Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I genuinely believe if you adopt this attitude towards all of your outstanding issues, you come out by far the most successful source on the boards. You noted it yourself, the cost of fixing these errors is so low, and reward is so high.

There are several of us who don't care to make race jokes or call you names, but only have issues with you leaving so many problems unresolved, and slinging insults the whole way. Fix your problems and people like me don't nag you.
I don't know what you mean by the most successful source, if it's in terms of income/numbers I suspect that a source here makes income comparable to half or even a quarter of ours. If that's your measure of success, I can guarantee you we're number 1, if you mean most visibility I suspect a thread or source has more. If you mean having an orderly thread with vets blessings, and with the least amount of mess, then I agree, our thread looks like a battlefield lol, but again because vets as said in the past are not my target customer base, because before arriving here, I analyzed the profiles of each one, and in general they are poor and rarely place orders and often very small.

But I agree with you, I have more of a numbers vision, so I use the necessary means to achieve it.
@Millard has repeatedly confirmed that all of the regularly reported accounts come from different locations, and that although their behavior is suspicious, even I was surprised at times to see people defending me with such force, that I began to doubt if I I have an alt account lol.

If you think I have any, report them, and do so with all your might in the previous dozens of pages, report account by account.

If you think I have a shill, you just have to prove it.

Accusations without evidence that lowers your credibility.
The fact for example that you are liked by liska makes you lose credibility, so it should not be surprising one day if someone seeing your comments accuses you of being shill of catcafé, even if I know that you are not and you are a multi-source customer.

But I can perfectly understand that you are doubtful about that, because indeed as there was an abuse of spam on the side of those who did not agree with me, there was an abuse on the side of the supporters and satisfied customers, you can't blame a source for the behavior of their customers, we are just providing a service.


You got caught out and had no option but to play damage control. You're still the same scummy lying piece of shit as before but now you have your tail between your legs.

You even crawled out of your hole on a FRIDAY to comment on the issue.

As for me being a cat cafe alt/rep/whatever. You know I posted evidence in this thread already that I'm in no way affiliated. None of your shills were able to do the same though.

The only thing you're going to change now is being more careful with how your alts and shills leave IP traces on their logins.

You got caught out and had no option but to play damage control. You're still the same scummy lying piece of shit as before but now you have your tail between your legs.

As for me being a cat cafe alt/rep/whatever. You know I posted evidence in this thread already that I'm in no way affiliated. None of your shills were able to do the same though.

The only thing you're going to change now is being more careful with how your alts and shills leave IP traces on their logins.
I mean whether they're being fake or genuine or whatever, it doesn't really matter. If they fix all their issues it's a good thing for everyone. We can all make our own personal judgments as to what kind of person Tracy is, but I think they should always be given the opportunity to fix their issues.

Let him do some really, really good damage control and clean up the floaters problems, the enclo issues, the torem scam, the hCG if that wasn't resolved, too. Seems like everyone wins and you get the power of knowing that if you do order, the rep is less likely to tell you to fuck yourself if there's a problem moving forward.

You got caught out and had no option but to play damage control. You're still the same scummy lying piece of shit as before but now you have your tail between your legs.

You even crawled out of your hole on a FRIDAY to comment on the issue.

As for me being a cat cafe alt/rep/whatever. You know I posted evidence in this thread already that I'm in no way affiliated. None of your shills were able to do the same though.

The only thing you're going to change now is being more careful with how your alts and shills leave IP traces on their logins.

I think your bias towards me caused you to misread my comment. I said you're not a catcafe shill, because I know you're a customer at several sources, but someone who sees this "like", will be able to think like this, so they can accuse you of this and that is how all fights start.

That said, you're free to think what you want, I respect that you stay where you are, give me 2 minutes to log out, and I'll log in with my other alt account with double VPN to insult you.
The fact for example that you are liked by liska makes you lose credibility, so it should not be surprising one day if someone seeing your comments accuses you of being shill of catcafé, even if I know that you are not and you are a multi-source customer.
QSC reps incentivizing fake reviews via whatsapp was a thing at least 1.5~2 years ago, though I've not heard of it since and I don't think you were involved/around back then, but you can ask some of the more senior reps and should get honest answers.

Don't mention me unless you're ready to shed your scammer title by refunding the money for the Toremifene that tested as Clomiphene, and don't forget that you were completely mistaken about the impending HGH problems in China, as mysteriously both the quality and availability of 95-96%+ HGH has increased globally since that time you got so very mad at me.
QSC reps incentivizing fake reviews via whatsapp was a thing at least 1.5~2 years ago, though I've not heard of it since and I don't think you were involved/around back then, but you can ask some of the more senior reps and should get honest answers.

Don't mention me unless you're ready to shed your scammer title by refunding the money for the Toremifene that tested as Clomiphene, and don't forget that you were completely mistaken about the impending HGH problems in China, as mysteriously both the quality and availability of 95-96%+ HGH has increased globally since that time you got so very mad at me.

As far as I know I've never tagged or mentioned you while waiting for your interventions, but the fact that you read comment by comment in this thread, makes you a desperate little cat in need of drama, a pleasure that I'm not going to give you ^^

That said, I politely invite you to leave my thread (or stay if you want), and let everyone take care of their business and their customers.
As far as I know I've never tagged or mentioned you while waiting for your interventions, but the fact that you read comment by comment in this thread, makes you a desperate little cat in need of drama, a pleasure that I'm not going to give you ^^

That said, I politely invite you to leave my thread (or stay if you want), and let everyone take care of their business and their customers.
Still as trash as your Enclomiphene I see.
As far as I know I've never tagged or mentioned you while waiting for your interventions, but the fact that you read comment by comment in this thread, makes you a desperate little cat in need of drama, a pleasure that I'm not going to give you ^^

That said, I politely invite you to leave my thread (or stay if you want), and let everyone take care of their business and their customers.

You were given the opportunity to clear up your name and show that you were serious about turning over a new leaf and you decided to make childish insults and ignore the money you still owe for your scam.

Can't say I'm suprised.

You are litteraly here all day, liking every fucking post against QSC

I can't wait that your retarded communist government cut off your electricity cuntcafe

Wasn't long before the obvious shills turned up either
I had some customers who had floaters, which is a fact and legitimate issue, and the issue was investigated and it comes from the rubber stopper,
A customer who showed pictures and video, only to have you lie about it saying there was no floaters doesn't ring a bell? It wasn't part of the stopper you moron. You just can't help yourself, you keep lying about shit that was proven without a doubt.

Not only that but you said you checked and verified the guys vials on his reship/new order. His mast had floaters too and you fucked him out of a vial of primo because you magically forgot it.

You flew into a rage and said anyone else with floaters is not getting a reship because he posted his experience that was too negative for your sensitive panties.

Now because you've been banned three different times you're playing it safe instead of insulting everyone here. Totally tail tucked.

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A customer who showed pictures and video, only to have you lie about it saying there was no floaters doesn't ring a bell? It wasn't part of the stopper you moron. You just can't help yourself, you keep lying about shit that was proven without a doubt.

Not only that but you said you checked and verified the guys vials on his reship/new order. His mast had floaters too and you fucked him out of a vial of primo because you magically forgot it.

You flew into a rage and said anyone else with floaters is not getting a reship because he posted his experience that was too negative for your sensitive panties.

Now because you've been banned three different times you're playing it safe instead of insulting everyone here. Totally tail tucked.

So no, you're wrong, this customer had floaters on his first order, which I didn't deny, and I replaced these vials to compensate him.
I forgot a vial, you can very well doubt my faith if I am going to forget or I did it on purpose, this is uncontrollable and you are free to think what you want, but it is your right to believe.

The customer did not ask for more compensation for this and he waived this, if he wants the missing vial, I will send him with pleasure but I do not think he wants that.
A customer who showed pictures and video, only to have you lie about it saying there was no floaters doesn't ring a bell? It wasn't part of the stopper you moron. You just can't help yourself, you keep lying about shit that was proven without a doubt.

Not only that but you said you checked and verified the guys vials on his reship/new order. His mast had floaters too and you fucked him out of a vial of primo because you magically forgot it.

You flew into a rage and said anyone else with floaters is not getting a reship because he posted his experience that was too negative for your sensitive panties.

Now because you've been banned three different times you're playing it safe instead of insulting everyone here. Totally tail tucked.
Ok, but the dude just repented (which is quite a departure from his previous stances) and he just said he wants to make things right, and he also wants to correct deficiencies. It appears like he learned some lessons. I can accept that.

What you are doing now isn't fair. Let him save face and try to do better.
Ok, but the dude just repented (which is quite a departure from his previous stances) and he just said he wants to make things right, and he also wants to correct deficiencies. It appears like he learned some lessons. I can accept that.

What you are doing now isn't fair. Let him save face and try to do better.

He hasn't corrected shit. All he's done is played nice for one day after being caught out using alt accounts and shills.

You can accept that? How cute. Run along now.
this whole thing about flash-light nanofloaters I'm going to wrap it up by canceling any replacements for future complaints, anyone who thinks with his super visual powers to see floaters just have to refilter them or go shop elsewhere.

The customer did not ask for more compensation for this and he waived this, if he wants the missing vial, I will send him with pleasure but I do not think he wants that.

So which part is correct now?

What you are doing now isn't fair. Let him save face and try to do better.
He hasn't corrected shit. All he's done is played nice for one day after being caught out using alt accounts and shills.

You can accept that? How cute. Run along now.
True, he is playing nice for today. But you have to admit that he changed his tune dramatically. He had to do that though.

I don't want to get sucked into this but I just felt that QSC was being reasonable today. Let's see how it goes in the future.

