Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

sorry this is my first post, could someone explain me if it's still an updated source? and why on their site i notice some "difference" about pricing respecting the list on the opening page?

should i have to contact them with the email they gave us, of go on their site?
this thread is too long and i simply have to understand
- how to order to pay cheapest price (by mail or site?)
- if this source is still reputable
- if there are NEW testing about purity because i see some of the batches are expiring at the start of 2023 so i don't understand if i order now, would a receive a product near expiry date?


With this source you risk a few things;

Floaters in your gear

Recieving a different product than you ordered with no chance of a refund

Being doxxed

Gear being underdosed

If you still think it's worth the risk for the cheap price, then go ahead.

Inb4 the army of shills and simps come to attack me
sorry this is my first post, could someone explain me if it's still an updated source? and why on their site i notice some "difference" about pricing respecting the list on the opening page?

should i have to contact them with the email they gave us, of go on their site?
this thread is too long and i simply have to understand
- how to order to pay cheapest price (by mail or site?)
- if this source is still reputable
- if there are NEW testing about purity because i see some of the batches are expiring at the start of 2023 so i don't understand if i order now, would a receive a product near expiry date?

We still take orders, orders are done only by email:
The website is non fonctional, and very old, we don't use it, and all prices in website are old. We don't update it since long time.

You have many testings of purity in lab testing subforum, most of them are done by meso members:
Qingdao Sigma HPLC testing

All products are freshly made, no product last more than 3-4 months usually, so far from the expiry date for sure.
@HimiJendrix bye bye overpriced gear seller BLOCKED

Hey simp,

How come you dissapeared the other day when I proved to you that I wasn't affiliated with another lab and asked you to prove you weren't a QSC shill?

Order update: I placed my 4th domestic order (tb500 and bpc 157) last Thursday, it landed Monday. Also the second international order I placed on sep 13th landed yesterday (roughly 2 weeks from payment)

10 hgh kits
1 salank kit
1 semax kit

600 proviron tabs
600 metformin tabs
100 Raloxifene tabs


Within the past 5 weeks I have placed 6 orders with QSC. 5/6 orders have now been delivered with zero issues. The first international order that I placed at beginning of month is taking a little bit longer, but it is slightly larger and using a different carrier.

My experience with the rep via email has been awesome. Everytime I had questions regarding my orders it was awnsered promptly and respectfully.

Ive been running qsc test cyp, primo, and hgh for almost a month now. It seems to be working very well. If anyone is interested I am posting and loging progress of this cycle with physique updates (pictures and shit) Ill also be getting bloods in a month or so.

It will be posted in member intro titled "new to meso but not the game"

My overall experience with this source has been great. I will continue to use them and currently putting together another order list.