Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Long time lurker here but new to posting. Been using QSC HGH for a while now and wanted to get my IGF tested on the next blood panel.

Been using 6iu’s a day split into 3 shots morning/postWO/prebed, but on testing day how should I go about dosing to make sure I’m getting an accurate reading?
You just get the test done it doesnt matter. It will be built up in your system for awhile. Pretty sure it gets bound and then kind of trickles like time release of igf
Who sounds mad? You sound like someone's beating up your best friend up just because they're giving your rep a hard time lol

I get that this source is the primary reason you can afford to use steroids- and hey, maybe being "the big guy" is integral to your sense of self worth so you need to maintain that line...but there's a life outside of keyboard warrior'ing

I urge you, Friend, to find it in yourself to not be such a pathetic waste of space in life. Make your father proud and go do something productive buddy. I believe in you
Blah blah blah blah I get it, you don't eat. You're weak and barely go to the gym. Keyboard warrior this yada yada yada whatever girl. Go watch more plates more dates. Another source is selling black oil and no one says shit. Another raw source doxed his client and no one said shit. You pick in choose when to cry. Again, if girls like you focused on eating and putting on size you would be living on the internet.
All this wasted time when you could be eating, sleeping, and growing.
Blah blah blah blah I get it, you don't eat. You're weak and barely go to the gym. Keyboard warrior this yada yada yada whatever girl. Go watch more plates more dates. Another source is selling black oil and no one says shit. Another raw source doxed his client and no one said shit. You pick in choose when to cry. Again, if girls like you focused on eating and putting on size you would be living on the internet.
All this wasted time when you could be eating, sleeping, and growing.

370 posts in 8 months.

Ok bro.
Word. Thanks for the replies guys.

Have some semaglutide on the way so when it gets here I’ll post a little write up. Can’t really tolerate stims right now after a nasty benzo withdrawal so I’m hoping this helps me control my appetite during prep
Blah blah blah blah I get it, you don't eat. You're weak and barely go to the gym. Keyboard warrior this yada yada yada whatever girl. Go watch more plates more dates. Another source is selling black oil and no one says shit. Another raw source doxed his client and no one said shit. You pick in choose when to cry. Again, if girls like you focused on eating and putting on size you would be living on the internet.
All this wasted time when you could be eating, sleeping, and growing.
Ok I have to come clean here.
I don't eat. I just feel so fat and gross and a little voice in my head just tells me "you're a fatty little pig" etc etc I'm 120lb
and sure that's a very normal weight for a girl.... but the kicker? Im a man. A full grown man, no less.

But that ends today.
Thank you, you motivated the absolute shit out of me.
@AlexDavis43 Yeah you are right I literally wasn’t thinking at all.. scheduled drugs are a big nope, I have gh, baclofen, gabapentin and pain o soma anyway, but just need kits of glutathione injection. Everything is a spray form except for one I saw at 600mg but its only 1 shot at absurd prices. Apparently in the phillipines they love this and it also helps with the liver health a lot. I’m already doing big L-carnitine shots at 250mg/ml so why not add glutathione. But seriously you’re right though no narcotics.

However please sell glutathione kits
Anyone have an issue with bunk test c or pre-made oils from Quigdao? Check the photos below

I received a whole batch of Test C which was crashed, then heated it all up to mix it again. Tried it for two weeks and felt like my levels crashed.

After the two weeks immediately used MENT acetate and felt immensely better.

I also have some boldenone cyp where same thing happened but not sure if it’s bunk or not.image.jpgimage.jpg
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Anyone have an issue with bunk test c or pre-made oils from Quigdao? Check the photos below

I received a whole batch of Test C which was crashed, then heated it all up to mix it again. Tried it for two weeks and felt like my levels crashed.

After the two weeks immediately used MENT acetate and felt immensely better.

I also have some boldenone cyp where same thing happened but not sure if it’s bunk or not.View attachment 173729View attachment 173730
I've been following this thread for a long time. Never seen nothing but positive reviews on their test from members, along with jano results showing it as legit and I believe a few members bloodwork.

If you're seriously doubting the legitimacy, always send off to Jano. Feelz on testosterone are not a good indicator.
I've been following this thread for a long time. Never seen nothing but positive reviews on their test from members, along with jano results showing it as legit and I believe a few members bloodwork.

If you're seriously doubting the legitimacy, always send off to Jano. Feelz on testosterone are not a good indicator.
Yea thats what I saw too plus test is very rarely faked or bunk thought it was very odd, I'll send 3 of them to jano with the bold too to see whats up. I was using optima test before and it felt normal like pharma grade test, switched to this stuff and felt awful 2 weeks later. Super weak considered getting bloodwork but stopped running it and keep on track with cycle.
Hy Tracy! is primobolan enanthate available in european warehouse? how long does it take for Hungary to receive it? How long would it take to get here to Hungary?
Greetings sir!
Unfortunately all oils in EU warehouse are sold out except few Test C kits left, and won't be restocked soon, we do have safe fast delivery to Hungary using the special line so if you order it from China, it's 3 weeks delivery average. If it's by Post NL, it might take longer than 4-5 weeks.
Yea thats what I saw too plus test is very rarely faked or bunk thought it was very odd, I'll send 3 of them to jano with the bold too to see whats up. I was using optima test before and it felt normal like pharma grade test, switched to this stuff and felt awful 2 weeks later. Super weak considered getting bloodwork but stopped running it and keep on track with cycle.
I could be wrong but if it were bunk gear wouldn’t it not crash cause there would be no hormone in it? It’s when the hormone falls out of suspension. Or if it’s say underdosed it’s very unlikely to crash cause it generally happens when the hormone is in higher concentrations? I’m not an expert.

Test is so cheap I think it’s one of the least likely to be severely underdosed or faked. Everyone I have seen that has ran QSC test has reported positive feedback. And someone mentioned there’s been good testing. Definitely get it tested though to put your mind at ease.

The thing I’ve learned over the years is that we can convince ourselves of anything. Bloodwork and testing won’t lie to you.