Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You gotta wonder how many of the dickriders in this thread are doing the same thing. I see no point at all in defending QSC. Just buy it if you want and shut up. Why would you defend and possibly create more business which could in theory cause product that you want to be out of stock. It seems illogical to defend unless you really ARE a shill. QSC is getting its business they don’t need any dick sucking so unless you’re a real shill do yourself a favor and get off your knees. It’s that simple. Otherwise you will and should be considered a shill.
Before you guys blast me as a shill, or a newbie coz I am new, hear me out.

I ordered from QDS because their gear is affordable to me compared to what I can get in my country. It is not illegal to possess such items in my country. That being said, why did I order from them even if everyone is bitching and burning torches trying to crucify them? I made an informed decision and decided to gamble it.

My mentality is every source here is out to get your money, I mean everyone, they will cheat, lie and outright steal from you, it's a matter of how and when but they will. You are delusional if you assume they are even slightly looking out for your well-being. So, if this source has floaters, don't buy oils, his oxandrolone raws is actually dbol, then find someone else, or he is selectively scamming then don't buy anything from him.

They are drug dealers, period. There is no honor among thieves scenarios here lol. Be informed, make your decision, if you get burnt that's the entrance fee for this game. Learn from it and move on.
short feedback on a recent order.
Ive ordered some peptides (IGF-1, ipamorelin, cjc dac,..) and inj. l-carnitine international end of august. Total value 420€.
on 14th September, the package arrived in my country but was held by customs. On 27th, the national parcel tracking website said it was sent back to the sender. This status was not yet available in parcelsapp.
Ive contaced the rep yesterday and he said, since it was not visible on parcelsapp, that reshipping will take place according to the reship conditions which are mentioned here on page 500something. So 2 months waiting time which was ok for me since ive agreed to that by ordering..
Today ive rechecked parcelsapp and saw that the status was updated and it is now also visisble on parcelsapp that the package is on the way back to the sender.
Ive mailed the rep again and said that it is now visible on parcelsapp
--> Rep answered i dont have to wait the 2 months and the reship will take place with the special line where the package is sent domestically.

So all in all i feel i am being treated pretty fair despite all the posts stating customer service issues etc.
Which shipping option did you use?
As long as there are people hard on the source who have never ordered but with their continued spamming of the thread look suspicious in the eyes of some members, it is guaranteed that there will be extreme reactions from other members " satisfied customers " who will consider it suspicious, and who will start defending the source and creating this type of alt accounts even if they have nothing to gain.

Let people make up their own minds, the source doesn't need someone to defend them, customers are adults and don't need police to guide them who is the G2G source, let people make their own choices, and you will live in peace.

Post your feedbackz, positive or negative, honestly I don't give a fuck, maybe I had an extreme reactions in the past to some when I took things personally, but that's doesn't mean it bothers me that you post negative feedbacks.

If the thread goes back to its basic topic, which is feedbacks, good or bad, you wouldn't have to police or get into those wars where you're wasting your time, energy and gaining nothing.

You find a suspicious account, report it to the moderator.

For my part I do my best to improve the service, to make it right when it's not going well, and more efforts are planned, but it does not mean that I will suck anyone's dick.

So if you made it your mission to bring us down just because in the past I teased you and invited you to lick my yellow balls, you must get some help, remember that you are just usernames in a forum, if you leave it today no one will remember you 2 weeks later, so much energy is invested for free it's wasted time in your life.

Your interventions here in this thread should be limited to feedbacks, no more and no less. Good or bad, and let others make their choice. If you feel the need to post 20 times a day, there's a problem.

Be fair, otherwise you will lose credibility

As long as there are people hard on the source who have never ordered but with their continued spamming of the thread look suspicious in the eyes of some members, it is guaranteed that there will be extreme reactions from other members " satisfied customers " who will consider it suspicious, and who will start defending the source and creating this type of alt accounts even if they have nothing to gain.

Let people make up their own minds, the source doesn't need someone to defend them, customers are adults and don't need police to guide them who is the G2G source, let people make their own choices, and you will live in peace.

Post your feedbackz, positive or negative, honestly I don't give a fuck, maybe I had an extreme reactions in the past to some when I took things personally, but that's doesn't mean it bothers me that you post negative feedbacks.

If the thread goes back to its basic topic, which is feedbacks, good or bad, you wouldn't have to police or get into those wars where you're wasting your time, energy and gaining nothing.

You find a suspicious account, report it to the moderator.

For my part I do my best to improve the service, to make it right when it's not going well, and more efforts are planned, but it does not mean that I will suck anyone's dick.

So if you made it your mission to bring us down just because in the past I teased you and invited you to lick my yellow balls, you must get some help, remember that you are just usernames in a forum, if you leave it today no one will remember you 2 weeks later, so much energy is invested for free it's wasted time in your life.

Your interventions here in this thread should be limited to feedbacks, no more and no less. Good or bad, and let others make their choice. If you feel the need to post 20 times a day, there's a problem.

Be fair, otherwise you will lose credibility

You are seething and it’s showing.
You are seething and it’s showing.
QSC makes valid points in this post.

There are too many satisfied customers at this point. If you have a problem with QSC, start paying money to test everything. They did have a couple questionable results. If enough people start testing and reporting bad results (if there are bad results), then there will be a real need to come to this forum and raise hell. Until then, it just looks like endless bitching.
The prices are cheap but dealing with an infected ass cheek that needs to be removed due to infection is not.
Can you stop making up claims? This is not the first time you mention this.

You are right about harm reduction, yet it doesn't help anyone if you make shit up.
Which shipping option did you use?
i always let the rep decide which option is the most appropriate.
it was via PostNL. If i understood the rep correctly, the chances that there are issues are pretty slim. Guess i had bad luck. my other orders didnt have any issues.
but as i said, reaction of the rep was professional and no discussions were necessary. He suggested the domestic special line so that there is no risk for me which is a great option.
I can not complain of the customer service in this case.
I guess sometimes it helps to just be calm and talk to the other side with a good attitude - something everyone should do even as a customer (and not just on meso)
i always let the rep decide which option is the most appropriate.
it was via PostNL. If i understood the rep correctly, the chances that there are issues are pretty slim. Guess i had bad luck. my other orders didnt have any issues.
but as i said, reaction of the rep was professional and no discussions were necessary. He suggested the domestic special line so that there is no risk for me which is a great option.
I can not complain of the customer service in this case.
I guess sometimes it helps to just be calm and talk to the other side with a good attitude - something everyone should do even as a customer (and not just on meso)
Good to know. That's a bad sign that it got caught in customs, because usually through NL is never a problem. I'm going to use the option where they ship to their warehouse and then to me.
Good to know. That's a bad sign that it got caught in customs, because usually through NL is never a problem. I'm going to use the option where they ship to their warehouse and then to me.
it wasn't caught in customs. It cleared the customs, I think some post office problem and it got returned, so eligible for reship.
Can you stop making up claims? This is not the first time you mention this.

You are right about harm reduction, yet it doesn't help anyone if you make shit up.
Ass cheeks rot off from contaminated gear, dipshit. And they have sent out contaminated gear.

Why don't you do everyone a favor and stick to only replying to this thread on Thursdays like the other rep is doing?

And if you don't like what I have to say, maybe report me to Millard and he can tell you to go fuck yourself, also.
Ass cheeks rot off from contaminated gear, dipshit. And they have sent out contaminated gear.

Why don't you do everyone a favor and stick to only replying to this thread on Thursdays like the other rep is doing?

And if you don't like what I have to say, maybe report me to Millard and he can tell you to go fuck yourself, also.
As far as I know in this thread no one reported ever proven contamination or infections ever.

I had some customers who had floaters, which is a fact and legitimate issue, and the issue was investigated and it comes from the rubber stopper, it is not acceptable and on next new batches that will be produced, we put extra attention to this matter.

That said, most sources here had this problems, even the most reputable ones, as far as the efforts are done to fix it, and customers are compensated (which I did) it's what matters.

Starting rumors about contaminated products without evidence, when you know very well among the 900 pages, is a sign of bad faith, or simply madness, after that does not surprise me, you are Madbret.
No one has reported any infection or health issue in their ass cheeks, on the contrary almost all of the feedbacks say that these are the smoothest injections they have had tested in their life.
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You mentionned few days ago that the packaging of the oils kits will change

It's relatead to the customs and some risks of seizing or it's the vial in itself?