Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Holy fuck canada post takes its sweet ass time mailing international items.... just sitting in Vancouver for a
Really? Youre that fucking retarded that you dont know what you posted?

Fuck youre a dumb cunt, bet your mom wishes she swallowed.

Remember youre also the idiot that can feel test cyp in 4 weeks.

Wipe QSCs cum off you chin
Holy fuck bisexual tranny cowboy is right. Time for you to return to ram ranch with any other underground body building queers
View: https://youtu.be/LD24TG33w2E
Btcowboy my dude, I believe you have gotten yourself into an argument with someone who quoted one of my post and have some how mistaken them for me lol.

Please don't confuse him for me, I don't spend my time throwing around insults online... just not my style.

I would be happy to elaborate on what I wrote "I have been running qsc Test Cyp, Primo, and HGH for almost a month now, it seems to be working very well"

The 5 most notable things that come to mind are the following.

1. Waking up in middle of night with numb tingling hands from increasing hgh dose to fast.

2. Better sleep

3. Water retention, (I aromatize easily)

4. Slight increase in energy.

5. Minor to no pip from primo/test

These are all positive indicators for me when Im on cycle. I stand by my statement and believe it to be fair and accurate.

Additionally never did I say "I felt the test cyp kick in" this is a sentence you alone constructed and a failed attempt to put words in my mouth in order to try and discredit me. This is not a good look for you dude.

I wish you the best regardless of what you say or think about me for having a positive experience with this source.

If you are genuinely interested in how the cycle goes I will be logging it in my member intro. I will also be posting blood work in a month or so as well. Additionally I have already posted blood work prior to first pin of cycle, so we have baseline.
I am not against positive experiences with this source at all. Shit I even wished him the best, and if he would have not been a dick to those with issues he would have been super successful here.

Well he didnt quote it properly and it was him who appeared to have said. Anyways was a fluke then rhat I called him out as a multi and low and behold he is.

Most of what you ote is the GH not the cyp. Cyp is long ester and takes time to build up in your system. Feels reports dont carry alot of weight here, especially short term use of a long ester.Glad you are getting bloods that is the best way.
I'm amazed that with all the bitching and name-calling from both sides, there are still plenty of orders pouring in for QDS.
I dont really get on these forums but Ive had an overall good experience with QSC. Full disclosure I initially bought from QSC because its cheap and the thread is pretty active. Figured I could at least send off my money and not get scammed. When the product arrived I could inspect it and if it was shit I could get rid it and lose 300 bucks, whatever.

Anyway, Ive made 3 orders so far. All 3 times the transaction went smoothly and an average of 3 weeks later the packages arrive. No missing items, no damage.

As far as the products Ive used - test e, primo e, var, drol, and tren. Some ancillaries too - aromasin, telmisartan, prami.
By no means am I a gear connoisseur but I think it works? I gain bodyweight and add poundage to my lifts. Feel grumpy when I shoot the tren. Vital signs and labwork reflect the effectiveness of the ancillary drugs.

Have I sent any for testing? No - so I am not sure if the test e is 250mg/mL and the tren is 100mg/mL. Maybe it is 185 and 77mg? Who knows. Feels consistent to me.

Anyway, in the 6 or so months of pinning multiple times per week I have not had any negative skin/muscle reactions save for expected PIP (with the 200mg primo it was excruciating and I had to stop). I know people have reported floaters but idk **my stuff** has been ok. Color is consistent, no detritus or turbidity, capping is good.

Dont really know what else to say. Youre browsing the clearweb buying black market formulations of pharmaceuticals from china. Caveat emptor. Make a purchase and evaluate the quality for yourself. Maybe you are disatisfied and you lost $450 but thats the nature of the game? If you dont want to potentially lose that sort of investment then do more research into other vendors.
And as you know me very well I have new surprises every time.

The new batches of Test E, Test C and test P have been produced, we will send them to Janoshik first and we will start oil sales after Chinese national day holidays (01/10 - 07/10)

Unfortunately the situation of tabs in China is very serious, yesterday a big producer of tablets was arrested.
China Post has banned the shipping of the tabs, so tablet orders via China Post are suspended, especially for Australian and Canadian customers.
For Europe, the USA and other countries, customers can continue to place orders for what remains in stock, and we will definitely stop the production of tablets in China with the possible option of subcontracting them to a neighboring country.

We are thinking of starting to make suspension liquid solutions for some orals, I don't know yet how successful this type of product is, but we can try that after the holidays.

Production of all injectables will resume after the holidays, with better packaging.

Autralian domestic warehouse on the way, a first product is available.

HGH US domestic sold out and will be restocked after holidays as well.

For extra information email me to:
Why are they targeting manufacturers of tabs only ? I inquired with 2 other Chinese manufacturers and they have heard of no such news. So does China post open up packages before you send them off to inspect what’s inside and tells you you’re not allowed to mail tabs ? 2 weeks ago you seemed to be shutting down shop and now have decided to produce new batches which are already ready to be tested, why the change of heart ?
The Aussie warehouse is almost a thing . Just 1 product but if you haven't tried it before you wouldn't dabble in it straight off the bat, experienced users only.
Nine orders completed. Tenth in progress. Mostly raws (including Primo E, Tren Hexa, MENT). Earlier, I also ordered Primo A in tablets (custom order). Everything works correctly.
What did he try to sell you?

Fucking punk ass shills in this thread are the worst that meso has ever had to deal with.

Daddy should've wiped you off, chump.
This is how it works little girl. Newbies will go through a thread like this and see post like yours. So then newbies write to you asking you your opinion on what the best source is, and ask the same question to other punks like @Dasistamine @rootrobot @JabbedUp @Tiredandhot @pigeonhed @Toro00 @Btcowboy @Bustybro and whoever elses does source bashing. Once these newbies contact you stupid goofs, then the newbie will ask you guys whats the best source to go with. Then you will tell the newbie something like 'source A is great, write/buy from them, and tell them your username on meso and mention me Madbret, (to source A)'. Meanwhile, you got a deal going on with source A in which you Madbret then get a discount, like %10 percent or whatever for recommending the newbie to source A. From there, every time you get a newbie that writes to you asking for your opinion of what the best source is, and then you passing that newbie off to source A, then entitles you to maybe a %10 percent discount for every newbie you hand off to source A. So if you hand off 10 newbies to source A, and its a %10 percent discount every time for each newbie, which is %100 off your next order with source A, then you end up getting a free cycle of gear from that source A. Henceforth, you and your fucked up friends I mentioned above are the biggest dick riders in this thread. All of you are fucked up hypocrites. Thats why all you fuckin dick riders hate QSC. They are taking away business from you dick riders by grabbing the business off all the newbies joining this thread. By the way, I did buy and used some mast e, npp, test e, trena, anavar, cialis from QSC. No floaters at all in anything I bought from them. All vial tops were securely in place too. So are you pissed off madbret that I didn't contact you first about a good source? You pissed off that you couldn't get a discount off me for throwing me off to your favorite over priced source:rolleyes:?
Your pissed off because QSC id taking away business from everone in this forum;). Ya you better beleive this is my first post;). Go ahead you cock sucker, give me your best shot:rolleyes:
View attachment 173208

Just for information as not everyone here speak french.
The french meso fr member who posted this lab test did not receive any refund for the lab test, which was 170usd. Qingdao rep said a bunch of BS to avoid to pay.
He only refund the "missing product", not even the full order which was 150usd.

This post is just for information and sharing with you.
No need to send the army of shills. Thank you
Look hear everyone, the stupid goof @L0ND0N goes and blacks out the verification code at the bottom of the test result. Now nobody can verify if the result is true or not. What a stupid retard:rolleyes:
This is how it works little girl. Newbies will go through a thread like this and see post like yours. So then newbies write to you asking you your opinion on what the best source is, and ask the same question to other punks like @Dasistamine @rootrobot @JabbedUp @Tiredandhot @pigeonhed @Toro00 @Btcowboy @Bustybro and whoever elses does source bashing. Once these newbies contact you stupid goofs, then the newbie will ask you guys whats the best source to go with. Then you will tell the newbie something like 'source A is great, write/buy from them, and tell them your username on meso and mention me Madbret, (to source A)'. Meanwhile, you got a deal going on with source A in which you Madbret then get a discount, like %10 percent or whatever for recommending the newbie to source A. From there, every time you get a newbie that writes to you asking for your opinion of what the best source is, and then you passing that newbie off to source A, then entitles you to maybe a %10 percent discount for every newbie you hand off to source A. So if you hand off 10 newbies to source A, and its a %10 percent discount every time for each newbie, which is %100 off your next order with source A, then you end up getting a free cycle of gear from that source A. Henceforth, you and your fucked up friends I mentioned above are the biggest dick riders in this thread. All of you are fucked up hypocrites. Thats why all you fuckin dick riders hate QSC. They are taking away business from you dick riders by grabbing the business off all the newbies joining this thread. By the way, I did buy and used some mast e, npp, test e, trena, anavar, cialis from QSC. No floaters at all in anything I bought from them. All vial tops were securely in place too. So are you pissed off madbret that I didn't contact you first about a good source? You pissed off that you couldn't get a discount off me for throwing me off to your favorite over priced source:rolleyes:?
Your pissed off because QSC id taking away business from everone in this forum;). Ya you better beleive this is my first post;). Go ahead you cock sucker, give me your best shot:rolleyes:
Cool story, bro. Find a newbie who I've sent to any source and told to use my name as a reference, or to get a discount. You won't because it hasn't happened.

Ding dong has more shills than any fucking source meso has ever seen. I know it's hard for a scumbag, bottom feeder like yourself to fathom that somebody would do something to help the community they are a part of.

It's hard to understand because you only think of yourself and getting the most bang for your buck. The prices are cheap but dealing with an infected ass cheek that needs to be removed due to infection is not.

Being a happy customer is fine, you needle dicked bitch. You wanting to call out guys who have stood up to the bullshit makes you look suspect or needy for attention or both.

And you have my attention, tough guy. Hope it's all you dreamed it would be, little buddy.

You're either a troll looking for some attention that your mama clearly didn't give you enough of or you're one shill to add to the long list that's already in this thread.

Don't expect for many guys on this forum to ever take your stupid ass seriously. You just gave yourself a skarlet letter, you dumb bitch. Wear it with pride and I hope it was worth it to let qsc deflower you in a public setting.

If you're lucky, qsc rep didn't give you the monkey pox but if he did, you should have known better than to let him raw dog you like this.

Do enjoy the cheap gear and take care of your yourself. At least take a shower after you let someone defile you like that...