Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

My first order (international) came after 4 weeks.

I was a little bit unsure cause it's so cheap - but I can tell you this is not only the cheapest stuff I ever got, it's also the best quality ever!

Test E, PrimoE, Mast E - no pip at all by 3ml injection. Very good oil quality - and stuff is on point. This will lower my crp in future.

But specifically the hgh is very potent - I feel it working with 2iu dayly.

What concentration of Primo did you get?
Anyone tried berberine powder? I can get comically cheap metformin pharma tabs but don't like the gastric distress I get from them at 1gr/day
Anyone tried berberine powder? I can get comically cheap metformin pharma tabs but don't like the gastric distress I get from them at 1gr/day
switch to the extended release version of metformin if you have gut issues from the instant release ones
switch to the extended release version of metformin if you have gut issues from the instant release ones
We don't have SR versions available in my country. Glucophage is the dominant version available in 850 and 1000 milligrams.
Just recieved package to Denmark with the eu reship.
Arrived faster than expected. Took little under 4 weeks from China.
20 vials were missing which turned out to be Bac Water due to it being sold out, which honestly im fine with. Was a fraction of the order. primo vials arrived safely along with sarms powder, mast e, hgh and Inj l carn.
No floaters were found on first glance with a light. (was a quick glance at all of them).
I will be lab testing the primo next month and the HGH the month after.
Overall im satisfied.
The reship service is 1000eu minimum order correct? Or was is Eu special line that was used?
It's pretty funny how one dumbass drops off then another falls back in line right where the other left off.

The company learnt it's lesson after zoidberg (QSC shill for anyone new) was banned for shilling.

Since that ban you can see the shilling is split between several accounts. All with the same posting pattern as Zoidberg.

It's painfully obvious to anyone paying attention to this thread. Or anyone who actually cares about this community and it's members.

The shill I was responding to earlier in the thread stopped posting when I posted evidence that I wasn't a competitor lab. Once I asked him to do the same as me, they dissapeared. And another one tagged in.

There are legitimate customers in this thread of course, some or whom just don't care about others as long as they get their parcel of sheep oils and cheap gears.

I posted some negative feedback in the bgpharma thread yesterday. Not a single other member jumped in to defend the source. Instead, the rep came in and fixed my issue. This is what is normal behaviour from a non shady source.
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Hi, was browsing for information on ipamorelin on 3vs1 pin daily whats the main con if I plan to do only one shot before bed ? Dont want to pin frequently during day because of constant eating and job, what if I pin recommended dose of 500mcg or more straight before bed ? Overall during long cycle It should work better then 250 right?
Hi, was browsing for information on ipamorelin on 3vs1 pin daily whats the main con if I plan to do only one shot before bed ? Dont want to pin frequently during day because of constant eating and job, what if I pin recommended dose of 500mcg or more straight before bed ? Overall during long cycle It should work better then 250 right?

There's sub forums for these types of questions. This is a sources thread.
Very true. That’s what poor people do, They think “I have $500 I’ll buy the most expensive name brand shirt” and that’s why their poor lol.

Rich people are cheap, That’s why their rich. Because they have common sense and discipline to not make impulsive purchases on name brand/expensive items.
That's the dumbest shit I ever heard. Rich people buy designer shit all the time.
I will be available for your meso questions on Thursday, I will answer all questions within the limit of respect of course, so you can ask all your questions I'll take care of that tomorrow, otherwise if you want to go by email, it's better.
I will set aside a time slot on Thursdays each week to answer public questions.
Your questions can be on any subject: stock, products, problems, product use and dosages, diet, anything that may be useful. I will be delighted to share with you my humble knowledge.

It doesn't matter until it happens to you. Fuck with one bean and you fuck with the whole burrito. It's the only way to keep things honest. They undermine everything we do here
Prime example of why democracy doesn’t work lol. Ship out 6/10 orders and you’re good to go.
Yeah, the idea that somebody who has money wouldn't spend on it better quality shit that they're INJECTING IN THEIR FUCKING BODY is hilarious.
More expensive doesn’t always mean better. Also doesn’t really matter when these “better quality” places are getting their raws from the same place.

If Gucci was just repackaging aliexpress T shirts and selling them for a 500% mark up, would that be money well spent to you?
More expensive doesn’t always mean better. Also doesn’t really matter when these “better quality” places are getting their raws from the same place.

If Gucci was just repackaging aliexpress T shirts and selling them for a 500% mark up, would that be money well spent to you?
Well you can't compare steroids to hand made designer shoes from Italy lol
is your username referring to what you call QSC when he double fists your asshole in exchange for his underdosed drugs?
Why are you so mad about this source. You guys are like that awkward dude that holds the door for you smiling when your 50 feet away. It’s unwanted kindness. We get it, you want to protect people or some shit like that. I don’t even love this source I bought from them one time. It was fine. But you won’t see me going on and bashing other sources that I don’t use. And frankly I could give a fuck less what they do…let people make their own decisions. this is the UNDERGROUND. Anyways I’ve bought from several sources on here all have been fine. I only comment here cause I like to see you little dyels with bitch tits blow your load over this guy selling gear to gear users. Fuckin mind blowing