Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So far I have recieved 30 primo vials 20 test vials and 190 vials of hgh. I have 10 more vials of npp and 6 more hgh kits coming in this final order.

I also have anavar and dmaa raws and tablets that I also prefer not to be labeled as such.
Will be interested to see your Cycle log. Do you plan on posting it ?
Hey simp! How does QSCs cum taste today?

In regard to my post - I was referencing the order he recieved recently. Not the gear he's already running that has floaters in it.

Hope that helps!
I’ve never even bought anything from him you weirdo. I only buy from dragon. Did QSC fuck your girl or something? Or does he just have a bigger dick than you? Why are you so hurt?
Cyp just about to max out and be the level it should be. So tell us what about the last 4 weeks on it tells you its good? Be specific
If you could only read, You’d know I didn’t order from him. It’s cute you and your fag friends liking each other’s posts like the 3 gay stooges you are lol. Don’t you guys have jobs? Or do you just sit on your ass on SSI all day seething at Chinese people in mommy’s house?
If you could only read, You’d know I didn’t order from him. It’s cute you and your fag friends liking each other’s posts like the 3 gay stooges you are lol. Don’t you guys have jobs? Or do you just sit on your ass on SSI all day seething at Chinese people in mommy’s house?
Really? Youre that fucking retarded that you dont know what you posted?
“Ive been running qsc test cyp, primo, and hgh for almost a month now. It seems to be working very
Fuck youre a dumb cunt, bet your mom wishes she swallowed.

Remember youre also the idiot that can feel test cyp in 4 weeks.

Wipe QSCs cum off you chin
Really? Youre that fucking retarded that you dont know what you posted?

Fuck youre a dumb cunt, bet your mom wishes she swallowed.

Remember youre also the idiot that can feel test cyp in 4 weeks.

Wipe QSCs cum off you chin
He's doing Genova a disservice using him as a avatar because Jason is much more intelligent than this goof
We still take orders, orders are done only by email:
The website is non fonctional, and very old, we don't use it, and all prices in website are old. We don't update it since long time.

You have many testings of purity in lab testing subforum, most of them are done by meso members:
Qingdao Sigma HPLC testing

All products are freshly made, no product last more than 3-4 months usually, so far from the expiry date for sure.
thank u for the reply. so which are the last and updated prices for products?
the one on 1page of thread may be old being 2021, maybe you send by mail a new updated list?

and secondly, on 1post i read every shipment cost is FREE of charge in most states. is it still so today? (on website for ITALY i read 8usd shipping cost)
He is either extremely limited in brain power, or he is a multi and forgets what each of his accts said, maybe @Millard should look into @112yagosmi and see if he is a multi. If he is not then we confirmed he is just dumb
Says the guy who doesn’t know there’s an apostrophe in “you’re”

Lol fucking retard.
Says the guy who doesn’t know there’s an apostrophe in “you’re”

Lol fucking retard.
Wow I am surprised you have enough brain cells to have caught that. I actually am aware but typing on a phone to a complete and utter moron dont really care about punctuation.

What I am not surprised about is that's the best you got. You are a feabile, useless twat that offers absolutely zero to anything. So the best thing for you to do is just fuck off before you embarass yourself more
This thread has turned into such a shitshow. I left for a few weeks after they said they were stopping production for a bit and come back to this circus lol
View attachment 173251

Hi there, QSC is back !

I think many of you missed me, and seeing me again for others is a real nightmare and a losing battle, so sorry if I disappointed some of you, but I am here again.

The ones who get permanent bans in the forum are those who think they are above the rules and repeatedly and intentionally continue to violate the rules after multiple warnings.

Millard has said that many times: “ A permanent ban has generally been reserved for members who blatantly, repeatedly, and/or intentionally violating the forum rules, personally attack mods/admins, or otherwise seek to undermine the website. So basically members are temporarily banned for most rules violations and told not to do it again. If they keep doing it again and again, then they're gone. “

I have always insisted on respecting the rules of this forum, and I have naively and unintentionally made mistakes that have caused me to be temporarily banned, and I completely deserve them because of not being enough careful, and often it was in the context of justifying myself to the public, but in no case I intentionally and repeatedly violated a rule, And the proof, as Millard knows very well, whenever I have a doubt about a rule I ask about it to make sure to not break any.

It's ridiculous to believe that I was or will be banned for alt accounts, MSG rumor that single digit IQ members believed.

Do you really believe that I have the time or the need to create or have alt accounts with the business and the number of customers I have?
To do what? to defend my honor? lol Who gives a flying fuck about honor? It’s all about $$ ^^

We are the most used source in this forum, the most Jano-tested source in this forum, and people talk about our products everywhere in this forum, in dozen of threads, most of you are using our HGH, raws, semaglutide etc.. and even the haters couldn’t stop themselves from ordering from us and many cannot admit it :)

You don't need more than 3 brain cells to know that alt accounts are the last thing I'll ever need.
When you have doubts, report the suspected alt account, and you will see the time you are wasting being paranoid and toxic to other members.

Questions have been raised as to how QSC has so many members defending him that hard? it's suspicious.. uhh not really.

In almost all the source threads in this forum, you have members who post exclusively in their threads, since they joined the forum for the simple reason that they are there for the gear and they don't care about the weight of your poop threads..

In fact, it's as suspicious as seeing people say shit about a source they've never used, hour after hour, responding to every positive feedback, and calling 80% of members shills and alt accounts.
If only you spend that much time under the bars or getting down your meals, you won't end up with those shitty shapes that you're ashamed to show after 4-5 years of being on a juice forum, if I spend 4-5 year on a forum doing sales and I find myself with a bank account that has the same “shape” I will systematically consider myself a loser..

Most of my customers here know that I've never offered a free vial for positive feedback, and if anyone says otherwise, they just have to point it out or prove it.

Unlike most sources that offer freebies, cashback, discounts if you post a positive feedback. You can very well post pictures of your orders next to a rice cooker, you know very well in advance that you will not receive a 10% discount on your next order unlike several other sources.

The only times I offer something is when a customer posts blood test results or a lab test, and occasionally when I fuck up on their previous order.

Extreme reactions from satisfied customers are the result and the consequences of extreme and toxic reactions from suspicious accounts who are very invested in bringing down the source. If you think you have transmitted your warning message about us that we are not G2G, for the “good of the community” (how sweet and caring you are), in this case let this thread die, and the members will simply make their choices, and when you have a doubt on a feedback, instead of starting a endless childish debate of insults and shill/alt account accusations, report it and if it's an alt account it will be banned, why waste so much energy? lol

Well, not to be long, I have been very active as a sales agent in an impressive way but it’s not optimal anymore, I have established a system and business that works, more successfully than anyone here, my thread stayed on top literally every single hour for the last 7 days, my regular presence on the forum isn’t needed anymore, so from now on you should adapt to my absence.
I will only answer questions by email.
There is no need to tag me if you have a question. Email me instead.
Continue to give your honest feedbacks, good or bad, always within the framework of respect of the well-known rules and policies.
If you have a problem, don't expect me to comment on it here, or to justify myself, everyone can now form their own opinion, and if you have any questions about someone’s issue ask me by email. I will no longer participate in drama show, debates etc…

Even the price list, no need to ask for it on the thread, it will be provided by email. It takes me 2 sec to send an updated price list, you can ask for it everyday with no problem.


I will come by on an occasional basis, for the most important announcements, and I advise you contact me to my protonmail for your orders, because on several occasions I have noticed that certain emails do not go through, and you can use DMs in one case , if you do not receive a response from my protonmail within more than 24 hours.

Don't be afraid to keep giving feedbacks, don't be intimidated by that bunch of lifeless bums who try to give you the shill label as soon as you give an honest feedback, they have no credibility anymore, they'll one day get banned or get tired and leave, and we count on your honest feedbacks to get rid of these skinny fat trolls who spam the thread and never ordered.

Back to business !

Thats really unfortunate you have limit your contact here now. You were one of the only sources that was daily active which I really appreciated
Really? Youre that fucking retarded that you dont know what you posted?

Fuck youre a dumb cunt, bet your mom wishes she swallowed.

Remember youre also the idiot that can feel test cyp in 4 weeks.

Wipe QSCs cum off you chin
Btcowboy my dude, I believe you have gotten yourself into an argument with someone who quoted one of my post and have some how mistaken them for me lol.

Please don't confuse him for me, I don't spend my time throwing around insults online... just not my style.

I would be happy to elaborate on what I wrote "I have been running qsc Test Cyp, Primo, and HGH for almost a month now, it seems to be working very well"

The 5 most notable things that come to mind are the following.

1. Waking up in middle of night with numb tingling hands from increasing hgh dose to fast.

2. Better sleep

3. Water retention, (I aromatize easily)

4. Slight increase in energy.

5. Minor to no pip from primo/test

These are all positive indicators for me when Im on cycle. I stand by my statement and believe it to be fair and accurate.

Additionally never did I say "I felt the test cyp kick in" this is a sentence you alone constructed and a failed attempt to put words in my mouth in order to try and discredit me. This is not a good look for you dude.

I wish you the best regardless of what you say or think about me for having a positive experience with this source.

If you are genuinely interested in how the cycle goes I will be logging it in my member intro. I will also be posting blood work in a month or so as well. Additionally I have already posted blood work prior to first pin of cycle, so we have baseline.