Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I could be wrong but if it were bunk gear wouldn’t it not crash cause there would be no hormone in it? It’s when the hormone falls out of suspension. Or if it’s say underdosed it’s very unlikely to crash cause it generally happens when the hormone is in higher concentrations? I’m not an expert.

Test is so cheap I think it’s one of the least likely to be severely underdosed or faked. Everyone I have seen that has ran QSC test has reported positive feedback. And someone mentioned there’s been good testing. Definitely get it tested though to put your mind at ease.

The thing I’ve learned over the years is that we can convince ourselves of anything. Bloodwork and testing won’t lie to you.
I'm pretty sure its bunk, I'll have to test and see

I reheated the gear to mix it up which fixed the crystals but felt no effects after injecting and I've run multiple different brands of test in the past, this felt like nothing compared to the others. Plus smelled straight like veggie oil and was much thicker than other brands. Only deviated away from my normal source because the price was so good, so we will see

I'm feeling a get what you pay for is on the horizon or I just got a shitty batch which does happen sometimes
I'm pretty sure its bunk, I'll have to test and see

I reheated the gear to mix it up which fixed the crystals but felt no effects after injecting and I've run multiple different brands of test in the past, this felt like nothing compared to the others. Plus smelled straight like veggie oil and was much thicker than other brands. Only deviated away from my normal source because the price was so good, so we will see

I'm feeling a get what you pay for is on the horizon or I just got a shitty batch which does happen sometimes
send sealed vials for testing to Janoshik, we saw feelz reports lying many times, testing don't
Yea thats what I saw too plus test is very rarely faked or bunk thought it was very odd, I'll send 3 of them to jano with the bold too to see whats up. I was using optima test before and it felt normal like pharma grade test, switched to this stuff and felt awful 2 weeks later. Super weak considered getting bloodwork but stopped running it and keep on track with cycle.
Why not bloodwork?
I’ve been running the test E. My pip has been terrible. Injection sites swollen for 2 weeks.
I’m sure others have had great results.
My body has not taken kindly to the gear.
For context, I’m on week 6. Rotate my sites, proper injection site cleaning, aspiration, etc..
Why not bloodwork?
Honestly had a busy week and forgot to get it done but needed stuff in system so injected Ment/Test E/Test P from another source I've used forever and had on hand.

I may give it another two weeks with the QSC gear and get a PML blood test to see whats up, but $100 bloodwork for gear that costs $200 is lame imo when I can just buy 6 legit vials for $200 from another source I trust and never has disappointed so theres that too

Decisions decisions
I'm pretty sure its bunk, I'll have to test and see

I reheated the gear to mix it up which fixed the crystals but felt no effects after injecting and I've run multiple different brands of test in the past, this felt like nothing compared to the others. Plus smelled straight like veggie oil and was much thicker than other brands. Only deviated away from my normal source because the price was so good, so we will see

I'm feeling a get what you pay for is on the horizon or I just got a shitty batch which does happen sometimes
Dang you didn’t get the classic head rush and run off and bag your chick immediately after injecting due to the raging testosterone right after injecting? Pity.
Dang you didn’t get the classic head rush and run off and bag your chick immediately after injecting due to the raging testosterone right after injecting? Pity.
I guess I've been spoiled by MENT, BP and headrush 30 mins later pure bliss
I don't understand why anyone would use their user/email info from a forum to place orders.

I use a throwaway email for each order. Rarely have I used one more than once. Excessively cautious, yes, but on the other hand too easy to not do it.
Half these idiots seem to and continue to tie their handle and emails to QSC. I don’t understand that either. I don’t use a different email for every source, but I never tie an order to my handle on MESO. That’s just being low hanging fruit and subjecting yourself to potential problems with the source and also LE.
dont change anything
IGF is not acutely affected by your daily dosing.
It is not like GH Serum where the exact dosage and timing dictates the result.
IGF builds up over time using a ccertain dosage
Is there a correlation between IGF1 levels and hGH dosage. From what I’ve read and seen in blood work that’s been posted, 1iu turns out to be a reading of ~100 for IGF1. That seems to be consistent until you hit 4iu. I’m not sure at what point that ratio actually changes or to what degree the positive correlation changes. I have not looked into any studies that substantiate my idea either. Hopefully you can share your knowledge on this subject. Would it be safe to assume a 1-2iu daily protocol is not going cause a significant increase in IGF1 levels for the majority of the population? When I checked IGF1 natty I sat at 300 something. That’s why I always wonder why people dose at 2iu’s or less daily, it seems counterproductive.
Anyone have an issue with bunk test c or pre-made oils from Quigdao? Check the photos below

I received a whole batch of Test C which was crashed, then heated it all up to mix it again. Tried it for two weeks and felt like my levels crashed.Just reheat it and enjoy.

After the two weeks immediately used MENT acetate and felt immensely better.

I also have some boldenone cyp where same thing happened but not sure if it’s bunk or not.View attachment 173729View attachment 173730
If it crashed it's actually strong test. Betting it's a bit over 250mg. If it crashed.
Half these idiots seem to and continue to tie their handle and emails to QSC. I don’t understand that either. I don’t use a different email for every source, but I never tie an order to my handle on MESO. That’s just being low hanging fruit and subjecting yourself to potential problems with the source and also LE.
Well, some idiots don't live in the great murica. They might not be in freedom land but no one's going to knock on their doors because they illegally acquired some dick pills and cow medicine.
Well, some idiots don't live in the great murica. They might not be in freedom land but no one's going to knock on their doors because they illegally acquired some dick pills and cow medicine.
Lol obviously not a big deal with a non scheduled drug. I’m just stating that having a connection to yourself and importing a scheduled drug is not the best idea. Importation is a more severe crime than possession, or possession for the purpose of trafficking in my country of Canada. There are mandatory minimums depending on the schedule of the drug, weight, etc. I believe it would be the same for other countries Ireland included, but excluding the USA, which is worse because I think even possession of steroids for personal use is a crime there. Made the assumption you are from Ireland based on your handle, I hope that’s not your real name lol.