Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Did you wipe down the outside of the vials with alcohol? I noticed these vials look like they have floaters from scuffs on the glass. They go away after you clean them with alcohol.
You can see the floaters move when he turns the vials upside down...

Dude showed proof seemingly with no agenda. Hard to argue.
Well, fuck. I just read all of this floater stuff. Sad. Mine came without floaters as far as I can see, but some people are getting them… wtf is it?

Is the [EDIT: The unauthorized use of the MESO-Rx brand for any and all types of commercial marketing is strictly prohibited.] still a good email address? I emailed several days ago and haven't received a response, so just checking.


This is disgusting gear, you can see the floaters move.

DingDong.... the "it are just marks on the vial" excuse that you gave doesn't apply anymore after these videos.

Besides, DingDong should receive a ban for threatening members. It would be his third ban.
Is the [EDIT: The unauthorized use of the MESO-Rx brand for any and all types of commercial marketing is strictly prohibited.] still a good email address? I emailed several days ago and haven't received a response, so just checking.


Funny how these 1 day old accounts always show up during drama "to check if the email address is still valid".
Bro did you post physique pics in your thread? Wasn’t you like 6‘8 or something like that?
6’10”, didn’t post anything, no. Too many identifying tattoos lol.

Also, I’m not a body builder. I’m doing a cycle to build up my back and stop it from hurting all the time. It worked good until recently when I threw it out again.

My physique is not that great. 24% bf… decent muscle mass, but nothing like y’all.
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Is the [EDIT: The unauthorized use of the MESO-Rx brand for any and all types of commercial marketing is strictly prohibited.] still a good email address? I emailed several days ago and haven't received a response, so just checking.

They never respond, and I think it’s full / dead. Use the proton mail version instead.
Well, fuck. I just read all of this floater stuff. Sad. Mine came without floaters as far as I can see, but some people are getting them… wtf is it?

My 10 vials of Primo 100mg/ml don’t have any floaters, too. I checked them. They look good. The Vials on the other hand have some deep scratches, but the oil is fine.
People concerned about the product quality have two options:
1. Use a wheel filter to filter it yourself before use
2. Do not use this source

Notice how there was no third option to sit here and clog the thread up whinging like a little bitch?

Jesus Christ some of you need a fucking hobby.
People concerned about the product quality have two options:
1. Use a wheel filter to filter it yourself before use
2. Do not use this source

Notice how there was no third option to sit here and clog the thread up whinging like a little bitch?

Jesus Christ some of you need a fucking hobby.
It seems like their hobby is complaining. Some people bitch about everything and always blame everyone else. It must be a terrible existence and likely feel lonely because nobody can tolerate being around them.
Have you tried cbd oil for your anxiety, been a life saver for myself and anyone else I get to try it ?
Wassup mate!!
Thanks for the suggestion, but CBD has a very mild effect on me (for a quite high cost for my personal economy). Also when I try to get a more accute effect by increasing the dose, the unique outcome is always a nasty headache.
Both substances are quite different: from the effect point of view, and from the cost point of view.
I personally find much more effective the Phenibut, but it is really crucial for me to respect the previously mentioned rules (Dosing and frequency of use), otherwise the substance will turn into a nightmare...
Tell me, where did the ugbb vets hurt you? Post pics for proof, lmao.
Quite the opposite. Despite all the shit they receive in this thread and others, I think there’s a lot of solid guys there that give sound advice and generally try to help people. All the insults I see are quite funny, the day I let words on a screen affect me in real life is the day I run into traffic head first
I find it interesting how issues are resolved differently with different people. It's pretty easy to tell who the little shits are who just fly off the rails towards the rep when an issue arises like he is personally fucking up people's orders. I had some missing stuff with my last order and it was very easily resolved and the rep has always been great in my experiences. Now.. when it comes to buying pre-made gear from basically anywhere other than having a prescription there is always the chance for poor quality. These guys are pumping out thousands of vials. You know how to avoid these situations.. put your fucking big boy pants on and learn to HOMEBREW! Anyone with half a brain can do it although that might be too much for some people in this thread..Then it's 100% on you, from sterilization to filtering to mg/ml and which carrier oil to use. I go as far to use silicone stoppers instead of rubber just because they are better quality. Seriously it takes about 1000$ startup for your equipment (unless you want to use syringe filters but fuck that) and then you never have to rely on the quality of someone else's product.
People can just refilter their gear if they are worried, it costs about 20 dollars for filters and empty vials. People are paying 1/10 of what they would with other sources, instead of complaining in the thread just post to let other members know and then let them handle it. But making a huge deal when you’re saving an extreme amount of money using QSC is just annoying
It seems like their hobby is complaining. Some people bitch about everything and always blame everyone else. It must be a terrible existence and likely feel lonely because nobody can tolerate being around them.
They bitch beause to high E2 und to much gear for there pussy beings


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