Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Damn, not bad!

I think I'm done ordering for a bit. This is a 1300 dollar order for hgh. I have enough gear minus test that would last me for a few cycles. I get my oil primarily from a domestic regularly tested source, I try to keep oils domestic. The oils are dhb/mast. The mast is for a buddy. I still have 8 vials of domestic mast from a local brewer that I stocked up on for a discount.

I hope the dust settles with everything and I hope QDS makes it right with deus. All this recent drama has finally made me a little paranoid. Oils shutting down, hgh production stopped, the banning, foot fetish and yagosomi being the same guy?

I have been happy with my orders overall and never had a serious issue. Even when I sent an email asking for which oil is which. I received a response in less than 5 minutes. This was the fastest response I got from the rep
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I think I'm done ordering for a bit. This is a 1300 dollar order for hgh. I have enough gear minus test that would last me for a few cycles. I get my oil primarily from a domestic regularly tested source, I try to keep oils domestic. The oils are dhb/mast. The mast is for a buddy. I still have 8 vials of domestic mast from a local brewer that I stocked up on for a discount.

I hope the dust settles with everything and I hope QDS makes it right with deus. All this recent drama has finally made me a little paranoid. Oils shutting down, hgh production stopped, the banning, these multiple shill accounts that seem related.

I have been happy with my orders overall and never had a serious issue. Even when I sent an email asking for which oil is which. I received a response in less than 5 minutes. This was the fastest response I got from the rep
Can any Canadians confirm its normal to have shit sit at port for over a week. I know canada post is fucked but damn lol
So giving reviews is defending a source now. You’re such an idiot. Anyone that has anything positive to say is automatically a shill. Yet all you do is talk shit. You’re too stupid to realize the loudest people are the first to be discredited. You go ahead and keep NOT buying from them and continue to bark about problems you’ve never experienced (bc you don’t use them) and I’ll continue to be a satisfied customer. Maybe I’ll get burned one day, but anyone with brains knows it’s better to keep business going than scam people. If the day comes that I get scammed, guess what? I’m still way ahead bc the prices. This is the last response I’ll post. I’ve already wasted too much of my day dealing with idiots. You need to get a life
Bro just let it go. Foos like those clowns don't eat and watch more plates more dates. They're insane
Can't blame canada post all the time. The reason why it's tough getting through with international orders is the CBSA. It sits there because they are more thorough than other countries in the world. This is the reason why it's hard to find sources willing to send to Australia and Canada.
Can't blame canada post all the time. The reason why it's tough getting through with international orders is the CBSA. It sits there because they are more thorough than other countries in the world. This is the reason why it's hard to find sources willing to send to Australia and Canada.
Fucking hosers ha. I suppose so but I have had pretty ridiculous things happen like the dude down my street having my package in his mail box ect. I have gotten a few from neighbors too. It's pretty pathetic. I imagine cbsa is no better.
Lmfao my God you are mentally retarded. Probably from all those cowboys ramming your butt like a ram in rutt
Oh please stop yoir hurting my feelings. Fuck if you were even relevant I might care a little bit, but you are one of the most irrelevant people here.

So keep trying, I will give you one piece of credit..... the best cum dumpster that Meso has seen in a while, kudos ot suits ylu
Oh please stop yoir hurting my feelings. Fuck if you were even relevant I might care a little bit, but you are one of the most irrelevant people here.

So keep trying, I will give you one piece of credit..... the best cum dumpster that Meso has seen in a while, kudos ot suits ylu
Shut up and kiss me bitch
@Ksin1986 why not ce back to UGBB, the gang bang you took there was fun.... the you can get it here and ober there
Lmfao you mean the morons promoting 80 mg dbol 750 test and 600 eq and never coming off for beginners? Lmfao those retards are pumping 2 to 3 times the gear as Chris bumstead and are not even impressive. Retards will be dead in ten years anyways. Or from aids and rectal trauma like you.
Lmfao you mean the morons promoting 80 mg dbol 750 test and 600 eq and never coming off for beginners? Lmfao those retards are pumping 2 to 3 times the gear as Chris bumstead and are not even impressive. Retards will be dead in ten years anyways. Or from aids and rectal trauma like you.
Awe come on you sure liked taking their dicks when you were there. The gang bang was epic... yoo are missed there no one has takem like that before, you are a champ