Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just got caught up with everything. Meso being down was pretty lame.
I never had any floater issues personally.
Just to plan out next year, as I'm stocked up for a little while, should I start looking into homebrewing or will finished oils be back up and running next year?
Was a bit of a downer hearing the change to be honest and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it changes in the future.
Just got caught up with everything. Meso being down was pretty lame.
I never had any floater issues personally.
Just to plan out next year, as I'm stocked up for a little while, should I start looking into homebrewing or will finished oils be back up and running next year?
Was a bit of a downer hearing the change to be honest and I'm keeping my fingers crossed it changes in the future.
A lot of us are feeling the same way for the people who complain you have no clue how lucky you are to even touch qsc gear complaining of a lab that has the best products not one single pip even with 3ml injections smooth as can be like never injecting

but Is this really the end or will the oils continue now can’t order any test this absolutely sucks as first time in my life I’ve finally found the best test ever and none left.
Is this working to eliminate food and hunger more so or as a calorie/fat burner? Haven't looked into these much just keep hearing everyone's success stories. I do need to cut like 20#s but don't wanna lose gains, muscle or not properly feed the current stack. Thanks.

I had zero hunger. And even less hunger after force-feeding like, 50 g lean protein (which I could only do about 2-3 times a day). Great for fat loss. Pretty sure it wouldn't go well for muscle mass in my case because I just couldn't get the calories down... I guess that's the point though

@Rampant_S @boxer15
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A lot of us are feeling the same way for the people who complain you have no clue how lucky you are to even touch qsc gear complaining of a lab that has the best products not one single pip even with 3ml injections smooth as can be like never injecting

but Is this really the end or will the oils continue now can’t order any test this absolutely sucks as first time in my life I’ve finally found the best test ever and none left.
I was lucky I put an order in and received just before this news. Already low key panicking about what I'm gonna do next year. If it just 2 months, I'll survive. Hope you find something in the meantime, bro!
I was lucky I put an order in and received just before this news. Already low key panicking about what I'm gonna do next year. If it just 2 months, I'll survive. Hope you find something in the meantime, bro!
Just start homebrewing small amounts, was headed that way myself eventually this just sped up the timeline.
Just start homebrewing small amounts, was headed that way myself eventually this just sped up the timeline.
You're probably right. Don't really want to look like I have a lab going when it's just for personal use though. I have already started scrolling the homebrewing sections of the site and I guess I'll go from there.
I never asked for replacements, now did I?

Here is the same vial without the flashlight which you so hate. It's clear as day there is foreign matter floating in this vial and your refusal to accept that does not change that fact.





fuck really man i’d just heat that up and smash it people are to fucking pussy these days there selling this gear at a fraction of normal price and it’s probably dosed are very close it’s filtered twice stop crying and pin it i’ve pinned far worse back in the day when we had to send to UE and 4 months later the package showed up
i’ve bought 9 kits so far and only one had a floater i heated it up and it was fine i never even mentioned it on the form no need to half the time the floater is just from the gear beginning to crash
A lot of us are feeling the same way for the people who complain you have no clue how lucky you are to even touch qsc gear complaining of a lab that has the best products not one single pip even with 3ml injections smooth as can be like never injecting

but Is this really the end or will the oils continue now can’t order any test this absolutely sucks as first time in my life I’ve finally found the best test ever and none left.

I was lucky I put an order in and received just before this news. Already low key panicking about what I'm gonna do next year. If it just 2 months, I'll survive. Hope you find something in the meantime, bro!
These are the most bullshit posts ever. $6 vials of test with occasional floaters going away, and you two are whining like it's the end of AAS. Best test ever, Don't know if you'll survive? Lmfao. Clown show on full display here.
It wasn't aimed specifically at you, but at anyone who dares to broach the subject in the future, so they know what to expect in response.

@Millard this is a threat for customers not to share harm reduction information. Which this source has done several times before (like when he doxxed deus). If this truly is a harm reduction board, this should user should receive a ban for making threats like this.

This would make it his third ban by the way (permanent ban?)
@Millard this is a threat for customers not to share harm reduction information. Which this source has done several times before (like when he doxxed deus). If this truly is a harm reduction board, this should user should receive a ban for making threats like this.

This would make it his third ban by the way (permanent ban?)
Since when store ban is considered doxxing? You must be a retarded
So let me get this straight, you are telling customers that if they dare question your product's safety, they will receive a ban? Even with visual evidence of floaters? That's not how harm reduction works buddy.
I would encourage everyone to report his threat here, by clicking Report:

To be very clear, most of you aren't able to tell what is a floater and what is not, most of pictures do not show any evidence.

The picture posted were the vials that have been replaced not the new ones FYI, and I wasn't even able to tell if it's floaters in first time, or crashed gear, or scrash on vials glass.

When I asked for a video, the customer said the quality isn't enough to show the floater.. but I replaced the vials, no problem til then...

How can anyone verify if it's crashed geat or not? how can we verify if the customer heated the vials or not? no way to do that.

It's like customer complaining his dick isn't working so the viagra isn't good and don't wanna do any jano testing, for me these visual pictures aren't a proof since these " floaters " looks like crashed gear. It's not black or different color from gear.

Many labs have contamination tests, if you are worried, send to a lab and verify the safety of your gear. If you can't then throw it or filter it or shop elsewhere where they put labels so you won't even be able to see what's inside your vials..

So the only way to verify this was to verify all the vials that has been sent to customer which was done, and surprise, the customer report in his second order : " Nine out of ten vials of the masteron kit have particulate matter floating around in them, not huge floaters like I posted above so it is hard to get a picture of them to show you "

So this gets shady and if accept this kind of BS, I will just open a door that never close, so to make it simple, I told you my policy now, if you suspect any contamination or whatever, you know what to do.

If you choose to bash us and make drama, like in the rules of page 502, you will get a store ban.

End of story.
@Millard this is a threat for customers not to share harm reduction information. Which this source has done several times before (like when he doxxed deus). If this truly is a harm reduction board, this should user should receive a ban for making threats like this.

This would make it his third ban by the way (permanent ban?)
What you said would make sense but a part of harm reduction is risk assessment. If a person is willing to buy from a source and is dissatisfied, don't buy from them again. If a new person is interested in buying stuff from a particular vendor, it's up to that individual to assess the source's policy before making a purchase. It shouldn't be up to @Millard to drag your hand through life.
What you said would make sense but a part of harm reduction is risk assessment. If a person is willing to buy from a source and is dissatisfied, don't buy from them again. If a new person is interested in buying stuff from a particular vendor, it's up to that individual to assess the source's policy before making a purchase. It shouldn't be up to @Millard to drag your hand through life.

You're missing the point. It's fine if a customer doesn't want to buy from him anymore. Threatening members to keep silent about it is different. In other words, QSC shouldn't have to be your daddy who punishes you. Although you might like that.