Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I only comment here cause I like to see you little dyels with bitch tits blow your load over this guy selling gear to gear users. Fuckin mind blowing

Mind blowing that others are trying to raise the bar of standards for this forum, where you yourself buy gear from?

It's dipshits like you sitting on the bar trying to lower it so you can save your pocket money and buy cheap gear that will eventually be the death of this place.
Mind blowing that others are trying to raise the bar of standards for this forum, where you yourself buy gear from?

It's dipshits like you sitting on the bar trying to lower it so you can save your pocket money and buy cheap gear that will eventually be the death of this place.
When do you fuckers have time to lift, let alone fuck your bitch. Your always on here. Commenting. Waiting for someone to say something that you can jump on like it was fuckin honey bun.
When do you fuckers have time to lift, let alone fuck your bitch. Your always on here. Commenting. Waiting for someone to say something that you can jump on like it was fuckin honey bun.
Who says they lift? You have a guy using gear for 15 years that looks like an overtrained natural and 10 more butthurt god bootlicking douchebags that try to defame a source cause their masters are actively loosing revenue.

Now with the oil production back at play, I bet we will see more attacks and constant nagging and numerous insults.

Ignore button and all is good. Last time my old ass is participating to the drama.

Ignore and block.
Why are you so mad about this source. You guys are like that awkward dude that holds the door for you smiling when your 50 feet away. It’s unwanted kindness. We get it, you want to protect people or some shit like that. I don’t even love this source I bought from them one time. It was fine. But you won’t see me going on and bashing other sources that I don’t use. And frankly I could give a fuck less what they do…let people make their own decisions. this is the UNDERGROUND. Anyways I’ve bought from several sources on here all have been fine. I only comment here cause I like to see you little dyels with bitch tits blow your load over this guy selling gear to gear users. Fuckin mind blowing
I'm not mad at all - If he wasn't a dickhead I'd probably give him a try. I just find it hilarious when random people dickride some Chinese source like he's their daddy. It's very weird.
Touchdown! Semiglutide packaged very well. Post office looked like they sat on the box but nothing broke because it was packed good. Very fast delivery.
Has anyone ordered international shipping and the tracking number changed after it was scheduled to land? I got an informed delivery notification coming in with a regular domestic tracking number but I didn't order anything else. International tracking number says waiting for item on usps but on China tracking it says it left air mail 4 days ago. Domestic tracking started two days ago. Wierd....I know I didn't order anything elso.
Figured it out. Both tracking numbers worked eventually. Usps shipping Partner put new sticker on it after it landed at their sorting center.
And as you know me very well I have new surprises every time.

The new batches of Test E, Test C and test P have been produced, we will send them to Janoshik first and we will start oil sales after Chinese national day holidays (01/10 - 07/10)

Unfortunately the situation of tabs in China is very serious, yesterday a big producer of tablets was arrested.
China Post has banned the shipping of the tabs, so tablet orders via China Post are suspended, especially for Australian and Canadian customers.
For Europe, the USA and other countries, customers can continue to place orders for what remains in stock, and we will definitely stop the production of tablets in China with the possible option of subcontracting them to a neighboring country.

We are thinking of starting to make suspension liquid solutions for some orals, I don't know yet how successful this type of product is, but we can try that after the holidays.

Production of all injectables will resume after the holidays, with better packaging.

Autralian domestic warehouse on the way, a first product is available.

HGH US domestic sold out and will be restocked after holidays as well.

For extra information email me to:
What does this mean they won't be available until January through July?
sorry this is my first post, could someone explain me if it's still an updated source? and why on their site i notice some "difference" about pricing respecting the list on the opening page?

should i have to contact them with the email they gave us, of go on their site?
this thread is too long and i simply have to understand
- how to order to pay cheapest price (by mail or site?)
- if this source is still reputable
- if there are NEW testing about purity because i see some of the batches are expiring at the start of 2023 so i don't understand if i order now, would a receive a product near expiry date?

sorry this is my first post, could someone explain me if it's still an updated source? and why on their site i notice some "difference" about pricing respecting the list on the opening page?

should i have to contact them with the email they gave us, of go on their site?
this thread is too long and i simply have to understand
- how to order to pay cheapest price (by mail or site?)
- if this source is still reputable
- if there are NEW testing about purity because i see some of the batches are expiring at the start of 2023 so i don't understand if i order now, would a receive a product near expiry date?

You don't have to go far back to read the negative and positive reviews. Try and read them all, there's truth to both ends. If you need the source just email them.