Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You're probably right. Don't really want to look like I have a lab going when it's just for personal use though. I have already started scrolling the homebrewing sections of the site and I guess I'll go from there.

Dude I totally feel you on that. Honestly that's exactly why I Haven't gone that route yet, but I've grown accustomed to running test and primo and still having money left over for bills lol.
You're missing the point. It's fine if a customer doesn't want to buy from him anymore. Threatening members to keep silent about it is different. In other words, QSC shouldn't have to be your daddy who punishes you. Although you might like that.
Look, I get it. I don't think the rep is "threatening members to keep silent" but even then, I don't agree with everything he does regarding customer service either. There can be a neutral line where one should be responsible for themselves but scamming sources shouldn't be allowed either like Naps. We're all adults here(hopefully) and there shouldn't be an authoritative power that selectively picks sources that they consider as "overall good for the community" because that's how we end up like Anabolex and PM. Anyways, I've said my 2 cents and hopefully, we can all think for ourselves.
What you said would make sense but a part of harm reduction is risk assessment. If a person is willing to buy from a source and is dissatisfied, don't buy from them again. If a new person is interested in buying stuff from a particular vendor, it's up to that individual to assess the source's policy before making a purchase. It shouldn't be up to @Millard to drag your hand through life.
You obviously don't understand harm reduction. The threat of a source to store ban a member who goes public with a problem is the opposite of harm reduction. Its forcing members to completely keep quiet, and not to inform the community. The guys on ugbb were right, you are another damn shill for this source.

Anyone reading these recent posts of these shills, you should be running as far away from here as possible.
You're missing the point. It's fine if a customer doesn't want to buy from him anymore. Threatening members to keep silent about it is different. In other words, QSC shouldn't have to be your daddy who punishes you. Although you might like that.
Try harder.
The store ban was never against meso rules.
I never banned bad feedback, I ban drama, and there is a difference between the two. You have good and bad feedback, and I don't mind having both on the contrary, it's part of the game, but I can't allow bullshit and letting some of you going full retarded either .

Do you think having a banned representative who is not active on the forum is less harmful than having him present?

I remind you that even during my 2 old bans, my thread remains the most active in meso, and at the top every day.

My presence is that for your good, I announce the news, I discuss with you the possibilities, and I make your autistic life less boring because you have someone to tease and who teases you from time to time.

Imagine meso without me ? can you?

My presence allows you to see new lab tests we do, and in case of questions about the lab test you have who to answer, and who to clear up rumors in an unmoderated forum where everyone can say what they want and tell you about bullshit whenever he wants.

My presence here is harm reduction, especially harm on your pockets and bank accounts..

We are the most tested source in meso..

Consider yourself blessed that I'm here.
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You obviously don't understand harm reduction. The threat of a source to store ban a member who goes public with a problem is the opposite of harm reduction. Its forcing members to completely keep quiet, and not to inform the community. The guys on ugbb were right, you are another damn shill for this source.

Anyone reading these recent posts of these shills, you should be running as far away from here as possible.
It would be nice for you to try and have a productive conversation without throwing out the word, shill, in every second sentence. I don't even buy anything besides GH from Qingdao, I homebrew my own stuff. Lumping people who disagree with you into an enemy group is only going to isolate you from productive conversations.
It would be nice for you to try and have a productive conversation without throwing out the word, shill, in every second sentence. I don't even buy anything besides GH from Qingdao, I homebrew my own stuff. Lumping people who disagree with you into an enemy group is only going to isolate you from productive conversations.
T&H who accuses you of being a shill is a satisfied customer, whose ego made him an enemy of the source and blinded him to taste QSC's deliciousness foolishly.
Try harder.
The store ban was never against meso rules.
I never banned bad feedback, I ban drama, and there is a difference between the two. You have good and bad feedback, and I don't mind having both on the contrary, it's part of the game, but I can't allow bullshit and letting some of you going full retarded either .

Do you think having a banned representative who is not active on the forum is less harmful than having him present?

I remind you that even during my 2 old bans, my thread remains the most active in meso, and at the top every day.

My presence is that for your good, I announce the news, I discuss with you the possibilities, and I make your autistic life less boring because you have someone to tease and who teases you from time to time.

Imagine meso without me ? can you?

My presence allows you to see new lab tests we do, and in case of questions about the lab test you have who to answer, and who to clear up rumors in an unmoderated forum where everyone can say what they want and tell you about bullshit whenever he wants.

Consider yourself blessed that I'm here.
Yes its truly remarkable that during your 'absence' from the board, something like a dozen new accounts were registered solely to post in your thread in support of your decision to scam a customer out of thousands of dollars when you sent them mislabeled product.

Heaven forbid you ever pass away peacefully from natural causes, but if that day were to come I can only imagine some of your strongest devotees might simply opt to pick up a lifelong vow of silence, forever leaving the board at precisely the moment that you, yourself, on your only account, stop posting.
The picture posted were the vials that have been replaced not the new ones FYI, and I wasn't even able to tell if it's floaters in first time, or crashed gear, or scrash on vials glass.
You were sent eleven pictures and then agreed to replace the vials based upon that alone, all I was required to do at that point in time was place another order.

When I asked for a video, the customer said the quality isn't enough to show the floater.. but I replaced the vials, no problem til then...
I placed my new order with you and then the next day you ask me for a video of the floaters which I sent you, after that you required me to destroy the vials with proof. Protonmail has a 25mb attachment limit so I had to work within the limits of that, you know this as it was stated it in the email, you said "Okay, it's not a problem".

Was it really that difficult to spot these floaters? Original shipment primo 200 vial pictured below.

Posting about my experience is not a personal attack on you. Your reaction to me sharing this experience with other members is frankly, quite bizarre. You accuse me of being shady which is laughable, I want no refund or replacement from you. I am not posting here to gain anything from you, or anyone else on this forum.
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Yes its truly remarkable that during your 'absence' from the board, something like a dozen new accounts were registered solely to post in your thread in support of your decision to scam a customer out of thousands of dollars when you sent them mislabeled product.

Heaven forbid you ever pass away peacefully from natural causes, but if that day were to come I can only imagine some of your strongest devotees might simply opt to pick up a lifelong vow of silence, forever leaving the board at precisely the moment that you, yourself, on your only account, stop posting.
Feel free to report all these accounts, thinking I have time to make up new accocunts is the most stupid thing I've heard.
You were sent eleven pictures and then agreed to replace the vials based upon that alone, all I was required to do at that point in time was place another order.

I placed my new order with you and then the next day you ask me for a video of the floaters which I sent you, after that you required me to destroy the vials with proof. Protonmail has a 25mb attachment limit so I had to work within the limits of that, you know this as it was stated it in the email, you said "Okay, it's not a problem".

Was it really that difficult to spot these floaters? Original shipment primo 200 vial pictured below.
View attachment 172467

Posting about my experience is not a personal attack on you. Your reaction to me sharing this experience with other members is frankly, quite bizarre. You accuse me of being shady which is laughable, I want no refund or replacement from you.
Just because I accepted to replace these vials doesn't mean I was convinced by these evidence, you know very well that the video doesn't show anything, all those evidence when I shared them with the team, I was told that it's not enough, the customer is over reacting..

As I told you, you are too fussy.. I had some doubts but now especially when you reported that 9 out 10 vials of DE have floaters, I become very convinced that you are fussy..
You were sent eleven pictures and then agreed to replace the vials based upon that alone, all I was required to do at that point in time was place another order.

I placed my new order with you and then the next day you ask me for a video of the floaters which I sent you, after that you required me to destroy the vials with proof. Protonmail has a 25mb attachment limit so I had to work within the limits of that, you know this as it was stated it in the email, you said "Okay, it's not a problem".

Was it really that difficult to spot these floaters? Original shipment primo 200 vial pictured below.
View attachment 172467

Posting about my experience is not a personal attack on you. Your reaction to me sharing this experience with other members is frankly, quite bizarre. You accuse me of being shady which is laughable, I want no refund or replacement from you.
Those are most definitely floaters man. I've had that experience with a lot of other vendors, let's just say Colonial for instance since they're out of business. What's even more bizarre is that some accounts are actually trying to justify the floaters by saying "Well back in my day, floaters are normal" and "it's cheap".
You were sent eleven pictures and then agreed to replace the vials based upon that alone, all I was required to do at that point in time was place another order.

I placed my new order with you and then the next day you ask me for a video of the floaters which I sent you, after that you required me to destroy the vials with proof. Protonmail has a 25mb attachment limit so I had to work within the limits of that, you know this as it was stated it in the email, you said "Okay, it's not a problem".

Was it really that difficult to spot these floaters? Original shipment primo 200 vial pictured below.
View attachment 172467

Posting about my experience is not a personal attack on you. Your reaction to me sharing this experience with other members is frankly, quite bizarre. You accuse me of being shady which is laughable, I want no refund or replacement from you. I am not posting here to gain anything from you, or anyone else on this forum.
Usually those little specs are crystals. Heat it up on a coffee warmer and I bet they disapear.
Damn your right bro, let me just pin some fucking rubber into my body that will never get out of my body again. I wonder what would happen if you need to get an x ray and the doctor is wondering how the fuck a peace of plastic got into your body. SMD
He’s a fucking moron every post I see from him is retarded as fuck. He just doesn’t realize that there can be some bad feedback to a source especially when the feedback is something for health and safety. He has nothing to contribute fucking idiot.