Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

either way i know youre fucking boiling there mate and that makes me fucking laugh
no matter how many times u mention floaters which couldve easily been a rival lab faking it, qsc will get the business. if someone had floaters in their gear, why would they take it straight to forums instead of just sorting it through emails ? to make as much noise as possible.
i dont believe a single floater bs or underdosed bs . all could be easily fabricated by rival labs.
no dude i dont need to fucking obsess over little shit and dogshit bro science. its easy, i take gear, i lift heavier than before, i eat and sleep good.

i never said i knew which lab ur shilling for, i said ur a rival lab meaning any lab other than qsc so do u want me to list all of the labs that exist other than qsc. are u that fucking stupid

Here you go.

Find a 'rival lab' based in ireland who stocks all these other UGLs.

We've got some pharmacom test I'm using for my cruise. A few bottles of pcom test c and boldenone. Some cat cafe dbol minus 25 or so tabs I used for a peak. Some tamoxifen from bgpharma and some bac water from southern ghost (a UK UGL).

I have my username with todays date written on paper then crunched up along with some charity bag put through my letterbox today showing which country I'm in.

And before you say I'm a pcom shill, you can check my last bit of feedback given to them in their thread stating why I wouldn't be buying from them again.

Your turn.


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either way i know youre fucking boiling there mate and that makes me fucking laugh
no matter how many times u mention floaters which couldve easily been a rival lab faking it, qsc will get the business. if someone had floaters in their gear, why would they take it straight to forums instead of just sorting it through emails ? to make as much noise as possible.
i dont believe a single floater bs or underdosed bs . all could be easily fabricated by rival labs.
I think you have missed the point of harm reduction.

Letting people know on here first if anything is wrong with the product, while also emailing the source/rep.

The rep/source then closes how to deal with the said issue. It gives members 2 things to consider. If the fuck up is worth the risk and then if the reps/sources response is sufficient with fixing the mistake or simply gaslighting the individual for reporting the issue.

If you and the source discuss the issue behind closed doors and no one else knows, how can they be aware that they too may have that issue?

So no its not about making the most noise and trying to destroy a rep. That doesn't happen until the rep/source gaslights and tries to BS an excuse.

Either you're for harm reduction or your not.
either way i know youre fucking boiling there mate and that makes me fucking laugh
no matter how many times u mention floaters which couldve easily been a rival lab faking it, qsc will get the business. if someone had floaters in their gear, why would they take it straight to forums instead of just sorting it through emails ? to make as much noise as possible.
i dont believe a single floater bs or underdosed bs . all could be easily fabricated by rival labs.
I had floaters in two vials of his test cyp and it was sorted through emails but also I posted on the forum to let other members know to check their vials good. That's what this forum is all about. I filtered the vials and I'm using them now and also use his gh. I'm not a huge hater of the source I just won't order oils again. That's a personal decision.
I've had floaters with multiple other sources and have always let everyone know. With my luck if someone's gonna get floaters it's me. But my good friend ordered cyp from qsc too and had floaters. You just have to make an informed decision and believe what u want to believe man.
Just recieved package to Denmark with the eu reship.
Arrived faster than expected. Took little under 4 weeks from China.
20 vials were missing which turned out to be Bac Water due to it being sold out, which honestly im fine with. Was a fraction of the order. primo vials arrived safely along with sarms powder, mast e, hgh and Inj l carn.
No floaters were found on first glance with a light. (was a quick glance at all of them).
I will be lab testing the primo next month and the HGH the month after.
Overall im satisfied.
Just recieved package to Denmark with the eu reship.
Arrived faster than expected. Took little under 4 weeks from China.
Good to know that reship service works fine for DK.

If you have the same MCT primo that looks like clear water I can tell this is top notch! I fucking love it.
Before leaping to assumptions & accusations, it might be prudent to ask @Millard whether the “3 strikes & out” rule was ever an official policy that he’s formally declared on the forum. I honestly don’t know, hence this post.

It’s possible that this wasn’t ever an official declared rule & members have just assumed it was after perma-bans were given to some after 3 temp bans.


Or can anyone link to a post where Millard stated this rule?

Ps: @JabbedUp I agree with you though, Ding Dong is a cunt & a scamming cunt to boot.

It was always that way. Members here before Dingdoxx ever existed got the screw job at ban #3 but now a selective scammer with a source board thread gets a 4th shot.

Like i said, bad precedent. Clicks and site traffic must be the name of the game around here now. Have at it scammer. You win. You can have the whole fucking board for all i care.
It was always that way. Members here before Dingdoxx ever existed got the screw job at ban #3 but now a selective scammer with a source board thread gets a 4th shot.

Like i said, bad precedent. Clicks and site traffic must be the name of the game around here now. Have at it scammer. You win. You can have the whole fucking board for all i care.
Everybody who spammed this thread should get a ban.
This source has 915 sites, which the last 200 are just nonsense bullshit and 715 before only good reviews. Even in other ug board from EU everybody talks good about QSC, the oils are on point, no pip and perfect HGH. This is clearly other UGL who lost a lot of customers to QSC. Good for the Customers who had a good experience, we get top quality products for -60% off.
Damn, I didn't have Soni on my shill bingo card.
You dont need to. Im a known member in a Big German UG Forum. Nobody cares about your opinion. While people like me pay 100$ for a full roid cycle with gh you sell your ass of to UGL who sell QSC stuff or brewing out of there raws. Have fun pinging me, youre ignored.
It was always that way. Members here before Dingdoxx ever existed got the screw job at ban #3 but now a selective scammer with a source board thread gets a 4th shot.

Like i said, bad precedent. Clicks and site traffic must be the name of the game around here now. Have at it scammer. You win. You can have the whole fucking board for all i care.
You're sometime anoying but i don't want that Meso become a shity source board where everyone just talk about how much they can inject in one delt due to the prices being low, even if we were not constantly friendly between us (i speak generaly not you and me particularly lol) i think that you do a good job in the harms reduction department witch is the best aspect of Meso
You dont need to. Im a known member in a Big German UG Forum. Nobody cares about your opinion. While people like me pay 100$ for a full roid cycle with gh you sell your ass of to UGL who sell QSC stuff or brewing out of there raws. Have fun pinging me, youre ignored.
Which board would this be, as the most popular one is ruled by shills that are receiving undisclosed incentives from UGL (which are mostly present on Meso, too) for promoting them, which the mods are aware and in support of. Well, the ones that weren't in support mysteriously disappeared.
Which board would this be, as the most popular one is ruled by shills that are receiving undisclosed incentives from UGL (which are mostly present on Meso, too) for promoting them, which the mods are aware and in support of. Well, the ones that weren't in support mysteriously disappeared.
You know that board very good, since everybody there is against you and youre "advertisment skills". Keep in your own thread. Nice 15iu gh vials you got there;)
You know that board very good, since everybody there is against you and youre "advertisment skills". Keep in your own thread. Nice 15iu gh vials you got there;)
You can't be talking about exBB then since there's no criticism posted regarding me and the mods are kindly keeping my name/store off the board at my request since it's closely monitored by LE and I want none of that. I'm not aware of any other german boards but dishonesty is deeply rooted in the german BB community no matter where one ventures.


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