Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You guys are either QSC alt accounts or the saddest, most pathetic shit stains to grace these forums.
and youre the alt of any seller whos sad about the fact das QSC is crashing the market with his prices. Even if those prices are normal when you order from china.
Beta male

Newbs? Bro I am pretty sure I outlift you in every single exercise and have more mass in my arms then you have on your legs.

L source? Bro this source literally dominates this forum and the roid biz ,not a single source here has so much customer then QSC does

Why you so mad? Take some arimidex and stfu bitch ass
Calm down.
This thread is worse than reality TV show.

Everyone comes to tell this life to complain, others to act as QSC's lawyers thinking that QSC will like them better than the others.

And thanks to all his complaining and devil's advocates, you've done one hell of a commercial for QSC.

If you are not satisfied with the source, change the source.

When you don't like your steak, you change your butcher, don't you?

Stop coming here pretending that by complaining you are trying to help others.

What matters is just you and no one else.

It's been a long time since humans helped each other to become stronger, in 2022 it's even the opposite.

So everyone stop your comedy, you're just doing extra publicity for QSC.
Is the meso-rx@sigmachemical.com.cn still a good email address? I emailed several days ago and haven't received a response, so just checking.

Yes, some emails don't go through, when you don't receive an answer in less than 24 hours, try to email the other address:


They never respond, and I think it’s full / dead. Use the proton mail version instead.
I always respond to that email, and it's never full, unlike protonmail that gets full quickly
This thread is worse than reality TV show.

Everyone comes to tell this life to complain, others to act as QSC's lawyers thinking that QSC will like them better than the others.

And thanks to all his complaining and devil's advocates, you've done one hell of a commercial for QSC.

If you are not satisfied with the source, change the source.

When you don't like your steak, you change your butcher, don't you?

Stop coming here pretending that by complaining you are trying to help others.

What matters is just you and no one else.

It's been a long time since humans helped each other to become stronger, in 2022 it's even the opposite.

So everyone stop your comedy, you're just doing extra publicity for QSC.
They swear they hate QSC like it's the biggest shit stain on this forum but can't wait to come scattering back every week. I can't tell what's worse, the UGBB vets who have no power but pretend that they do while complaining all day, or shills who think floaters are okay in finished products. All of this is only fueling Qingdao to the top page every day. Inb4 that faggot @deeeznuts come in to triple post, calling everyone shills, despite bumping this source lol
y’all ever see the Sienfield episode “Soup Nazi”.

QSC is like the gear nazi. You give negative review “no gear for you!”.

QSC brings a different product to the market and people just need to get over it. Prices are cheaper than any others and by a large margin but it’s going to come at an expense. Testing routinely is coming back good on most products, TA seems exceptional, OPSEC seems the biggest risk to me but I’m old school in that regard (people deal drugs on social media these days ) and if something goes south you should probably just suck it up as a loss. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, mmmkk? When people finally accept this we can stop with these stupid fucking arguments.