Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

As long as there are people hard on the source who have never ordered but with their continued spamming of the thread look suspicious in the eyes of some members, it is guaranteed that there will be extreme reactions from other members " satisfied customers " who will consider it suspicious, and who will start defending the source and creating this type of alt accounts even if they have nothing to gain.

Let people make up their own minds, the source doesn't need someone to defend them, customers are adults and don't need police to guide them who is the G2G source, let people make their own choices, and you will live in peace.

Post your feedbackz, positive or negative, honestly I don't give a fuck, maybe I had an extreme reactions in the past to some when I took things personally, but that's doesn't mean it bothers me that you post negative feedbacks.

If the thread goes back to its basic topic, which is feedbacks, good or bad, you wouldn't have to police or get into those wars where you're wasting your time, energy and gaining nothing.

You find a suspicious account, report it to the moderator.

For my part I do my best to improve the service, to make it right when it's not going well, and more efforts are planned, but it does not mean that I will suck anyone's dick.

So if you made it your mission to bring us down just because in the past I teased you and invited you to lick my yellow balls, you must get some help, remember that you are just usernames in a forum, if you leave it today no one will remember you 2 weeks later, so much energy is invested for free it's wasted time in your life.

Your interventions here in this thread should be limited to feedbacks, no more and no less. Good or bad, and let others make their choice. If you feel the need to post 20 times a day, there's a problem.

Be fair, otherwise you will lose credibility

Does this mean you have turned over a new leaf? I really hope it does.

If you can continue to take negative feedback as an opportunity to improve, not lash out. Make right those you habe wronged in the past, and get the minions to slow their roll, I bet you will have a very different theme in this thread. Even I would not need to be here
Does this mean you have turned over a new leaf? I really hope it does.

If you can continue to take negative feedback as an opportunity to improve, not lash out. Make right those you habe wronged in the past, and get the minions to slow their roll, I bet you will have a very different theme in this thread. Even I would not need to be here

I am a businessman above all, here for money, before arriving here I did an analysis of the market and threads, consumer behavior, I know for each source why it works or it does not work, we are in 2022, the consumption peaks come from permanent visibility, the growth of visibility in unmoderated forums is based on the buzz.

I created some with two particularities, my attitude + my very low prices, my annual target I have it reached way before i thought, it's time to smooth the curve now, even when i'm not around, my stats are growing, so there's no need for buzz in my thread anymore.

Having a good, even ideal, customer service costs nothing, accessible to everyone. Having permanent visibility is not.

On Meso FR for example I have less visibility, because it is moderated, if I tell someone to go fuck yourself there, I receive a warning, the mods will delete the comment, and close the off topic, the threads which have the most visibility there, are the threads with the old members sponsored by the free gear to promote, regular contest threads for free gear where you need to post your biceps next to your vials to win $300 credit store if you have the biggest biceps.

How much investment does it cost to arrive on meso with a range of products tested at Janoshik, $1-2k ? Anyone can do this, even the smallest labs.
On the other hand, how many of them push costumers to do the tests? They try desperately with $120-$200 store credit, it doesn't work, but you go to the lab testing forum, who will you see? QSC
For my advertising, it is obvious that blind lab tests will boost your sales much more than if you test products by yourself, in the end 50% will think that you cheerypick your lab tests, let customers do them. Blind tests are more believable.

What does it cost to replace a vial, or compensate for a bad result with store credit? nothing, that's what all the sources here do, but that doesn't prevent their threads from dying, having visibility requires more business vision.

So yes consider it a new leaf, I don't need to tease or provoke vets here anymore, I doubt if you will see bad customer service feedbacks in the future ^^
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@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals will you brew the test in sesame or MCT oil? Are u going to get your raws or at least finish products jano tested ?


Here are the testings on raws and some finished products:
QSC HPLC testing

New batch of oils will be tested.

I have a plan to test 75%-85% of the entire price list in 2023.

Some will be done by myself to take advantage of Janoshik discounts on mass testing, and the rest by customers to whom I will offer refunds for the products I want to see tested.

If all goes as desired, I will have a fully Jano-tested shop by the end of 2023
As far as I know in this thread no one reported ever proven contamination or infections ever.

I had some customers who had floaters, which is a fact and legitimate issue, and the issue was investigated and it comes from the rubber stopper, it is not acceptable and on next new batches that will be produced, we put extra attention to this matter.

That said, most sources here had this problems, even the most reputable ones, as far as the efforts are done to fix it, and customers are compensated (which I did) it's what matters.

Starting rumors about contaminated products without evidence, when you know very well among the 900 pages, is a sign of bad faith, or simply madness, after that does not surprise me, you are Madbret.
No one has reported any infection or health issue in their ass cheeks, on the contrary almost all of the feedbacks say that these are the smoothest injections they have had tested in their life.
My floaters were 100% not pieces of rubber but a fiber material which I assumed to be filter material.

Here are the testings on raws and some finished products:
QSC HPLC testing

New batch of oils will be tested.

I have a plan to test 75%-85% of the entire price list in 2023.

Some will be done by myself to take advantage of Janoshik discounts on mass testing, and the rest by customers to whom I will offer refunds for the products I want to see tested.

If all goes as desired, I will have a fully Jano-tested shop by the end of 2023
I’m proud of you!!!
You must think we're so fucking dumb to believe you had/have nothing to do with all the shills and alt accounts in this thread.

You know you had to fix up your attitude after being exposed a few pages back. I wonder how many other shill/alt accounts are still active in this thread.
No problem, we are very sorry about it, shit happens, did we compensate you or not? and how many vials has this?
Indeed u did and I understand things do happen but I would've liked to hear you found the problem to be filters as well. I doubt I had the only 2 vials out of thousands that had fibres but if that's the case it's just my bad luck.
Ass cheeks rot off from contaminated gear, dipshit. And they have sent out contaminated gear.

Why don't you do everyone a favor and stick to only replying to this thread on Thursdays like the other rep is doing?

And if you don't like what I have to say, maybe report me to Millard and he can tell you to go fuck yourself, also.
Post up one complaint about a customer getting an infection from QSC gear you god damn goof:rolleyes:. And so what if a retard like @JAU22 complained of floaters in his vials? That goof is a pussy. Back over 12 years ago I started using underground lab gear due to pharmacy gears being over priced and that UGL stuff back them normally had floaters in vials. I used these vials many times that had the floaters in them and I never got bad pip or infections or boils. I never even heard of anyone getting infections by injecting gear with floaters in it. Go ahead you goof, show the proof of guys getting infections from gear contaminated thats from QSC:rolleyes:
No problem, we are very sorry about it, shit happens, did we compensate you or not? and how many vials has this?
I genuinely believe if you adopt this attitude towards all of your outstanding issues, you come out by far the most successful source on the boards. You noted it yourself, the cost of fixing these errors is so low, and reward is so high.

There are several of us who don't care to make race jokes or call you names, but only have issues with you leaving so many problems unresolved, and slinging insults the whole way. Fix your problems and people like me don't nag you.
You must think we're so fucking dumb to believe you had/have nothing to do with all the shills and alt accounts in this thread.

You know you had to fix up your attitude after being exposed a few pages back. I wonder how many other shill/alt accounts are still active in this thread.
@Millard has repeatedly confirmed that all of the regularly reported accounts come from different locations, and that although their behavior is suspicious, even I was surprised at times to see people defending me with such force, that I began to doubt if I I have an alt account lol.

If you think I have any, report them, and do so with all your might in the previous dozens of pages, report account by account.

If you think I have a shill, you just have to prove it.

Accusations without evidence that lowers your credibility.
The fact for example that you are liked by liska makes you lose credibility, so it should not be surprising one day if someone seeing your comments accuses you of being shill of catcafé, even if I know that you are not and you are a multi-source customer.

But I can perfectly understand that you are doubtful about that, because indeed as there was an abuse of spam on the side of those who did not agree with me, there was an abuse on the side of the supporters and satisfied customers, you can't blame a source for the behavior of their customers, we are just providing a service.