880
T4 sodium salt105470880
Lasilix1 kg=158$
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid45120225
Nolvadex / Tamoxifen355580
4-Androstene-3,6,17-trione / 6-OXO45100185
https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/arimidex/ (Anastrozole) / https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/arimidex/ (Arimidex)75290545
Exemestane / Aromasin57200400
Isotretinoin / Accutane96
Vitamine B51 kg=75$
Boldenone Propionate406095
Boldenone Acetate4575110
Boldenone Cypionate406090
Boldenone undecylenate406090
Testo PP305070
Testo P305070
Testo Acétate406085
Testo E284565
Testo C304570
Testo Decanoate305070
Testo Undeca355080
Testo isocaproate4575115
Testo sans ester385070
Nandro Cyp45100170
Nandro sans ester5095155
Nandro Undecylate55130225
Tren Hexa / Parabolan100375710
Tren E45120210
Tren A45120210
Tren sans ester65215330
Mast P50135260
Mast E50135260
Primo A98410780
Primo E100410785
Trestolone acetate / Ment2501025
Winstrol micro powder85165300
Winstrol ordinary powder85165300
Oxymetholone / Anadrol85165300
Oxandrolone / Anavar57175340
Metandienone / Dianabol5080130
Fluoxymesterone / Halotestin210
Methylepitiostanol / Epistane75285550
4-Chlorotestosterone acetate / Clostebol5590150
Sildenafil citrate / Viagra203040
Tadalafil / Cialis254253
Dapoxetine hydrochloride40100140
Metformin1 kg=90$
Berberine HCL60
Hydroxyprogesterone / 17-OHP305080
Triamcinolone acetonide 21-acetate60145260
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate5080130
bethametasone / deprisone190
Dermoval / Clobetasol58330

Wholesale prices (1 kg)

Test E 310$
Test C 330$
Test P 310$
Sustanon 455$
Deca 830$
NPP 830$
Boldo U 520$
Boldo Cyp 550$
Tren E 1885$
Tren A 1885$
Mast E 2280$
Mast P 2280$
Primo E 7065$
Winstrol 1055$
Dianabol 980$
Anavar 2750$
Turinabol 2270$
tadalafil 310$
Sildenafil 110$

10 main essential products to have during cycle for PED users

1) - Blood pressure lowering agents:

Eplerenone 10g = $ 75
Telmisartan 10g = $ 40

2) - Liver protection:

Udca 100g = $ 55
Glutathione 10g = $ 45

3) - Lipid-lowering agents (Cholesterol):

Atorvastatin calcium 50g = $ 79
ChoIestyramine 1kg = $ 135

4) - Antidiabetics to improve insulin sensitivity:

Metformin 1kg = $ 90
Berberine 100g = $ 60

5) - 5-α reductase and hair loss treatments:

Finasteride 10g = $ 45
Dutasteride 10g = $ 80
Ru58841 100g = $ 435

6) - Sex pills:

Sildenafil 10g = $ 20
Tadalafil 10g = $ 25
Vardenafil 10g = $ 40

7) - Acne and skin treatment:

Vitamin B5 1kg = $ 75
Accutane 100g = $ 96
Deprisone 100g = $ 190

8) - Prolactin inhibitor:

Pramipexole 5g = $ 70

9) - Prevention of gynecomastia:

Letrozole 10g = $ 70
Nolvadex 10g = $ 35

10) - Sleep regulators:

Phenibut 1kg = $ 140
FLModafinil CRL40 10g = $ 48
Last edited:
Probably won’t, I haven’t had that effect from any of the growth I’ve run in the past, but it’s possible as every batch could be different.
Lucky you then haha.. I've ran goodlyfe and my own Chinese source.. 5-8 ius and my fucking riggt hand.. middle and ring finger will hurt so bad in tje middle of the night I want to chop them off!! I get these nerve/tendon pains that are like a jolt through my hand.. whenever I would use my right hand.. left hand had all the same side effects just not as bad at all..
I knew this was a possibility buti was not aware of how severe the pain could be.. good lesson learned.for sure..
Oh and it took almost 2.5-3 months after last dose for the side effects to go away.. I'm so happy they are finally all gone and my hands are back.to normal.. in all the stuff I read with gh use
.nobody said how severe the cts could get.. or how painful..
Goodluck.. I'm looking forward to see how you do with their gh.. I wanna buy a bunch of raws but I'm struggling on funding a supplier I feel comfortable with .. and some are just 2.5x more per gram then anyone elsr.. thsrs guys are factory direct pricing..but im.not seeing the reviews yet
So the "power" you have is the ability to post... just like everyone else on a fucking message board. God damn all you fucks do is shit post and act like you're providing a service. Every single source thread is cluttered with this bullshit. In what fucking universe are you setting rules for this forum? You literally have no administrative powers. You talk talk talk and pat each other on the back but don't actually do anything, nothing changes. Like gym bros who hype each other up while you play with your buddies dick. It's so sad and laughable.
I don't think anyone here is under the delusion of having any actual "power" but the idea of vetting these sources with a fine tooth comb helps to protect potential members that would like to buy from them. It helps them see anecdotal data, HPLC testing, TA, stealth, feels, customer service, etc.

The idea isn't necessarily that we will weed out the bad sources, but there are no repercussions for a shitty source since none of this is legal, and, at the very least, if a member can do a little reading, they can see what they're getting themselves into.

Unfortunately I do not have time to further expand on this, but I think you get the idea
What power is it exactly that you think you have? All you and anyone can else do is (shit) post.
You are nothing when fuck out. As a fart disappearing into thin air.
No one can stop him to question the statement of innocencea of a UGL Source. as no one can stop you to talk back.
Your team posted photoshop reports, disguised as user, and misled to buy untested gears. No one can stop sb to buy your UGL.
The right way is that post 3rd party test reports of batches and pay for users' blind test.
Find a pic posted by sb in other thread. You cannot stop people image your UGLs as below.