Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Cool story, bro. Find a newbie who I've sent to any source and told to use my name as a reference, or to get a discount. You won't because it hasn't happened.

Ding dong has more shills than any fucking source meso has ever seen. I know it's hard for a scumbag, bottom feeder like yourself to fathom that somebody would do something to help the community they are a part of.

It's hard to understand because you only think of yourself and getting the most bang for your buck. The prices are cheap but dealing with an infected ass cheek that needs to be removed due to infection is not.

Being a happy customer is fine, you needle dicked bitch. You wanting to call out guys who have stood up to the bullshit makes you look suspect or needy for attention or both.

And you have my attention, tough guy. Hope it's all you dreamed it would be, little buddy.

You're either a troll looking for some attention that your mama clearly didn't give you enough of or you're one shill to add to the long list that's already in this thread.

Don't expect for many guys on this forum to ever take your stupid ass seriously. You just gave yourself a skarlet letter, you dumb bitch. Wear it with pride and I hope it was worth it to let qsc deflower you in a public setting.

If you're lucky, qsc rep didn't give you the monkey pox but if he did, you should have known better than to let him raw dog you like this.

Do enjoy the cheap gear and take care of your yourself. At least take a shower after you let someone defile you like that...
Now you look hear, little girl. I am all for pro harm reduction all the way. But, at the same time, Im also for pro reasonably incurred prices, not inflated prices. The reason I called out you losers is because you try to undermine a good source thats putting out a good product for a decent price. This source is no doubt hurting business for other sources on meso, as well punks like you madbret. What I said about you punks being dick riders is true. Lets face it, why would someine like you come into this thread and start bashing the source left and right? You obviously have an alterier motive. And you never even bought from this source. So that there makes YOU look suspect, you god damn son of a bitch. Lets face it, you have long lost credibility on this forum. By the way you act, you obviously sound like you got serious mental problems. You can't back up anything you say. You and all the other goofs that bash the source here have obvious mental problems, as well as alterier motives. Its obvious all you dicknriders have a financial agenda for being in this thread. All any newbie has to do is to write to any of you punks here, or any other source basher on any other thread about what source you guys would recommend. Then most source bashers will recommend the newbie to source A or Source B or whoever. That there will be obvious proof that any source basher on meso has a alterier motive for the source bashing. Now, no doubt, not every source basher has alterier motives. Some are bashing in a way to vet sources, which is okay. If you don't like this QSC source Madbret, then get the hell out of the god damn thread little girl.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the gigantic wall of text.

I've already proven in a previous post that I'm not affiliated with another lab.

I've asked those who I've accused of being QSC shills to do the same. But guess what? No takers. Suprised suprise.

If anyone can screenshot a conversation with me in DMs where I recommend any particular lab and give a referall code. I will personally send you 500 dollars worth of btc.
So is this the same rep Tracy, or a new rep? Because the decision to now make things right with Dues and the complete change of character leads me to believe you're someone different. Even your posting style and tone is like a 180 from Tracy.
in for a response
Seeing as the posts have now been buried.

Here's the undeniable proof that QSC does indeed use shills and alt accounts

View attachment 173461View attachment 173462
wasnt foot fetish talking shit about QSC and yagosmi ok with it?

I might be mistaken
Now you look hear, little girl. I am all for pro harm reduction all the way. But, at the same time, Im also for pro reasonably incurred prices, not inflated prices. The reason I called out you losers is because you try to undermine a good source thats putting out a good product for a decent price. This source is no doubt hurting business for other sources on meso, as well punks like you madbret. What I said about you punks being dick riders is true. Lets face it, why would someine like you come into this thread and start bashing the source left and right? You obviously have an alterier motive. And you never even bought from this source. So that there makes YOU look suspect, you god damn son of a bitch. Lets face it, you have long lost credibility on this forum. By the way you act, you obviously sound like you got serious mental problems. You can't back up anything you say. You and all the other goofs that bash the source here have obvious mental problems, as well as alterier motives. Its obvious all you dicknriders have a financial agenda for being in this thread. All any newbie has to do is to write to any of you punks here, or any other source basher on any other thread about what source you guys would recommend. Then most source bashers will recommend the newbie to source A or Source B or whoever. That there will be obvious proof that any source basher on meso has a alterier motive for the source bashing. Now, no doubt, not every source basher has alterier motives. Some are bashing in a way to vet sources, which is okay. If you don't like this QSC source Madbret, then get the hell out of the god damn thread little girl.:rolleyes:
You clearly don’t read the fucking forum. Spoon feeding is frowned upon here, specifically so we don’t have to listen to your shit. Get out of this thread and move around a bit. You might learn something.
How about this you goof @Dasistamane How about ANYBODY screen shot a conversation with ANY source basher a conversation from ANY source thread where the source basher tells the newbie to give out their username (the source basher name) to the source, or a promo code? Ehhh? And if such a person does show a screen shot of such a conversation with ANY source basher, then you give that person $500 of bitcoin. Is it a deal you coward?:rolleyes:
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Nah foot fetish was a big supporter of QSC and yagosmi was defending QSC just before he got banned.
my package is set for delivery today from QSC... I think I am done for orders for a bit.. .I have 2000 iu of HGH coming in.

if my friends want semaglutide, they can order it themself
my package is set for delivery today from QSC... I think I am done for orders for a bit.. .I have 2000 iu of HGH coming in.

if my friends want semaglutide, they can order it themself
nvm FML. its fedex smart post. maybe tomorrow.
So I've used a couple vials of the winstrol injectable and now I'm left with quite a bit of product left in the vials.. the last bit of the vial I just finished was so thick it clogged about halfway thru injection and I pulled it out and pushed on syringe and the needle flew across the bathroom. This is my 1st go with an injectable oral and I know I'm a dumbass, but any tips of how to use the majority of the product in each vial (shake more vigorously I know). I wouldn't even bring it up but I enjoy it and would like the info. It seems different than the oral version. Muscle group I'm working that day has a burning sensation like it's very hot temperature wise. Kinda cool... And I appreciate any and all replies

Warm it up and use syringes with Luer Lock tips.
Post up one complaint about a customer getting an infection from QSC gear you god damn goof:rolleyes:. And so what if a retard like @JAU22 complained of floaters in his vials? That goof is a pussy. Back over 12 years ago I started using underground lab gear due to pharmacy gears being over priced and that UGL stuff back them normally had floaters in vials. I used these vials many times that had the floaters in them and I never got bad pip or infections or boils. I never even heard of anyone getting infections by injecting gear with floaters in it. Go ahead you goof, show the proof of guys getting infections from gear contaminated thats from QSC:rolleyes:
It's getting close to winter you dumb fuck shouldn't your inbred ass be looking for a cousin to hunker down with.
Did you use reship service? How long did it take? My order from the 12th hasn't had any tracking updates yet. Guess I have just gotten use to things going through faster. Use to take at least a month to get to me
I used reship service, order sent sept 9th and no update either. QSC said average is 4 weeks right now so I’m waiting it out !!
the growth of visibility in unmoderated forums is based on the buzz.

I created some with two particularities, my attitude + my very low prices,
We all love your attitude, clearly that was what drove people to you, not the 10x lower prices, poindexter
a quick search. yagosmi
seemed like he promoted GL DO, hated stan

I know Footfetish hated on stan.

shit is nuts!!
Man, the fucking dedicatiin of this shill army.. i remember footfetish posting a side splitting hilarious post about trannies sans dicks= an angle sans wings.. and that fucking a dude in the ass is manly while fucking a mtf is gay.... The poetry and dedication of these shills... My god.. i feel like colonel kurtz in the cambodian jungle amazing at the pile of inoculated baby arms... The genius.... The horror...

Hey qsc.. check your emails...