Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

When are you going to refund the person you scammed with fake enclomiphene?
I never had someone who got fake enclomiphene.
I had one customer who tested enclomiphene raw, it tested 63% (here)
He had a $170 compensation.
I had also another customer who had tested the enclomiphene tabs (french meso), and the results were a disaster, 6mg instead of 25mg, so I refunded him 75% of his order.
He's shown who he is all through the thread since the beginning. He's doing this only because he's already been banned more then anyone else has been allowed and if he's perma banned he loses money. It's better for him if he can continue this charade but slow down with the warm and fuzzies of how great he now is.

He's manipulated this place in a way I've never seen before and it has nothing to do with the push back he's received. Well done.
This is how it works little girl. Newbies will go through a thread like this and see post like yours. So then newbies write to you asking you your opinion on what the best source is, and ask the same question to other punks like @Dasistamine @rootrobot @JabbedUp @Tiredandhot @pigeonhed @Toro00 @Btcowboy @Bustybro and whoever elses does source bashing. Once these newbies contact you stupid goofs, then the newbie will ask you guys whats the best source to go with. Then you will tell the newbie something like 'source A is great, write/buy from them, and tell them your username on meso and mention me Madbret, (to source A)'. Meanwhile, you got a deal going on with source A in which you Madbret then get a discount, like %10 percent or whatever for recommending the newbie to source A. From there, every time you get a newbie that writes to you asking for your opinion of what the best source is, and then you passing that newbie off to source A, then entitles you to maybe a %10 percent discount for every newbie you hand off to source A. So if you hand off 10 newbies to source A, and its a %10 percent discount every time for each newbie, which is %100 off your next order with source A, then you end up getting a free cycle of gear from that source A. Henceforth, you and your fucked up friends I mentioned above are the biggest dick riders in this thread. All of you are fucked up hypocrites. Thats why all you fuckin dick riders hate QSC. They are taking away business from you dick riders by grabbing the business off all the newbies joining this thread. By the way, I did buy and used some mast e, npp, test e, trena, anavar, cialis from QSC. No floaters at all in anything I bought from them. All vial tops were securely in place too. So are you pissed off madbret that I didn't contact you first about a good source? You pissed off that you couldn't get a discount off me for throwing me off to your favorite over priced source:rolleyes:?
Your pissed off because QSC id taking away business from everone in this forum;). Ya you better beleive this is my first post;). Go ahead you cock sucker, give me your best shot:rolleyes:
Dude, you scammed deus by doing just this. Keeping up with the lies. You sold him enclomiphene that wasn't and refused to ship the correct product and refused to refund him the money.
That was Toremifene, or rather wasn't. It's scary to imagine how many customers that bought fake Toremifene (which they kept on their pricelist even after being exposed for not being able to supply it) and this trash Enclomiphene will never know of it and fuck up their health, which is exactly what @Millard talked about when referring to the concept of harm reduction and a source's desire to maximize profit being at odds.

Every Meso source can easily afford to test their entire inventory for every batch for a fraction of said batches profits (customer testing for store credit is even more economical), including raws sources for everything related to PEDS / BB anyways.

Choosing to keep this fraction of profits at the expense of protecting your customers from harm is how to become the #1 successful source on the #1 harm reduction board though, because as someone clever once told me, keeping your thread a the top of Meso even via controversy will ultimately bring more customers and money than avoiding these issues.
Dude, you scammed deus by doing just this. Keeping up with the lies. You sold him enclomiphene that wasn't and refused to ship the correct product and refused to refund him the money.
Reread your comment and that of your mate and tell me the mistake you made during your question?

It's important that you are aware of the differences between serms, because I feel like you don't distinguish between different molecules, and this to me is a sticking point to continue a conversation, how can one solve a problem, when you are not aware of the problem and you do not differentiate between serms?
Regardless of the being wrong about which specific product it was, you still scammed him. Yes or no?

You literally refuse to address all these issues where you fucked up, or even acknowledge them.
As far as I know in this thread no one reported ever proven contamination or infections ever.

I had some customers who had floaters, which is a fact and legitimate issue, and the issue was investigated and it comes from the rubber stopper, it is not acceptable and on next new batches that will be produced, we put extra attention to this matter.
I want to say that I appreciate the change of tone. From a harm reduction perspective, this is exactly what everyone wanted.

If you take complaints seriously moving forward, I suspect you are going to be very successful.

That said, most sources here had this problems, even the most reputable ones, as far as the efforts are done to fix it, and customers are compensated (which I did) it's what matters.

Starting rumors about contaminated products without evidence, when you know very well among the 900 pages, is a sign of bad faith, or simply madness, after that does not surprise me, you are Madbret.
No one has reported any infection or health issue in their ass cheeks, on the contrary almost all of the feedbacks say that these are the smoothest injections they have had tested in their life.
You should not have posted this part. It's pure ego and doesn't help convince anyone. Nobody gives a shit whether other sources have problems. These are YOUR problems, we only care about YOUR solutions. Fix customer problems quickly and publicly, and ignore everything else. That is what builds trust, because other customers know you'll do the same for them.

Just my 2 cents.
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Regardless of the being wrong about which specific product it was, you still scammed him. Yes or no?

You literally refuse to address all these issues where you fucked up, or even acknowledge them.

The word "scam" is a big word, and in civilized discussion it can very well be avoided.
The choice of language can often have consequences when you are not in a strong position, and you do not have the bargaining power, this was one of the reasons that his problem remained unresolved, but that doesn't mean he deserves that kind of treatment.
The company does dozens of daily transactions up to hundreds, with several customers, some of which place orders in the hundreds of thousands dollars, it is ridiculous to say that he was scammed, the real word is that he did not receive the customer service adapted, due to some circumstances that you all know.

Although its customer character is not one of the simplest but it is not however that he deserves such a fate. It is a small lab, like many here, which seeks to make a modest living, and for lack of experience in customer-supplier relationships, and manipulated by one of his friends, it has acted in a way that has had unjust consequences on his fate.

But I remind you that QSC does not scam anyone, and it is for some unfortunate 250g that we are ready to wear this label, I would be ungrateful not to compensate for it, knowing that his insolved issue was a powerful precursor to my sales.
In fact the arrival of his lab test, which is the result of a mistake (and which happens to several suppliers, although it is rare with us) has triggered a wave of regular testing, of which we are proud of it with several dozen blind lab tests, made by meso members, as part of their belief in the importance of harm reduction and which have been a lot in favor of my sales which have increased by 230% since the start of Deus issue. So the minimum to thank him is to correct the mistake.

I have just restocked the toremiphene, we will proceed after the golden week to test it at Janoshik first, to check its quality, and when it has passed the test, we will proceed to correct the error as necessary as soon as the customer contacts us.
Admittedly, it's a bit of a long process, but the most important thing is to make it right for this poor customer, who is just the victim of manipulation by his friends and his supplier's ego.
So I've used a couple vials of the winstrol injectable and now I'm left with quite a bit of product left in the vials.. the last bit of the vial I just finished was so thick it clogged about halfway thru injection and I pulled it out and pushed on syringe and the needle flew across the bathroom. This is my 1st go with an injectable oral and I know I'm a dumbass, but any tips of how to use the majority of the product in each vial (shake more vigorously I know). I wouldn't even bring it up but I enjoy it and would like the info. It seems different than the oral version. Muscle group I'm working that day has a burning sensation like it's very hot temperature wise. Kinda cool... And I appreciate any and all replies
The word "scam" is a big word, and in civilized discussion it can very well be avoided.
The choice of language can often have consequences when you are not in a strong position, and you do not have the bargaining power, this was one of the reasons that his problem remained unresolved, but that doesn't mean he deserves that kind of treatment.
The company does dozens of daily transactions up to hundreds, with several customers, some of which place orders in the hundreds of thousands dollars, it is ridiculous to say that he was scammed, the real word is that he did not receive the customer service adapted, due to some circumstances that you all know.

Although its customer character is not one of the simplest but it is not however that he deserves such a fate. It is a small lab, like many here, which seeks to make a modest living, and for lack of experience in customer-supplier relationships, and manipulated by one of his friends, it has acted in a way that has had unjust consequences on his fate.

But I remind you that QSC does not scam anyone, and it is for some unfortunate 250g that we are ready to wear this label, I would be ungrateful not to compensate for it, knowing that his insolved issue was a powerful precursor to my sales.
In fact the arrival of his lab test, which is the result of a mistake (and which happens to several suppliers, although it is rare with us) has triggered a wave of regular testing, of which we are proud of it with several dozen blind lab tests, made by meso members, as part of their belief in the importance of harm reduction and which have been a lot in favor of my sales which have increased by 230% since the start of Deus issue. So the minimum to thank him is to correct the mistake.

I have just restocked the toremiphene, we will proceed after the golden week to test it at Janoshik first, to check its quality, and when it has passed the test, we will proceed to correct the error as necessary as soon as the customer contacts us.
Admittedly, it's a bit of a long process, but the most important thing is to make it right for this poor customer, who is just the victim of manipulation by his friends and his supplier's ego.

Thats a lot of words to basically say nothing.

The usual shills are awfully quiete tonight too. Strange that.
The word "scam" is a big word, and in civilized discussion it can very well be avoided.
The choice of language can often have consequences when you are not in a strong position, and you do not have the bargaining power, this was one of the reasons that his problem remained unresolved, but that doesn't mean he deserves that kind of treatment.
The company does dozens of daily transactions up to hundreds, with several customers, some of which place orders in the hundreds of thousands dollars, it is ridiculous to say that he was scammed, the real word is that he did not receive the customer service adapted, due to some circumstances that you all know.

Although its customer character is not one of the simplest but it is not however that he deserves such a fate. It is a small lab, like many here, which seeks to make a modest living, and for lack of experience in customer-supplier relationships, and manipulated by one of his friends, it has acted in a way that has had unjust consequences on his fate.

But I remind you that QSC does not scam anyone, and it is for some unfortunate 250g that we are ready to wear this label, I would be ungrateful not to compensate for it, knowing that his insolved issue was a powerful precursor to my sales.
In fact the arrival of his lab test, which is the result of a mistake (and which happens to several suppliers, although it is rare with us) has triggered a wave of regular testing, of which we are proud of it with several dozen blind lab tests, made by meso members, as part of their belief in the importance of harm reduction and which have been a lot in favor of my sales which have increased by 230% since the start of Deus issue. So the minimum to thank him is to correct the mistake.

I have just restocked the toremiphene, we will proceed after the golden week to test it at Janoshik first, to check its quality, and when it has passed the test, we will proceed to correct the error as necessary as soon as the customer contacts us.
Admittedly, it's a bit of a long process, but the most important thing is to make it right for this poor customer, who is just the victim of manipulation by his friends and his supplier's ego.
So is this the same rep Tracy, or a new rep? Because the decision to now make things right with Dues and the complete change of character leads me to believe you're someone different. Even your posting style and tone is like a 180 from Tracy.
So I've used a couple vials of the winstrol injectable and now I'm left with quite a bit of product left in the vials.. the last bit of the vial I just finished was so thick it clogged about halfway thru injection and I pulled it out and pushed on syringe and the needle flew across the bathroom. This is my 1st go with an injectable oral and I know I'm a dumbass, but any tips of how to use the majority of the product in each vial (shake more vigorously I know). I wouldn't even bring it up but I enjoy it and would like the info. It seems different than the oral version. Muscle group I'm working that day has a burning sensation like it's very hot temperature wise. Kinda cool... And I appreciate any and all replies
winny in water sucks IMO. It hurts and dies the joints and skin. But you have to shake vigorously and draw immediately. Then add that into the barrel with your oils. It goes so much easier when you mix it with some oils.
Reread your comment and that of your mate and tell me the mistake you made during your question?

It's important that you are aware of the differences between serms, because I feel like you don't distinguish between different molecules, and this to me is a sticking point to continue a conversation, how can one solve a problem, when you are not aware of the problem and you do not differentiate between serms?
"Dear officer I did not push him out of the window- I slit his throat... TAKE THESE CUFFS OFF POST HASTE"
Thats a lot of words to basically say nothing.
from what I gathered it sound like he was saying:
He accused us of scamming
- and we took it personally
- as a customer who already paid us he has no bargaining power so we capitalized on that and treated him like shit

but after that I dunno
The tonality of the recent posts by QSC is a lot more professional, perhaps a turning point? Correcting things with Deus is a good step forward, hopefully this continues with other future issues that arise.

