Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So someone tried to get more money out of qsc for testing their hgh and now they'd rather get nothing instead of the 120. Sounds like an idiot
Anyone on east coast US ordered domestic, what was T/A? 3 days or 4? Trying make sure an order would be here on a specific day.
Anyone on east coast US ordered domestic, what was T/A? 3 days or 4? Trying make sure an order would be here on a specific day.
3-4 days is the average estimated, exact time transportation cannot be guessed or garanteed by usps, we have also fedex and ups options it's $24 shipping cost instead of $10 by USPS
Ok thank you. What would be estimated delivery time for FedEx or UPS?
There is a pip when you inject higher amount to the same spot at once ... like 1Ml and up... on 0.5 ml no pip, but i have to use smaller needle and dont inject it deep in to the muscle for some reason....
That was my concern initially, now that's settled. The quantity of peptide is disappointing in regards to what was advertised, but I rather it have been less than more. These reports will strengthen the quality of your products if you take these reports as a basis of product assurance. I'm also ok with that solution.
How could you possibly be content with a 40% underdose on both in one vial, while the other was 30 under and 10% over? The reps initial response to you was crap, evident by this testing.

With such a huge variance in these 2 vials, you have no idea what the others contain and even how to accurately dose for yourself.
How could you possibly be content with a 40% underdose on both in one vial, while the other was 30 under and 10% over? The reps initial response to you was crap, evident by this testing.

With such a huge variance in these 2 vials, you have no idea what the others contain and even how to accurately dose for yourself.
It took you more than 1 hour to correct your math from the previous deleted comment, single digit IQ ^^
It took you more than 1 hour to correct your math from the previous deleted comment, single digit IQ ^^
Nah, I misread and realized they were 5mg each and not 10mg/5mg like I thought at first.

But I see you're still resorting to your typical childish ways when you get caught with your pants down. This testing is absolute garbage and should deter everyone who values accurately dosed products.
Nah, I misread and realized they were 5mg each and not 10mg/5mg like I thought at first.

But I see you're still resorting to your typical childish ways when you get caught with your pants down. This testing is absolute garbage and should deter everyone who values accurately dosed products.
The old bad testing didn't deter you either and you ordered twice, before that your ego made you disrespect your supplier, and you went back paying overpriced gear.
The old bad testing didn't deter you either and you ordered twice, before that your ego made you disrespect your supplier, and you went back paying overpriced gear.
The only 2 products I bought and used didn't have bad testing, only the adrol didn't have testing at the time.

Regardless, I willingly pay more to know what I'm getting is dosed correctly. And not support a scamming POS like you’ve turned out to be. You probably won't update your price list to reflect your poor testing on this either.
I previously wrote about QSC with an anecdotal opinion on some test from them compared to pharma, I keep an eye on this post anyway and it does seem my anecdotal experience is diffent to test results and other's anecdotal opinions so I am going to give their gear another go, I became skeptical on Janos legitimacy but seeing bad results and seeing them posted here actually reinforces my trust in jano and QSC to post bad results shoes how honest they are they could easily not do testing not post results but they do even if they are bad that makes me trust them, my E2 is running high currently so I'm going to blast some primo of theirs and lower tge testosterone which I will use theirs and see how that effect ts my estrogen side effects
A kit of Semaglutide and tirzepatide is on its way to me. Cant wait to try them. Will report back on how they are.
And not support a scamming POS like you’ve turned out to be.
Dude, you ok? QSC has always been honest and changed their declared value on HCG after a jano test. Nobody is scamming here.
Regardless, I willingly pay more to know what I'm getting is dosed correctly.
Yeah, probably best if you shop elsewhere. Many/most of us are happy with QSC and would never resort to calling our supplier a POS.
Sorry to disappoint you, but the customer who did the third paty test requires now the full refund of the lab test cost + shipping cost instead of the $120 in initial agreement otherwise he won't share it, so I will have to find a new one or do it by myself..

You don’t say. Why would anyone be okay with just $120 when they will be spending over $400 as that’s what it costs to test hgh? They wouldn’t and it’s more than likely that you have been bull shitting everyone. What happened to you going to use that free money you got from Deus to test these products?

If I send you a vial of HGH, please confirm the cost of testing is $120? I assume you need payment upfront?

See above