Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Is there a correlation between IGF1 levels and hGH dosage. From what I’ve read and seen in blood work that’s been posted, 1iu turns out to be a reading of ~100 for IGF1. That seems to be consistent until you hit 4iu. I’m not sure at what point that ratio actually changes or to what degree the positive correlation changes. I have not looked into any studies that substantiate my idea either. Hopefully you can share your knowledge on this subject. Would it be safe to assume a 1-2iu daily protocol is not going cause a significant increase in IGF1 levels for the majority of the population? When I checked IGF1 natty I sat at 300 something. That’s why I always wonder why people dose at 2iu’s or less daily, it seems counterproductive.
well, you are one of the lucky ones with natty IGF of 300.
i was at 146 or something like that.
many people say the rule of 1iu ~ 100 IGF1 fits pretty well, usually it is a tad lower than that ime.
your body/liver has to work to process the HGH, therefore more HGH results in more "work" to create IGF. Thats why it will not go linear with above mentioned rule forever i guess.
However, i saw bloodwork of 10-12iu daily where the person scored close to 800.
well, you are one of the lucky ones with natty IGF of 300.
i was at 146 or something like that.
many people say the rule of 1iu ~ 100 IGF1 fits pretty well, usually it is a tad lower than that ime.
your body/liver has to work to process the HGH, therefore more HGH results in more "work" to create IGF. Thats why it will not go linear with above mentioned rule forever i guess.
However, i saw bloodwork of 10-12iu daily where the person scored close to 800.
That was ~6 years ago, the endo even asked if I was taking hGH. I’m not well versed in insulin and hGH, but I assume there are many variables that contribute to your IGF1 level. I’ve never ran hGH due to price and not fully understanding the MOA’s of it. I have been on 4iu of QSCs 10iu kits for 6 weeks, but have not noticed the side effects others seem to have, such as carpal tunnel or edema(maybe a bit of mild water retention, but that could also be due to testosterone). I’ll start to monitor blood glucose soon. It will be interesting to see what blood work says for my IGF1. Does your body rebound better when stopping hGH in comparison to other exogenous hormones? I’ve never seen a PCT for hGH lol.
Lol obviously not a big deal with a non scheduled drug. I’m just stating that having a connection to yourself and importing a scheduled drug is not the best idea. Importation is a more severe crime than possession, or possession for the purpose of trafficking in my country of Canada. There are mandatory minimums depending on the schedule of the drug, weight, etc. I believe it would be the same for other countries Ireland included, but excluding the USA, which is worse because I think even possession of steroids for personal use is a crime there. Made the assumption you are from Ireland based on your handle, I hope that’s not your real name lol.
We had a former pro bodybuilder done for supplying & caught with $50k's worth of steroids here in Ireland - all he he got a 7k fine & a suspended sentence.
Buying personal amounts of roids through the mail is pretty much a non issue here for Irish LE.
We had a former pro bodybuilder done for supplying & caught with $50k's worth of steroids here in Ireland - all he he got a 7k fine & a suspended sentence.
Buying personal amounts of roids through the mail is pretty much a non issue here for Irish LE.
Nice country you got there :cool:
That was ~6 years ago, the endo even asked if I was taking hGH. I’m not well versed in insulin and hGH, but I assume there are many variables that contribute to your IGF1 level. I’ve never ran hGH due to price and not fully understanding the MOA’s of it. I have been on 4iu of QSCs 10iu kits for 6 weeks, but have not noticed the side effects others seem to have, such as carpal tunnel or edema(maybe a bit of mild water retention, but that could also be due to testosterone). I’ll start to monitor blood glucose soon. It will be interesting to see what blood work says for my IGF1. Does your body rebound better when stopping hGH in comparison to other exogenous hormones? I’ve never seen a PCT for hGH lol.

as with every other drug, side effects are also highly individual and also highly dependent on other factors. For hgh, in my opinion a rather clean diet (at least keeping half an eye on electrolyte balance etc.) and some cardio (doesnt need to be HIT, LISS cardio works well for that purpose, 3-4x 30minutes minimum) helps immsensly to reduce water retention and cts (cts more or less IS due to water retention. Water which is pressing on your nerve).
You do not need any PCT for HGH. The jury is still not really sure how severe the suppression of your endogenous hgh is if i am correct but you usually go back to producing your own hgh (which, dependent how old you are, is not really much..)
@Mads any update on your gear that was crashed and/or had floaters in it?
It wasnt gear but only l carnitine. A producer of inj l carn informed me that it can be difficult to keep the amino acid in solution so I thinknit just crashed. Will try to shoot it once my cruise is over.
We had a former pro bodybuilder done for supplying & caught with $50k's worth of steroids here in Ireland - all he he got a 7k fine & a suspended sentence.
Buying personal amounts of roids through the mail is pretty much a non issue here for Irish LE.

Are you able to say who that was? If it was made public and in the news I can't see an issue posting it.

Did you see the RTE investigates documentary back in 2014? All those lads selling gear were from my gym. Not a single one got charged.

Proud Irish!!
Are you able to say who that was? If it was made public and in the news I can't see an issue posting it.

Did you see the RTE investigates documentary back in 2014? All those lads selling gear were from my gym. Not a single one got charged.

Proud Irish!!
proud that your, once a strong warrior people, got suckered and forced into taking the clot shot ?
your whole nation couldnt wipe their ass if they didnt have a vax pass.
your ancestors who fought the english and who built new york city, hide their faces in shame.
proud that your, once a strong warrior people, got suckered and forced into taking the clot shot ?
your whole nation couldnt wipe their ass if they didnt have a vax pass.
your ancestors who fought the english and who built new york city, hide their faces in shame.

There's a lot to unpack here. And I'm not sure I can be bothered seeing as you're antivax and probably only enter discussions with bad faith.

So, have a good day!
Order update: I have now recieved my 2nd international order from QSC (36 days total from payment). This now makes 6/6 (4 dom. & 2 int.) orders delivered.

I continue to be impressed with this source. The first and only issue I have ever had Is in this past order. Its missing 10x10 ml vials, which is not a big deal. I contacted the rep last night waiting to hear back.

I already have another order planned so will hopefully get everything squared away on the next one placed.

NPP 1 kit
HGH 6 kits
Bacteriostatic water 1 kit
Ipamorelin 5mg 1 kit
BPC 157 1 kit

Anavar 50mg - 200
Cialis 20mg - 200

GW501515 (Quantity 10 grams)
Mesterlone Proviron (10 grams)
DMAA (50 grams)
There's a lot to unpack here. And I'm not sure I can be bothered seeing as you're antivax and probably only enter discussions with bad faith.

So, have a good day!
Is ignoring perceived bad faith a reasonable strategy in life? I don't understand why people cannot deal with any hint of confrontation.
There's a lot to unpack here. And I'm not sure I can be bothered seeing as you're antivax and probably only enter discussions with bad faith.

So, have a good day!
i admire the strength of your people.
unlike some groups in the USA, the irish took their losses, picked themselves up, and made their community one not to be fucked with. it's that history that causes me to stand in awe at how quick the irish bought into the whole vax scam.

you have some groups in the USA still moaning and bitching about some 400+ year grievances. yet, if they were honest, they'd see most of their problems are self-inflicted.
I've ordered tada RAWS from multiple sources. Even this one. None have the same taste/texture as tada RAWs from the 2010s... All PDE5 RAWs have a very bitter taste to them. levitra, viagra, cialias.
The tada RAWs currently in circulation, do not have the same bitter taste.
Retail sources must be procuring their tada from the same manufacturer.
But do the old raws vs. new raws work in comparison?
Order update: I have now recieved my 2nd international order from QSC (36 days total from payment). This now makes 6/6 (4 dom. & 2 int.) orders delivered.

I continue to be impressed with this source. The first and only issue I have ever had Is in this past order. Its missing 10x10 ml vials, which is not a big deal. I contacted the rep last night waiting to hear back.

I already have another order planned so will hopefully get everything squared away on the next one placed.

NPP 1 kit
HGH 6 kits
Bacteriostatic water 1 kit
Ipamorelin 5mg 1 kit
BPC 157 1 kit

Anavar 50mg - 200
Cialis 20mg - 200

GW501515 (Quantity 10 grams)
Mesterlone Proviron (10 grams)
DMAA (50 grams)
View attachment 173747
I agree. QSC has been solid.
Other than their tada raws(which seems to be a global issue, not specific to QSC), everything else has been on point.
But do the old raws vs. new raws work in comparison?
i ran out of the old raws.. but yeah the old raws worked without fail.
the old TADA raws had the same bitter taste to them as any other PDE5-inhib raw.
i've picked up TADA raws from multiple sources within the last year. all seem to have the same consistency, but none have the same bitter taste.. even at higher doses, no stuffy nose. no headaches.
it seems like raw sources are pulling from the same 100000kg lot.

QSCs verdan and sild raws are very much on point though.
People injecting test e/c expecting to feel something like they are injecting heroin and then claiming bunk test when they dont...
I mean I can *absolutely* feel E2 and some other hormones spike like 6 hours after pinning even TRT doses (75-100mg 2x/week). Pinning 200mg is even more obvious.

But 5-10 minutes later? Nah.

Def same-day feedback though for “yes there is some kind of hormone in this oil” vs “it’s just vegetable oil”.
I mean I can *absolutely* feel E2 and some other hormones spike like 6 hours after pinning even TRT doses (75-100mg 2x/week). Pinning 200mg is even more obvious.

But 5-10 minutes later? Nah.

Def same-day feedback though for “yes there is some kind of hormone in this oil” vs “it’s just vegetable oil”.
The mind is a powerful thing. I don't think it's possible to feel your hormones spike 6 hours after a trt shot.