Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

To be completely upfront, I have made I think 7 purchases from QSC so far. I have had two issues: 1) they forgot my anadrol on one order. I ordered 10g. I wanted to place another order anyways, so I just asked for that to be credited to a larger order or anadrol. I ordered 50g and asked them to charge me the 50g price and credit the 10g order to the 50g so it only cost me about double for 5x the amount, so as far as I am concerned, everything is good with that order and QSC made it right. 2) It took my last shipment about 60 days from ordering to receiving, which isn't necessarily the fault of QSC, BUT up to that point my longest shipping time was about 35 days and my shortest was about 19 (I think my next international order is going to be even faster than 19 days though because I placed the order 11 days ago and tracking is already active).

This absolutely does not absolve them of any potential previous wrong doing simply because MY orders have been good, and I will never vouch for ANY source.

My point is, IMO they're doing most things correctly (I am not going to speak on issues that others have had, I'll let them do that), but I don't like that the GH is mislabeled... bring on the fuck heads that want to try to call me out for it, you won't change my mind.

TO BE CLEAR, I do not care that it is "overdosed" vs the label claim, accuracy is important.
I don't think anyone will go after you for that. You gave your opinion of how everything went in a respectful manner and you have actually ordered from them! That's fair in my opinion.
I don't think anyone will go after you for that. You gave your opinion of how everything went in a respectful manner and you have actually ordered from them! That's fair in my opinion.
It was a whole thing like a month or two ago, people were being shitty to me because I asked accuracy, it bled over into other threads too
You're obviously unfamiliar with the Dues incident. You can search and read about it here, but got a feeling like many you'll sweep it under the rug and continue ordering to save a dollar.

But PSA to you and every single other future buyer.

Could you give a better source?
This caused me to pull up on an order I was just about fire off. Did you refuse to refund a customer who got a weak/bogus/incorrect product/order?
Customer went straight to calling QSC a scammer, accused him of intentionally sending him incorrect raws with no proof. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Anyways. He was a complete dickhead.
But PSA to you and every single other future buyer.


That's just untrue. I myself have had an ordering issue that was resolved. Looks like theotherguy had one too that he talked about a few posts back. I've read about several in this thread. Its just factually untrue to say that.

I don't know every single detail about the Deus thing, and it probably could have been handled differently, but we all know what a "scammer" is...what a real "scammer" is. PSL/Uncle Z is a selective, exit scammer piece of shit. I don't see QSC as that...sorry. Not saying that he can't ever do that, we know how the world works, but it looks like packs are landing and the gear is as accurately dosed as can be given the outstanding prices they are sold at.

I'm not shilling, I'm just saying look at the whole picture. I'll say good things about any vendor if they are doing good things. Hilma Biocare rep was awesome to work with a couple of weeks ago. Fast shipment too. Products are awesome. Can't say enough good things about Hilma. Turkish Pharmacy too.

Look at how involved QSC is in his thread. I wish all the UGLs were like that on Meso.
Yes, there are lots of posts on it here in this thread. Below are two.
This is good to know and I appreciate the Readers Digest version - there was no way I had time to go back and read over 600 pages of posts looking for details on this. I need to place an order asap and I nearly completed one to QSC before I saw this. I can't imagine any situation where it's justified to withhold a refund for bogus products paid for in good faith. It sounds like a lot of people are taking it on faith that their merchandise is authentic because the product 'feel's good, but I hope it's abundantly obvious to everybody how flawed, no matter how well-intentioned, those opinions are. I need to rethink this. I know it won't break anybody's bank if I take my piddly little $500 order elsewhere, but it's all my orders after this as well if I do that.

I'm trying to get my head around QSC apparently recognizing an order was bad, agreeing to make it right, backing out on that agreement, then calling Sly Devil a "...wet shit guy..." for calling QSC out on it. I admittedly don't have all the details because I didn't (and don't) have time to wade back through 600+ pages of post to pull out the handful related to this topic...but what business manager thinks this is ok?

To me, it's cut and dried. If the order was bad, the customer deserves a refund. Everything else is secondary issues.
Customer went straight to calling QSC a scammer, accused him of intentionally sending him incorrect raws with no proof. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Anyways. He was a complete dickhead.
Even if he was a complete dickhead, if the order truly was bogus/incorrect/underdosed/whatever, he is still entitled to a refund. He paid for something he didn't get. QSC could elect to not sell to him again if he was so unpleasant to deal with, but bad manners are no justification for withholding a refund for a bad order.
Man babies crying over literal illegal drugs. Its part of the game, seller has the control and you as a buyer either take the chance or not. Is it fair? No but get over it f. I know you all don't have anything better to do than cry in the internet so it is what it is.

Anyways did my first 2iu pin of GH and heading to work so i can buy more in the future. Stay mad kiddos
Man babies crying over literal illegal drugs. Its part of the game, seller has the control and you as a buyer either take the chance or not. Is it fair? No but get over it f. I know you all don't have anything better to do than cry in the internet so it is what it is.

Anyways did my first 2iu pin of GH and heading to work so i can buy more in the future. Stay mad kiddos
Spot on, entitled snowflakes are expecting Amazon level customer service when buying illegal drugs. "Uh oh he didn't respond to my email within 5 hours". What you do when you buy a bag of coke and it doesn't really hit the spot? Go back to the dealer "fcuking scammer, I want my money back" ??
You want to engage in illegal activities, its part of the game, you don't always get what you pay for.
Spot on, entitled snowflakes are expecting Amazon level customer service when buying illegal drugs. "Uh oh he didn't respond to my email within 5 hours". What you do when you buy a bag of coke and it doesn't really hit the spot? Go back to the dealer "fcuking scammer, I want my money back" ??
You want to engage in illegal activities, its part of the game, you don't always get what you pay for.
Circa 2007 about 1 in 50 sources would ship you what you paid for with an average TA of about 3 weeks.

Today, 49 out of 50 sources ship you what you pay for with an average TA of about a week.

“Entitled snowflakes” holding these fuck stains accountable is what got us there. If everyone had your “mediocre” attitude we would all still be using 50% under dosed gear and waiting 3 weeks to get it.
This is good to know and I appreciate the Readers Digest version - there was no way I had time to go back and read over 600 pages of posts looking for details on this. I need to place an order asap and I nearly completed one to QSC before I saw this. I can't imagine any situation where it's justified to withhold a refund for bogus products paid for in good faith. It sounds like a lot of people are taking it on faith that their merchandise is authentic because the product 'feel's good, but I hope it's abundantly obvious to everybody how flawed, no matter how well-intentioned, those opinions are. I need to rethink this. I know it won't break anybody's bank if I take my piddly little $500 order elsewhere, but it's all my orders after this as well if I do that.

I'm trying to get my head around QSC apparently recognizing an order was bad, agreeing to make it right, backing out on that agreement, then calling Sly Devil a "...wet shit guy..." for calling QSC out on it. I admittedly don't have all the details because I didn't (and don't) have time to wade back through 600+ pages of post to pull out the handful related to this topic...but what business manager thinks this is ok?

To me, it's cut and dried. If the order was bad, the customer deserves a
Man, you should really read it. It's pretty funny. Type "flog" into he search bar. You will see a funny AF back and forth.
The alleged victim of a "scam" was another source here charging a massive mark up on his products. He kicked off and got banned. Thats it.
This was followed by a bunch of flogs having a sook about it. QSC literally states the rules on the first page.
I've ordered a few times and got my stuff.
The real scam is other sources and people here attempting to discourage customers from accessing China prices! I have saved stupid amounts of money coming to these guys. Cheapest here!
Read it and make up your own mind.
Or stay stunned for a load of "shills" coming here to attack QSC.
There has been a drastic increase in people using SSRIs in the U.S these days. Those people also think men can get pregnant, believe in more than one gender, are afraid of guns, still wear masks, have a rainbow flag and and Ukrainian flag in their bios, have colored hair etc
Customer went straight to calling QSC a scammer, accused him of intentionally sending him incorrect raws with no proof. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Anyways. He was a complete dickhead.
Are you fucking retarded? Deus got the batch tested and it was Clomid instead of Toremiphene or is that not proof to you? Do you realize the MASSIVE price difference or are you that stupid? QSC even admitted to sending clomid. STOP. SUCKING. SOURCES. DICKS.
Are you fucking retarded? Deus got the batch tested and it was Clomid instead of Toremiphene or is that not proof to you? Do you realize the MASSIVE price difference or are you that stupid? QSC even admitted to sending clomid. STOP. SUCKING. SOURCES. DICKS.
Dude. Why are you still arguing facts that are not in dispute? Everyone (including QSC) acknowledged that clomid was shipped. He was trying to make it right by shipping the proper goods IN ACCORDANCE WITH QSC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Don't like the T&C? Shop elsewhere.

Have you ever considered that QSC got scammed himself and HIS supplier shipped him clomid by mistake and shipped it to Deus in good faith? QSC was working on sourcing the toremiphene (to make Deus whole), Deus called him a scammer. Not cool. QSC told him to fuck off. I probably would have done the same.

Move on with your life. If QSC is so bad in your eyes, why are you still here?
Are you fucking retarded? Deus got the batch tested and it was Clomid instead of Toremiphene or is that not proof to you? Do you realize the MASSIVE price difference or are you that stupid? QSC even admitted to sending clomid. STOP. SUCKING. SOURCES. DICKS.
And QSC offered to resend toremiphene as soon as its available again and to keep the Clomid? Sounds fair, mistakes happen and the source should at least be given the opportunity to make it right?

Not taking any side here.
Dude. Why are you still arguing facts that are not in dispute? Everyone (including QSC) acknowledged that clomid was shipped. He was trying to make it right by shipping the proper goods IN ACCORDANCE WITH QSC TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Don't like the T&C? Shop elsewhere.

Have you ever considered that QSC got scammed himself and HIS supplier shipped him clomid by mistake and shipped it to Deus in good faith? QSC was working on sourcing the toremiphene (to make Deus whole), Deus called him a scammer. Not cool. QSC told him to fuck off. I probably would have done the same.

Move on with your life. If QSC is so bad in your eyes, why are you still here?
The post I quoted makes it seem like there is dispute about that situation. Absolute bullshit that QSC was trying to make it right he shipped the clomid and never told him shit until being called out after the testing. So now T&Cs mean ship wrong items of 4x lesser value and when called out don't follow your own T&Cs about refund for wrong item?

I thought QSC manufactured their raws.
"because we produce almost everything, including vitamins, treatments, supplements, sweeteners, nootropics …"

Also shouldn't they test their raws so they "know" what they send to customers?
"2 . Products quality and third party testing

Product quality is our priority, that's why we test all batches of raws produced in-house."
Since when are you defending sources over risking customers health?
AFAIK I can be on any thread and say whatever I want, the same as you sucking QSC's dick.