Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This caused me to pull up on an order I was just about fire off. Did you refuse to refund a customer who got a weak/bogus/incorrect product/order?
Yes, there are lots of posts on it here in this thread. Below are two.

Did you see the third party testing that caught them substitute $100 worth of Clomid raws in for a $2000+ order of Toremifene?

No. The original correspondence included a promise from QSC to refund Deus if the product ordered tested fake (mislabeled) or low purity. When Deus requested the refund they were entitled to after testing the product and confirming that QSC sent a much cheaper substitute (clearly deliberate), QSC reneged on that promise. A scam is a scam. Don’t be stupid

I ordered domestic

Test C
Tren A

My boxes were not individually labeled,

I can tell which one is the tren.

The other two oils are slightly different. One has a slight yellow tinge and the other pretty much completely clear. Which one is the Primo which one is the Test?
You have marks on each box, next to bar code.

QDSIGMATC = test cyp
You have marks on each box, next to bar code.

QDSIGMATC = test cyp
There was only one sticker on entire box, three boxes taped together. Those
Labels were on the bottom box.

Just wondering if you could tell me the difference based on the color? One is clear the other has a slight tinge of yellow. The tren is
Obviously the golden nectar.

Thank you.
There was only one sticker on entire box, three boxes taped together. Those
Labels were on the bottom box.

Just wondering if you could tell me the difference based on the color? One is clear the other has a slight tinge of yellow. The tren is
Obviously the golden nectar.

Thank you.
If you post some pictures of both kits, maybe some members can tell you as many purchased them, honestly I can't tell from the look.
@TrenTrenTren @Laxbro88 @EatClen/TrenHard @Alphalfa @NBE

So I’ll give my reasoning for being unhappy about it, some y’all are still gonna say STFU, but at least you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

Back in November I bought a couple of kits of HGH from QSC and ran it as though it was 10 IU. I’ve never used GH before this, and haven’t since then either, but I have no reason to believe it isn’t legit, even after having used it, so this is not a flame post at all.

I quickly ramped up from 2 to 4 IU/day over a couple of weeks time (I know now that this was probably too fast). My sleep and recovery were fantastic, it helped me recover from a lat tear in possibly record time. But I kept getting incredibly painful hand numbness while I was sleeping and mild to moderate gyno.

Well, it sounds like I actually went from 2.4 to 4.8 IU/day, and, had I known it was overdosed, (because at the time there was only one GH test from 6 months prior, AND it wasn’t already stated by the vendor) I would’ve pulled back a little bit and dosed a little lower.

Again, not a shit post about quality of GH or anything like that, but I had issues and I was running 20% more than I thought I was. Would it have made a difference? Maybe, maybe not, but it would’ve been nice to know upfront to make the necessary adjustments before starting.

That is my argument as to why accuracy is necessary.

Flame away for a simple request, if you must.
I don't disagree. Its important. We are putting drugs in our bodies and we want to know what and how much we are putting in there. I think it's one of the trade offs when you do business with QSC. There are more "accurate" vendors (at least we all think that), but then again the price point and breadth of compounds that QSC carries blows them out of the water.

One good thing that we've all seen lately is dozens of posted tests, blind and otherwise, for QSC products. That is why I've used them before.

I'm about to get a pack, and as far as communication goes, it's been spotless. I got my tracking number 2 days after order and any question I had along the way has been answered, almost within the same hour.
I don't disagree. Its important. We are putting drugs in our bodies and we want to know what and how much we are putting in there. I think it's one of the trade offs when you do business with QSC. There are more "accurate" vendors (at least we all think that), but then again the price point and breadth of compounds that QSC carries blows them out of the water.

One good thing that we've all seen lately is dozens of posted tests, blind and otherwise, for QSC products. That is why I've used them before.

I'm about to get a pack, and as far as communication goes, it's been spotless. I got my tracking number 2 days after order and any question I had along the way has been answered, almost within the same hour.
To be completely upfront, I have made I think 7 purchases from QSC so far. I have had two issues: 1) they forgot my anadrol on one order. I ordered 10g. I wanted to place another order anyways, so I just asked for that to be credited to a larger order or anadrol. I ordered 50g and asked them to charge me the 50g price and credit the 10g order to the 50g so it only cost me about double for 5x the amount, so as far as I am concerned, everything is good with that order and QSC made it right. 2) It took my last shipment about 60 days from ordering to receiving, which isn't necessarily the fault of QSC, BUT up to that point my longest shipping time was about 35 days and my shortest was about 19 (I think my next international order is going to be even faster than 19 days though because I placed the order 11 days ago and tracking is already active).

This absolutely does not absolve them of any potential previous wrong doing simply because MY orders have been good, and I will never vouch for ANY source.

My point is, IMO they're doing most things correctly (I am not going to speak on issues that others have had, I'll let them do that), but I don't like that the GH is mislabeled... bring on the fuck heads that want to try to call me out for it, you won't change my mind.

TO BE CLEAR, I do not care that it is "overdosed" vs the label claim, accuracy is important.
To be completely upfront, I have made I think 7 purchases from QSC so far. I have had two issues: 1) they forgot my anadrol on one order. I ordered 10g. I wanted to place another order anyways, so I just asked for that to be credited to a larger order or anadrol. I ordered 50g and asked them to charge me the 50g price and credit the 10g order to the 50g so it only cost me about double for 5x the amount, so as far as I am concerned, everything is good with that order and QSC made it right. 2) It took my last shipment about 60 days from ordering to receiving, which isn't necessarily the fault of QSC, BUT up to that point my longest shipping time was about 35 days and my shortest was about 19 (I think my next international order is going to be even faster than 19 days though because I placed the order 11 days ago and tracking is already active).

This absolutely does not absolve them of any potential previous wrong doing simply because MY orders have been good, and I will never vouch for ANY source.

My point is, IMO they're doing most things correctly (I am not going to speak on issues that others have had, I'll let them do that), but I don't like that the GH is mislabeled... bring on the fuck heads that want to try to call me out for it, you won't change my mind.

TO BE CLEAR, I do not care that it is "overdosed" vs the label claim, accuracy is important.

I come at it the same way. I will only speak to my experience. I've had a few orders with QSC, and they've been perfect so far, even when there were slight issues, QSC made it right immediately.

I'm with the vets in that I won't ever shill for a vendor, but then again, if a vendor is doing things right, I mention that as well. Same with Stan or BG or Deus or Hilma, which I've ordered from recently too. Hilma in particular has been great lately for me.
3 of 3 packs of (5) hgh kits + 1 primo 200 kit to Canada successful. Very much looking forward to my winter bulk this off season ;D
Still smells like wet shit in here
Hey brother.. I hear where you're coming from. BigBaldBeardGuy was my favorite poster on Meso for years and I loved when he used to rail the shit out of every new shitty UGL that popped up here.

But if you look at the scales here, it seems like QSC is filling orders, even with some rare compounds, and taking care of customers. These packs are landing and people are happy with the products (past "issues" notwithstanding).

If Skankhunt says QSC anavar is good, I believe him. And even with myself, I have no skin in the game. I could care less if anyone orders from QSC. But the ones who are doing it are for the most part pleased. I don't know. My 2 cents. Carry on.