Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

All oils are filtred with 0.22u filters, and If I start to have customers who have fun lighting vial by vial to see nanoparticles with the flashlight and tell me here I have found floaters in 9 vials out of 10 vials, in this case we will not get out of it, so to close this subject, this whole thing about flash-light nanofloaters I'm going to wrap it up by canceling any replacements for future complaints, anyone who thinks with his super visual powers to see floaters just have to refilter them or go shop elsewhere.

I have 800 pages of feedbacks, no one has lost a butt cheek, or had an infection using our oils, we are up to standard, and any future drama about it will be subject to a store ban.

I never asked for replacements, now did I?

Here is the same vial without the flashlight which you so hate. It's clear as day there is foreign matter floating in this vial and your refusal to accept that does not change that fact.





Ordered several times from QSC based on the experience from another user here, earlier orders I placed were for orals, peptides, etc but never finished injectables because I bought domestic but figured I would give them a try due to the lower price. I have to say my experience up until ordering finished injectables was great and without issue. I placed an order for Test C and Primo 200, received it in a timely manner but upon checking the vials I noticed several floaters in multiple vials. Two of my test c vials had floaters, and three of my primo 200 vials had floaters. I had to send pictures and video to the rep in order to get replacements and show that I destroyed/dumped the vials to be replaced, which is understandable.

Primo 200 floaters

Test C 250 floater

Another vial of Test C with a floater

When I received my reship/new order of masteron I noticed I only had four vials for a replacement instead of the five required.


Notice anything? It appears I was sent two more vials of masteron instead of three replacement vials of primo 200. I base that off of this post by QSC, but I could be wrong.

Except here is primo 200 on the left and my replacement primo 200 on the right which looks exactly like the masteron kit.


Nine out of ten vials of the masteron kit have particulate matter floating around in them, not huge floaters like I posted above so it is hard to get a picture of them to show you but, it's there none the less. At this point in time I am just going to call it a loss instead of trying to get replacements that may or may not have issues too. I have let the rep know that in my last email also, so I am not out to be refunded or reimbursed(or talk shit), when buying illegal drugs you take a risk and losing several hundred dollars isn't going to get my panties in a bunch like some of you clowns.

Why am I posting this? To share my experience with finished injectables from QSC. I hope QSC finds a brewer that knows what the fuck they are doing to avoid more situations like this in the future.

Check your vials, check your vials and check your vials.

I will be trashing all these just to be on the safe side. I do run and will continue to run QSC peptides that I have on hand. Would I still order from QSC? Yes, most likely I will, just not injectables.
Ya their modo is you get what you get and you should feel blessed getting that. Pass month has been nothing but floaters and these dumbasses crying he ain't selling oils anymore.
All oils are filtred with 0.22u filters, and If I start to have customers who have fun lighting vial by vial to see nanoparticles with the flashlight and tell me here I have found floaters in 9 vials out of 10 vials, in this case we will not get out of it, so to close this subject, this whole thing about flash-light nanofloaters I'm going to wrap it up by canceling any replacements for future complaints, anyone who thinks with his super visual powers to see floaters just have to refilter them or go shop elsewhere.

I have 800 pages of feedbacks, no one has lost a butt cheek, or had an infection using our oils, we are up to standard, and any future drama about it will be subject to a store ban.
Wouldn't expect anything different
All oils are filtred with 0.22u filters, and If I start to have customers who have fun lighting vial by vial to see nanoparticles with the flashlight and tell me here I have found floaters in 9 vials out of 10 vials, in this case we will not get out of it, so to close this subject, this whole thing about flash-light nanofloaters I'm going to wrap it up by canceling any replacements for future complaints, anyone who thinks with his super visual powers to see floaters just have to refilter them or go shop elsewhere.

I have 800 pages of feedbacks, no one has lost a butt cheek, or had an infection using our oils, we are up to standard, and any future drama about it will be subject to a store ban.

All of you people continuing to buy despite the past issues, here is the reps answer to their screw up when a customer goes public but doesn't kiss their ass. Notice how they completely shift the blame from apparent legitimate floaters to the customer using visual super power lighting to intentionally look for something. And now the punishment for voicing it is no more replacements and a store ban.

This type of customer service should deter everyone.
I mean… I don’t think it’s unreasonable to not want ANYTHING floating in the shit we are injecting into our bodies. Rather it be Nano particles or not. The pics above definitely look like pieces of filter. Seems lately you have been proving some of your haters right. Starting to seem like you get what you get. Which is a big risk. That said… I just received two domestic us test c kits and they are crystal clear
Just use a magnifying glass and a flash light, and you will find the floaters
I use a black light on EVERYTHING with EVERY source. The only issue I’ve had so far with your lab was a tren kit. I haven’t emailed you yet about them bc I’m waiting on jano before I speak up. I did however post a pic here (weeks ago. Maybe months) of milky tren and for sure found a few floaters. Either way, I don’t consider myself a hater or a shill of yours. I’m still up in the air despite buying a ton of your gear. Grilling someone for complaining about ANY contaminants in the vial is a crazy way of doing business. I’m not sure if you care or not and I don’t care how cheap your gear is, you will end up burning your bridge here if you continue in that direction. Sure, for a while, you will continue to get new guys taking a chance but that will end. I’m willing to deal with dosages being slightly lower or higher for the price but the cheap prices definitely aren’t worth contaminats of any sort.
I use a black light on EVERYTHING with EVERY source. The only issue I’ve had so far with your lab was a tren kit. I haven’t emailed you yet about them bc I’m waiting on jano before I speak up. I did however post a pic here (weeks ago. Maybe months) of milky tren and for sure found a few floaters. Either way, I don’t consider myself a hater or a shill of yours. I’m still up in the air despite buying a ton of your gear. Grilling someone for complaining about ANY contaminants in the vial is a crazy way of doing business. I’m not sure if you care or not and I don’t care how cheap your gear is, you will end up burning your bridge here if you continue in that direction. Sure, for a while, you will continue to get new guys taking a chance but that will end. I’m willing to deal with dosages being slightly lower or higher for the price but the cheap prices definitely aren’t worth contaminats of any sort.
Don't worry about my business, just worry about your pockets. I try to frame my way of taking complaints into account so as not to open these doors of pain in the ass customers, so I prefer to filter them because I don't need them.

The question of what is in your vials is completely legitimate, but I clearly see that it took a dishonest sense, to tell me 9 out of 10 vials have floaters, vials that were verified one by one before sending them to customer as he complained in previous order, so I prefer to close this door today, any complaint on this subject you already now how it's gonna be solved, you have what are called contamination tests, you have janoshik who also maybe offers them, it seems to me, so that we stop the visual bullshit feebacks.
I never asked for replacements, now did I?

Here is the same vial without the flashlight which you so hate. It's clear as day there is foreign matter floating in this vial and your refusal to accept that does not change that fact.





Looks like there's shit in your viles, but the lighting is bad.
vials that were verified one by one before sending them to customer
If that were the case why does the vial of masteron posted have floaters in it? You also completely ignored the part were he received 4 out of 5 replacement vials, so you missed one replacement and missed one vial with floaters. In what world do your two fuck ups make this poster the bad customer?
Honestly QSC that's not a good look. If you switched to a new producer of oils or something because they're cheaper, don't think it's worth it at all. Those are vials I wouldn't touch using.
Honestly QSC that's not a good look. If you switched to a new producer of oils or something because they're cheaper, don't think it's worth it at all. Those are vials I wouldn't touch using.
Don't worry about that, because in 1 week you won't have any to buy, everything will be already sold
Going to use the down time to step your game up or just keep lashing out with roid rage whenever you're questioned?
If I do that, the thread will be quiet and it won't be fun anymore, and I'll be bored, every once in a while you have to wake up the rabid dogs, even though my clients know very well how I solve their problems very smoothly, but from time to time it is necessary to create the atmosphene.

I just started the tren 1 week ago.. no roid rage yet

I read your previous comment that you deleted ^^