Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just sharing some feedback on the dhb from qsc. I pinned 2ml(200mg) in one cheek Thursday night. Absolutely no pip almost unbelievable, I would of started to think it was Bunk dhb if it wasn’t for the fact that all the dhb vials are crashed as they should be. Just amazed at how smooth it pins not even the slightest discomfort the the last time i tried pinning 200mg from another source in one shot I was limping around for 3 days. I’m going for 3 ml the opposite cheek tomorrow. I was originally betting that they’re dhb would be most tolerable but not absolutely pip free that’s crazy. I’m really impressed with this gear so far.
Just sharing some feedback on the dhb from qsc. I pinned 2ml(200mg) in one cheek Thursday night. Absolutely no pip almost unbelievable, I would of started to think it was Bunk dhb if it wasn’t for the fact that all the dhb vials are crashed as they should be. Just amazed at how smooth it pins not even the slightest discomfort the the last time i tried pinning 200mg from another source in one shot I was limping around for 3 days. I’m going for 3 ml the opposite cheek tomorrow. I was originally betting that they’re dhb would be most tolerable but not absolutely pip free that’s crazy. I’m really impressed with this gear so far.
Been pinning 1ml qsc test cyp 3x a week m-w-f. Agree this gear is smooth AF. Zero pip. Strength/libido us up after two weeks but I front loaded the first week and was already on trt before I started the qsc. Looking forward to bloods in four weeks. Mine came crashed also and re crashed after a hot bath. Second time it crashed I boiled the vials standing up in a pot for two minutes. I was careful not to get water near the stoppers and also remove the caps so condensation didn't get underneath. Then I dried the vials and wiped them down with alcohol. They have not re crashed since I did the boiling. This sesame oil seems to be even more smooth than the old Balkan peach oil.
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i brewed primo at 200mg/ml using 1/20 and MCT and theres PIP and lump after 36-48 hours.

Ive used some primo 200 in the past without disconfort but i wasnt able to brew it. It holds pretty well, and injection is smooth but pain takes place after 1 day.

Ill brew at 100mg/ml and try again
Doesn’t primo a even at 100mg hurt like a bitch ? I heard primo a hurts no matter what

Maybe someone could else can let me know ? I would be keen to try
If you google primo acetate injectable you will find some horror stories. Some of the descriptions are almost funny. I would love for this to work and actually not feel like death but I will let someone else try first. I can say this, if it is bearable sigma will have a very unique product on their hands. There is a reason primo a is not often sold as injectable and it is not from lack of raws being available.
i brewed primo at 200mg/ml using 1/20 and MCT and theres PIP and lump after 36-48 hours.

Ive used some primo 200 in the past without disconfort but i wasnt able to brew it. It holds pretty well, and injection is smooth but pain takes place after 1 day.

Ill brew at 100mg/ml and try again
I’ve used the same recipe. No problem with stability in the solution, but it honestly feels like a gun shot wound—which I have experienced
Speaking of injectable acetate ester… Tren A is bad enough. I’ve never pinned Primo A but I’ve used Test A before and it was fucking unbearable. Worst PIP I’ve ever had and came with terrible test flu.
I’ve used the same recipe. No problem with stability in the solution, but it honestly feels like a gun shot wound—which I have experienced
I want to know too but I think it’s having it so high dosed that’s why - there’s a reason pharma only goes to 100mg
Just my opinion I hope im wrong
Because the only primo at 200 that doesn’t give Pip is usually fake or underdosed


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